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Messages - J-Man

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why space launches?
« on: August 24, 2017, 02:31:49 AM »
Why not have communication systems tethered to balloons or in aircraft circling above? Who needs satellites other than making several million off unsuspecting clients.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why space launches?
« on: August 24, 2017, 02:25:40 AM »
All this nonsense about reptile shape shifters and imaginary domes and still not a single flat Earther has touched my original question!

Ah, satellites are launched into the sky via rockets dude. Or previously in the cargo hold of the space shuttles. Now we can argue if a satellite was really in a rocket or in the shuttle but the facts are, you ain't never seen one but you believe NASA.....

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why space launches?
« on: August 23, 2017, 11:47:30 PM »
Why do private companies spend millions of dollars to launch satellites into space if you can't get into space? Why are there private companies providing these services? Is everyone in on the conspiracy and are REALLY good at keeping secrets??

Another question - how does satellite radio work? I can drive anywhere and never lose the signal. (provided I have line of sight to the sky) I wish my cell phone was half as good. Why would a private company claim to be satellite radio if it isn't possible??? Again, in on the conspiracy?

Just 17 years ago very few knew how to compress digital packets to send voice thru and over the internet without jitter or packet loss.

Hmmm maybe you pay the price of fake satellitetry, to understand how to bounce info off the dome? Oh and we have kill switch gear so all your customers loose connection forever and you get sued if you speak of the dome. Besides all these hooyahs on flatearth site will call you crazy.....

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Flat Earth Questions
« on: August 23, 2017, 11:41:06 PM »
Hold up, isn't it true we've (the Russians) only drilled into the earths surface just 7.62 miles?

What's this imaginary gravity you speak of 4,000 miles deep? Pretty funny you can guess what's down there. No it's hysterical actually. Science can't even get 1% down into earth yet they know what the hell is down there.

Here's your sign !

You and your fellow followers spend hours wasting your time on this site to prove what?

Your weapons are meaningless, we have the armor of GOD, the shields of the Spirit and breastplates of righteousness. We can't die, were promised eternal life not damnation. Pretty sweet eh?

To prove that you guys are completely duped and that you can't defend your views from even the most base level scrutiny.

Why can't you just answer for the contradiction I mentioned? I wouldn't have to keep commenting if you would just respond.

Thanks but I will stick with the creator and not some second fiddle that thought he was equal to God and got his head handed to him down here on earth where he can't leave. Satan knows he lost and is desperate to grab all he can before the eternal inferno ! ha ha ha ha

You and your fellow followers spend hours wasting your time on this site to prove what?

Your weapons are meaningless, we have the armor of GOD, the shields of the Spirit and breastplates of righteousness. We can't die, were promised eternal life not damnation. Pretty sweet eh?

I'm a Jesus freakin flat earther.

The last shall be first, the first shall be last.

Blessed are those who have not seen but believe.


Very substantive reply, thanks so much (not).

When you watch this Starwars Satan worshiper stick around a FE street preacher for hours, you know how much we are getting under his skin and killing his lies. Satan believers are wasting their time with FE believers. We WIN...

I'm a Jesus freakin flat earther.

The last shall be first, the first shall be last.

Blessed are those who have not seen but believe.


I would love for Tom Bishop to respond to my response to him!
Oh sweet summer child ...
We would all love it if FE'ers actually engaged in proper discussions with us. Sadly, that's not what usually happens :(

I really don't get it.  FE is akin to religion as it's based totally on faith over science.  That said, people on religious forums will debate all day long.  Of course, they too rely on dusty old books.

Science? Faith? When presented with facts the globers have just as much difficulty explaining.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Solar Eclipse
« on: August 23, 2017, 06:29:17 PM »
I was at a casino during the eclipse and the canopy over the valet parking area had a glass type structure over it which looked similar to a "polarized" glass. You could view the eclipse readily as many were, employees continuously. I peaked briefly and then used the glasses normally I had purchased.

It seemed much safer with the glasses and the detail seemed much more clear.

Flat Earth Community / Re: How far was it from the Sun to the Moon ?
« on: August 22, 2017, 11:34:17 PM »
During the partial solar eclipse I was able to watch, the first thing I thought 10 minutes in, was dang that moon is not 238,000 miles away. It looked about 500-1000 miles away.

Seeing is believing, no tricks, it's local without a doubt now to me.

Carry on.......

Flat Earth Community / Re: Flat Earth Expedition to Antartica
« on: August 16, 2017, 04:34:50 AM »
Don't under estimate the difficulties in exploration. Admiral Byrd had the entire resources of the US Gov. 4,700 men, 13 ships and 33 aircraft in operation highjump.

As the movie jaws said. We're gonna need a bigger boat !

Flat Earth Community / Re: Let's talk about the Conspiracy
« on: August 16, 2017, 04:28:11 AM »
First Post so lets  ;D

For me there is a biblical side to this FE. A little discovery and you will find God calls earth his footstool. Footstools can be round or square, usually with legs for support. Genesis 1:6 refers to his making of Earth with a firmament over us. That's a dome with the Sun/moon/stars in the dome separating the waters above and heaven. We can't leave, we can't land on the moon, the moon has it's own light source like the sun or stars in the firmament. We were created and placed here on earth to make a choice. Accept Jesus as Savior for eternal life, God's only son or accept the ways of satan who has dominion over the earth and he the fallen angel can't leave either. Were all trapped here for the time being.

satan took 1/3 of the angels with him to earth when he was banished here. He has plenty of help to convert the minds of many. Once you sell out he has your soul. You will do anything for his victory, lying becomes your truth. You see that is where we are, a choice. Who will win? God or Satan? You ain't leaving, God made you, you are special and all have the ability for salvation. It's satans will to turn everyone from God, it's God's will to save you and show satan he is God and many will be saved on FAITH alone.

You've heard of LIBOR? Lots covered that up for a long long time.

It's difficult to get to this wall of ice you call it. It's very very cold, there are no micky d's or vons handy, let alone a gas station. Ice bergs are everywhere to sink you. Do you have enough fuel to make a RT flight? Do you know what's past this wall? Admiral Byrd did. Did he touch the dome? Shortly after did the US and Russia begin aerial bursts with nukes to try and destroy the dome in operation fishbowl? Money? I think you need to study how just a handful control almost all the worlds wealth.

Conspiracy? more like a few Rob Skiba videos for fun.

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