I thought I'd make a thread dedicated to the new gadgets coming in a few weeks. The HTC Vive is supposed to release here in about two weeks, with Facebook's Oculus Rift being released Q1 2016. I'm going to be preordering a Vive, assuming I'm able to before stock runs out.
For anyone that doesn't know, the new virtual reality headsets are meant to not be entirely immersive, but offer a new kind of gaming experience for the wearer. The Oculus Rift, based on statements by the developers, will be centered on a "seated experience" with accurate head tracking similar to TrackIR. I'm not going to buy the Oculus because Facebook is just a social platform, not a gaming or consumer company. Whatever they have planned for the device, I don't want any part of it.
The HTC Vive is a headset made in partnership with Valve. HTC is a fairly popular mobile device company, while Valve is a top (if not the top) PC gaming and social platform company. Valve is the company that originally helped created the Oculus Rift, but stopped doing so when Facebook acquired Oculus. The Vive is supposed to be a standing/room experience. It will come with motion controllers and a base station that detects the position of the headset, apparently very accurately.
It's impossible to actually show a video of what virtual reality is without someone experiencing it. I haven't tried any of the headsets, so I can't say exactly how good they are, but I hear a lot of good things.
Here's a quick video of the Vive's controller seen inside the game world. It gives you an answer to "why would I even want this?"