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Messages - disputeone

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: American Police vs British Police
« on: November 12, 2018, 06:42:23 AM »
Do you think that only American police are militaristic?  That describes pretty much any armed police force anywhere in the world.

I can't speak for the rest of the world but to call US police militaristic is strecthing the term at best.

I think that the thread title makes it clear they are comparing American and British Police. The average bobby doesn't carry a gun, they used to carry tonfa but HR changed their carry weapon to a big black dildo.

American police are far more militarized than Brittish police and slightly more militarized than Aussie police.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« on: November 12, 2018, 06:24:08 AM »
5. Nationalism is bad.

Your opinion is noted.

7. Globalism is the reason you can afford to live.  The cost to produce inside America is so high, they either need to automate it (so no jobs) or pay third world workers minimum wage (so nothing you can live off of).

So why would you support these multinationals paying that little money to say for example chinese nationals?
Seems kinda racist. (I'm joking but I hope you get my point.) The way international capitalism works it relies on globalism to function, yes. I agree.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« on: November 12, 2018, 06:22:49 AM »
I agree with most of that, you aren't unreasonable. I think I have articulated my concerns well enough.

I'd love to talk about this.

And if you REALLY wanna look at history: Let's take Iraq.  A powerhouse and peaceful under the iron fist of Saddam Hussein.  Sure people died if they went against him but for the most part, it was stable.  Then America toppled the government.  Now Suni and Shiites fight eachother, there's constant attacks, the economy is weak, etc...  I thought America makes it all better?

Saddam did nothing wrong, it wasn't in Americas interest to invade the middle east. I have been an outspoken critic of the war since 2001.

I've got my own ideas on why we were in iraq but lets agree on the accepted conspiracy. We were there for oil and opium and by extension, international capitalism.

Americas aim was to destabilise the middle east so that they couldn't attack the U.S again (if you buy the 911 commission report), the U.S made no effort to properly conquer Iraq and I don't think they should have.

Regardless qe should have stayed right out of that war.

I am also Australian. Australia is actually a great example of what western people can do to a country in ~300 years.

Flat Earth Community / Re: BBC slags off TFES again
« on: November 09, 2018, 11:14:18 AM »
It does require a certain mindset and it's interesting that you deny any link when you yourself fit into 2 of the above categories.
And let's make sure for the record that we stipulate the two I question are earth's shape and climate change ... because the other is a whole different thing. And that's the issue I have with the BBC's video.

Why should we give a crap about any other race? Treat these people as they would treat us if they were powerful. By exterminating them>o<

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Post Your Favorite NASA ISS Fails
« on: November 09, 2018, 06:18:35 AM »
I'll watch that when I get home Tom, it sounds interesting.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Post Your Favorite NASA ISS Fails
« on: November 09, 2018, 03:15:43 AM »
Pure coincidence

Post yfw Nasa forgets how old they think the universe is.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Post Your Favorite NASA ISS Fails
« on: November 09, 2018, 02:10:10 AM »
There's some dodgy stuff going on up there, no doubt about that.

I believe the earth is most likely a sphere but I'll call BS when I see it. This is BS.

Pure coincidence.

Flat Earth Community / Re: BBC slags off TFES again
« on: November 08, 2018, 10:47:37 PM »
Deniers are deniers, regardless of what it is they deny. To say you're being lumped in with people who deny different things as inaccurate is like saying you're not the same species are black or asian people because you're white, you're still human thus still 'lumped in' with other races in that regard. Not that I'm claiming racism or anything, just a simile.

I deny that.

I also prefer the term revisionist.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: The beliefs on this board...
« on: November 08, 2018, 11:16:24 AM »
Back to the good stuff...

Large Consciousness systems and the Matrix we live in...

People might be surprised how many seriously scientific physicists talk about the virtual reality simulation theory. The PBS series 'Space Time' did an episode on it.

But for me there are still some holes in it.

It might be that the quantized nature of matter, energy and information in our universe simply behaves the way data in a computer behaves. We look at its behavior and the only analog our minds can come up with is a virtual simulation.

Even if we carry forward the analogy of the video game simulation, it wouldn't necessarily mean there is intention or intelligence behind it. A video game simulation can run on its own with no input from anyone. We could imagine that the super entity that started the video game simulation is now passed out completely unconscious on the couch with a bong in one hand and the other hand stuck in a can of Pringles. In this case, we are still in control of our own destinies.

