Provide the constants used in the math you performed for perspective.
The video is out.
On the December solstice, the angular elevation of the sun was 22.5° at local solar noon. Milleapolis is at 45°N Lattiude. That's 4,723 statute miles from the Tropic of Capricorn. Solving the triangle puts the sun at 1,956 miles high.
On the same day, 12 hours later the sun is still over the Tropic of Capricorn, moved 180 degrees of longitude. This puts the sun 10,937 miles due north of Minneapolis on the AE map. Taking the sun to be at the same elevation and solving the triangle, the flat earth angular height of the sun must be 10.14°.
If this is the wrong way, show the correct way. Note that in the video I provided a real-world example using the same method to measure the height of a physical object. If I did this wrong, show the right way with a real-world example applying your method.