Science & Alternative Science / Who makes these images?
« on: December 14, 2022, 10:27:20 PM »
This is a bot that automatically posts Mars rover images. They’re uploaded CONSTANTLY (10-15 minutes apart) all day every day.
Supposing they’re not actually photographs from Mars and faked here on earth, how would this be remotely possible?
Much of them depict landscape that doesn’t exist on earth, which could be explained as CG. But how are they making constant CG every few minutes all day every day? It takes weeks to produce a few frames of CG of this quality.
And why would they do it? The public isn’t even interested that much these days. Each one gets 0-2 likes. Why pay people to make fake Mars images every 10 minutes forever for no reason?
This is a bot that automatically posts Mars rover images. They’re uploaded CONSTANTLY (10-15 minutes apart) all day every day.
Supposing they’re not actually photographs from Mars and faked here on earth, how would this be remotely possible?
Much of them depict landscape that doesn’t exist on earth, which could be explained as CG. But how are they making constant CG every few minutes all day every day? It takes weeks to produce a few frames of CG of this quality.
And why would they do it? The public isn’t even interested that much these days. Each one gets 0-2 likes. Why pay people to make fake Mars images every 10 minutes forever for no reason?