We could even take it a step further. What if the gaming console and the simulation it's running is simply a natural occurrence that arose by chance over an unimaginable span of time. Perhaps it organized itself and arranged Itself by chance just like a quartz crystal or a daimond.

Regardless of the nature of the Matrix, I can never remember if I'm supposed to take the red pill or the blue pill.

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« on: November 08, 2018, 09:09:48 AM »
1. Trump ran on "Republican America First" which is not the same.  He literally calls half of America the enemy.  How is that helpful to America?
Source please.

I remember he called the media the enemy of the people which I totally support, see Operation Mockingbird and the documentary titled "Weapons of mass deception."
Well, looks like I have to apologize.  I thought I saw it but can't find it.  Must have mixed it up with his supporters.

I accept your apology unequivocally, thanks for being honest. I believe this is called "whataboutism", however Hillary really did call Trump supporters deplorables.

I would absolutely condemn the motion of Republican America first, no questions asked, I don't believe in class distinctions.

I also believe that Trump has condemned his more radical supporters, like David Duke the white supremacist or Richard Spencer the Zionist. He condemned the people spreading hate instead of unity at Charlottesville and strongly condemned the guy that ran over the girl at the event, still the media seemed like it wouldn't be happy until Trump condemed everyone that voted for him.

I also believe the Republican party is running on a platform of civic nationalism, anyone who claims Trump wants ethno nationalism isn't paying attention. If you are an illegal immigrant in America you have every right to be worried that the GOP will deport you, I believe they have every right to deport you personally.

If you are an American Citizen you are golden, nothing can take that from you and your families future in America is guaranteed. I hate how the media tries to spin nationalism as "white people" vs "minorities". It's about Americans that care about the future of their country and their children vs people who make massive profits of globalism i.e making Nikes for $2 and selling them for $200.

This post was longer than I anticipated, sorry if I rambled on too much.


Flat Earth Community / Re: What made you believe in the Flat Earth?
« on: November 08, 2018, 08:43:17 AM »
Happy to help.

being raised Christian are often contributing factors.

I'm sure you have a source for that aside from your ass.

You can start poking through here which is really just an examination of one source.

But there are many more sources in the 1860-ish to today modern FE movement. That thread is just scratching the surface.

I'm not saying that flat earthers can't be christians. I'm saying that nothing in the new testament gives any instruction on the shape of the earth.

I would agree with that.


The point is that certain founding and continuing proponents of the modern FET movement, from 1860-ish on, were dedicated in the main pursuit of 'proving' their interpretation of the entirety of the 'Scriptures' (old and new testament) through the derived evidence of a planar earth.

That's fair enough. To me the idea that we live in an infinite universe isn't evidence against God, its evidence for God. If we discovered a dome and the earth is flat I would take simulation theory a lot more seriously.

We can discuss further in the thread I referenced above. I'm pretty sure Community is not the forum for counter arguments/debate of FET v RET.

Agreed, I usually try to stay out of the FE discussion boards. I'll check out your new thread.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« on: November 08, 2018, 07:04:05 AM »
Dave since when are Indians Africans? (Never, they arent.) Indians are Caucasians.

I know Islam is a religion. I stated what would be the most common race and religion in America in 100 years according to UN population estimates.

I intend to respond properly when I have time.

Edit. Calling me a racist doesn't debunk the facts and history I have presented here.
You asked for an example of when Euros were kicked out of a country and it was fine.  I picked India.
If you only want me to choose African nation's then I am no expert on them but I do know that they have their own unique set of problems that European colonization did not help.

India's a bloody basket case!

He's not wrong Dave, anyway it is neither here nor there. I'm not making racist arguments on purpose, I am just citing history. Besides India is nowhere near on the same level as Zimbabwe.
Indian farmer Kokila Damor always looked forward to visiting the city hospital, but only so that she could use its toilet.

Now she is not only a proud toilet owner but a sanitation champion for other villagers in the state of Rajasthan who have been used to defecating in the open since time immemorial.

"Having a toilet has changed my life."

I'm not denigrating their culture, far be it from me to judge but I have gotten used to underground plumbing, running hot water and basic hygiene.


Flat Earth Community / Re: What made you believe in the Flat Earth?
« on: November 08, 2018, 06:48:07 AM »
Happy to help.

being raised Christian are often contributing factors.

