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Messages - GeorgeG

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Theory / Re: A simple Question-explanation
« on: February 13, 2017, 08:14:06 PM »
Cause at least in my opinion, its too many hours of too realistic footage, but who knows? I might be wrong.

I started the thread to ask a question, which still hasn't been answered really.

If no one wants to (which is fine) you might as well lock the thread or even delete it (admin)

I'm not here to poke holes in anyone's beliefs, I'm just curious.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: A simple Question-explanation
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:04:37 PM »
you're right, the you tube videos aren't live, but it's still hours and hours of footage that just can't be "rendered" or realistically faked.

I asked for the explanation, and "generating a "stream" like this becomes trivial" really doesn't cut it

Also the article you linked me to (the second one) showed me the actual live stream, here:

thanks for responding btw  :)

Flat Earth Theory / A simple Question-explanation
« on: February 13, 2017, 04:39:44 AM »
I just feel the need to ask for your explanation of these live streams that pop up once in a while:

When it's up,it shows constant footage of the earth (along with calming music yada yada yada)

Could someone give me a respectable answer? (Green screen,at least by itself, doesn't count,the live stream has hours of footage and the cloud positions and angles change constantly)

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