
Offline Excelsior John

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2013, 05:34:49 PM »
I dont beleive that. Prove it! He loved evereyone. And once again trying to give the white man credit for it when it was Nelson mandelas actions ::)
for one read his book and for the other how do you think he got power if it wasn't given by the White government and it wasn't seized violently?

They spent years negotiating the end to apartheid and even had a whites only vote on it which passed.
Once again you didnt prove it ::) And Nelson was the man behind it all he daserves full credit evereyone else were rascist idiots
10 orthographic errors. And Mandela would have died in prison if FW de Klerk had not seen fit to release him in 1990. The man may have been motivated by equality, but he used violent actions to get there. He was certainly NOT a man of peace. I'm not even saying that that is necessarily a bad thing. Men have resorted to violence when they have found that other methods are not working to advance their goals. My problem with Mandela is that he was violent against people that threatened his influence, rather than just those who disagreed with him.

One could make an argument that violence against the military and the Government was necessary. I'm not sure how valid the argument would be, but one could make it. But his violence, or at least advocated violence, toward other Caucasians is less acceptable. And his direct ordering of violence against others in the ANC and the Inkatha Freedom Party against anyone who could be a threat to his dominance (and that of his first wife) is simply unacceptable.
Prove it! MR mandela only advocated peace he did not use violence he is no murdrer (stereotyping pff)
I don't know how many of you know what a burning necklace is, so I shall define the word for those who may not know it. They take a person, tie him or her up, and then put a tire around their neck. The tire is then lit on fire. The person dies a very slow and painful death by roasting alive. Mandela ordered things like that to be done to people who got in his way. Hardly the sign of a "peaceful agent for change".
What a load of BS no moron gonna actuley beleive that crud and this obvz based off rascist views (hmm...who might that be?)
“At the end of the day… violence was the only weapon that would destroy apartheid.” ~ Nelson Mandela, 1959

Let's not whitewash history here.
Prove thats hue quote! Oh yeah right. YOU CANT!!!
Viva la FES!
Quote from: Yaakov ben Avraham link=https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=59968.msg1544396#msg1544396
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Yaakov ben Avraham

Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2013, 05:43:14 PM »
13 orthographic errors. & proving something that's in the public record is unecessary. I suggest you look it up yourself. When you get to college, your profs aren't going to prove their lectures. It isn't our job to do your homework for you.


Offline Excelsior John

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2013, 05:45:32 PM »
13 orthographic errors. & proving something that's in the public record is unecessary. I suggest you look it up yourself. When you get to college, your profs aren't going to prove their lectures. It isn't our job to do your homework for you.
If I serch it up it will probz lead me to some white sapremist site that you like pff. Cant wait to see this storey on stormfront ;D
Viva la FES!
Quote from: Yaakov ben Avraham link=https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=59968.msg1544396#msg1544396
Excelsior:...You are clearly a reasonable and intelligent person.

Yaakov ben Avraham

Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #43 on: December 08, 2013, 05:55:25 PM »
5 orthographic errors. & given that I'm a Jew, I hardly think that Stormfront would welcome me.


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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #44 on: December 08, 2013, 06:53:08 PM »
What a load of BS no moron gonna actuley beleive that crud and this obvz based off rascist views (hmm...who might that be?)

Have a week off to cool down some.
when you try to mock anyone while also running the flat earth society. Lol

Yaakov ben Avraham

Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #45 on: December 08, 2013, 08:11:47 PM »
Well, @ least I'm through counting orthographic errors for awhile. It was fun, though, in a nasty way, to feed the troll, & watch him try to write in Eglish.

Offline spank86

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2013, 08:21:19 PM »
I dont beleive that. Prove it! He loved evereyone. And once again trying to give the white man credit for it when it was Nelson mandelas actions ::)
for one read his book and for the other how do you think he got power if it wasn't given by the White government and it wasn't seized violently?

They spent years negotiating the end to apartheid and even had a whites only vote on it which passed.
Once again you didnt prove it ::) And Nelson was the man behind it all he daserves full credit evereyone else were rascist idiots

I don't need to prove it.

So what if I quoted sections of his book? You could say I was lying or taking them out of context, If i could find internet links you'd simply say they were false or others lying.

I've explained reality and I'm happy to leave it there. That's the beauty of reality, just because you can't see it doesn't change it one jot.

Yaakov ben Avraham

Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2013, 08:26:24 PM »
Spank, thank you!


Offline Excelsior John

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #48 on: December 17, 2013, 10:19:07 PM »
5 orthographic errors. & given that I'm a Jew, I hardly think that Stormfront would welcome me.
Well it will still ether way
What a load of BS no moron gonna actuley beleive that crud and this obvz based off rascist views (hmm...who might that be?)

Have a week off to cool down some.
:'( ::)
Well, @ least I'm through counting orthographic errors for awhile. It was fun, though, in a nasty way, to feed the troll, & watch him try to write in Eglish.
Well gues what im not a troll so quit being blinded by your ignorence ::)
I dont beleive that. Prove it! He loved evereyone. And once again trying to give the white man credit for it when it was Nelson mandelas actions ::)
for one read his book and for the other how do you think he got power if it wasn't given by the White government and it wasn't seized violently?

They spent years negotiating the end to apartheid and even had a whites only vote on it which passed.
Once again you didnt prove it ::) And Nelson was the man behind it all he daserves full credit evereyone else were rascist idiots

I don't need to prove it.