I'm sure you have a source for that aside from your ass.

You can start poking through here which is really just an examination of one source.

But there are many more sources in the 1860-ish to today modern FE movement. That thread is just scratching the surface.

I'm not saying that flat earthers can't be christians. I'm saying that nothing in the new testament gives any instruction on the shape of the earth.

Also this always helps to display bigotry you wouldn't otherwise see. Something about changing just one word does something special to these statements.

Check it out.

Flat Earthers aren't keen on presenting their facts.

They'd rather wait for someone to criticize it so they can criticize the globe in return. But Flat Earth itself is rarely defended. Nobody's working on improving the model or anything.

So what started this belief? Without attacking anyone, I think boredom, paranoia and being raised Jewish are often contributing factors.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« on: November 08, 2018, 06:27:36 AM »
Dave since when are Indians Africans? (Never, they arent.) Indians are Caucasians.

I know Islam is a religion. I stated what would be the most common race and religion in America in 100 years according to UN population estimates.

I intend to respond properly when I have time.

Edit. Calling me a racist doesn't debunk the facts and history I have presented here.
You asked for an example of when Euros were kicked out of a country and it was fine.  I picked India.
If you only want me to choose African nation's then I am no expert on them but I do know that they have their own unique set of problems that European colonization did not help.

Incorrect I specifically asked you to cite a Majority African nation, you cited a Caucasian nation.

3. Wanna talk about the African nation's that were colonized and controlled by a European minority for centuries as an example of America's future?  Guess you think Blacks and Indians are in charge, eh?
As it stands, Global population estimates from the UN put Africans as a massive global majority in the next century, couple this with the ruling class' hatred of white people and the media blaming every problem in the black community on white people and you've got a very scary situation indeed.

I can only comment on the history of majority African nations that have gained independence, if you have a good example of one please cite it. In the next one hundred years America will be majority African and majority Muslim. The attitude of the people in charge at the moment seems to be removing power as quickly as possible from Europeans in European countries.

Can you cite an example of a nation in which this has gone well?

I cited what happened to Jamaica just as one example and asked you for an example of your own.

They do have their own unique set of problems. Blaming "white people" for all of them isn't fair.

Flat Earth Community / Re: What made you believe in the Flat Earth?
« on: November 08, 2018, 06:17:05 AM »
Happy to help.

being raised Christian are often contributing factors.

I'm sure you have a source for that aside from your ass.

Flat Earth Community / Re: What made you believe in the Flat Earth?
« on: November 08, 2018, 04:59:58 AM »
Are you saying if you stood on the shoreline west of say, Pensacola, and looked straight across a very flat FLA to the shoreline east of Jacksonville, about 360 miles away, that earth curve calcs say there should be a 21,600' bulge obscuring your view? Kind of like as if you were standing at the base of a 22,000' tall 360 mile wide mountain and trying to look straight through it to the other side?
Of course not, grab a basketball, do an experiment, draw a dot on it and face the dot up. The dot is always the highest point of the sphere.

And what is the significance of the landmasses being between two bodies of water, the latter as reference points?

Height above sea level.

Flat Earth Community / Re: What made you believe in the Flat Earth?
« on: November 08, 2018, 04:34:46 AM »

I picked the (width) landmass of Florida to see if the surface curvature matched the Earth curvature chart of a 3959 mile radius.

Florida is 360 miles wide.

The highest surface point (of Florida) above the coast line of the gulf and ocean is 340'  The Globies’ curvature chart dictates there should be a high surface point of 21,586' at center, which is short 21,246' of surface curvature. 

Now please describe how you determined that "The highest surface point (of Florida) above the coast line of the gulf and ocean is 340'".

It's quite simple, draw any shape you like on a sphere, put it on the ground with the shape you drew facing up and measure the highest point of the shape. (It will be the middle of the shape.)

This is actually an interesting argument.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« on: November 08, 2018, 01:34:53 AM »

Regardless, they are objectively not Africoid, as Dave tried to claim.
Native Americans are not Hindu. You have the wrong type of Indian. Think wigwam, not tech scam.

I laughed out loud however these are the Indians Lord Dave was referring to.
Caucasians. Busy now sorry for the low content posts.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« on: November 08, 2018, 12:43:57 AM »
I will find you the ad when I have time, Tucker Carlson ran a segment on it.

I'd like someone who supports the Democrats to explain their platform for me in their own words.

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