The vaccine was a psyop to see who, when blasted with propaganda, would take the government's mandate at their word. Within a very short time period, a disease, which did not even exist, was propagandized to be highly dangerous, the most virulent disease ever, and if you don't take the vaccine you will get [long list of horrible side effects, including death].
To put it another way, the pandemic was a desert of the real. It was entirely virtual; invented by mass media. It didn't exist. It never happened at all. If you turned your television off and ignored the internet, it would be business as usual for you and anyone you know. It was the perfect test of media penetration. If we tell you something blatantly opposed to reality, how many people can we get to fall for it? As it turns out: practically every human being on the planet. What a glorious success.
Know someone who "got sick", my good golly, perhaps they even died? We already had a respiratory disease that did that, it was called the flu. It killed millions of people every year prior to 2020, but you didn't mind that too much, now did you? Not until a bunch of screens told you to mind it, that is.
tl;dr the pandemic did not take place, is not taking place, and will never take place.