So what if I quoted sections of his book? You could say I was lying or taking them out of context, If i could find internet links you'd simply say they were false or others lying.

I've explained reality and I'm happy to leave it there. That's the beauty of reality, just because you can't see it doesn't change it one jot.
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff
Spank, thank you!
Oh plese
Viva la FES!
Quote from: Yaakov ben Avraham link=https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=59968.msg1544396#msg1544396
Excelsior:...You are clearly a reasonable and intelligent person.

Offline spank86

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #49 on: December 17, 2013, 10:31:17 PM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.


Offline Excelsior John

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #50 on: December 17, 2013, 10:39:07 PM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.
Thats untrue just give me a flippin link and be proved wrong
Viva la FES!
Quote from: Yaakov ben Avraham link=https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=59968.msg1544396#msg1544396
Excelsior:...You are clearly a reasonable and intelligent person.

Offline spank86

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #51 on: December 17, 2013, 10:46:49 PM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.
Thats untrue just give me a flippin link and be proved wrong

A link to what? A private book which isn't on the internet?

Or a link to one of the many news articles about it which you'll denounce as lies about him?


Offline Excelsior John

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #52 on: December 17, 2013, 10:52:03 PM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.
Thats untrue just give me a flippin link and be proved wrong

A link to what? A private book which isn't on the internet?

Or a link to one of the many news articles about it which you'll denounce as lies about him?
Ether. And I wont just say there lies you moron
Viva la FES!
Quote from: Yaakov ben Avraham link=https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=59968.msg1544396#msg1544396
Excelsior:...You are clearly a reasonable and intelligent person.

Offline spank86

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #53 on: December 17, 2013, 10:56:24 PM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.
Thats untrue just give me a flippin link and be proved wrong

A link to what? A private book which isn't on the internet?

Or a link to one of the many news articles about it which you'll denounce as lies about him?
Ether. And I wont just say there lies you moron





Saddam Hussein

Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #54 on: December 17, 2013, 11:51:27 PM »
Why are you replying to him?

Offline spank86

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #55 on: December 18, 2013, 03:16:28 PM »
Why are you replying to him?

I reply to scepti on his terms.

Why not reply to Ej up until he screams "LIES" at me again.

Plus every time he insults me a magic fairy gets to push the report button, can you think of a better reason to engage him in conversation?


Offline Excelsior John

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2013, 12:00:09 AM »
A week later and you still havent proved it. Pff

Any suggestions for how you would like it proved?

I seriously doubt you'd take anything as evidence since you're not prepared to read his own words on the subject and could easily claim any internet source was all lies.
Thats untrue just give me a flippin link and be proved wrong

A link to what? A private book which isn't on the internet?

Or a link to one of the many news articles about it which you'll denounce as lies about him?
Ether. And I wont just say there lies you moron





Well first of all the last one was obvousley a white sapremist site and the picture was absolute lies. And the first three were just stating lies about Mandela that were populer in the rascist 80s. Prove that he did these things. Nay give me video proof
Why are you replying to him?
Because I am an intelectuel :)
Why are you replying to him?

I reply to scepti on his terms.

Why not reply to Ej up until he screams "LIES" at me again.

Plus every time he insults me a magic fairy gets to push the report button, can you think of a better reason to engage him in conversation?
I dont screm "lies!" and your trying to get me baned? Obz troll
Viva la FES!
Quote from: Yaakov ben Avraham link=https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=59968.msg1544396#msg1544396
Excelsior:...You are clearly a reasonable and intelligent person.

Offline spank86

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2013, 12:14:53 AM »
Well first of all the last one was obvousley a white sapremist site and the picture was absolute lies. And the first three were just stating lies about Mandela that were populer in the rascist 80s. Prove that he did these things. Nay give me video proof

Which is what I said you'd say.


You'd like video evidence of things that took place in African jungles during the 50's and 60's?

Do you understand why that would be unlikely to exist?

I dont screm "lies!" and your trying to get me baned? Obz troll

No, you're trying to get yourself banned if you act contrary to the forum rules. I'm merely assisting.


Offline Excelsior John

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #58 on: December 21, 2013, 12:19:32 AM »
Well first of all the last one was obvousley a white sapremist site and the picture was absolute lies. And the first three were just stating lies about Mandela that were populer in the rascist 80s. Prove that he did these things. Nay give me video proof

Which is what I said you'd say.


You'd like video evidence of things that took place in African jungles during the 50's and 60's?

Do you understand why that would be unlikely to exist?
Once again you use wikiflippinpedia for your sorce wich is wrong
I dont screm "lies!" and your trying to get me baned? Obz troll

No, you're trying to get yourself banned if you act contrary to the forum rules. I'm merely assisting.
Im not acting contrarey to forum rules. And you are trolling by trying to get another FEr baned
Viva la FES!
Quote from: Yaakov ben Avraham link=https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=59968.msg1544396#msg1544396
Excelsior:...You are clearly a reasonable and intelligent person.

Offline spank86

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Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« Reply #59 on: December 21, 2013, 12:41:23 AM »
Once again you use wikiflippinpedia for your sorce wich is wrong

I've already explained why it isn't and that's all you're getting on this front.

You can google the name for yourself if you really care, and if you don't really care then neither do I.

Im not acting contrarey to forum rules. And you are trolling by trying to get another FEr baned

calling people morons is contrary to the rules.