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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #60 on: January 07, 2015, 02:42:28 AM »
Anyway, bringing the thread back, in this society, we know a lot of things that is not in any book anywhere. Stuff that is at least interesting. We know all kinds of things from our own research.

Personally I'm pretty good on the life of Rowbotham (Tom Bishop likely knows more however), celestial gears, the clockwork universe, deism and Ptolemy as a chapter and certainly my speciality, I'm also pretty well versed in Voliva, Dowie and the Zionist cult. I'm not too bad on Lady Blount but could learn more. I'd also venture I would be the person to ask about space tourism and its various motives and inherent flaws. Maps and projection I can do, but it bores me to tears.

Other flat earthers will be good on other subjects. Tom again is an expert in the moon men hoax of 1969. I'm sure we can make an excellent new book, without having to rehash ENaG. We would have enough content without just explaining his book.

I think Thork's expertise on celestial gears and the Ptolemaic cosmology would certainly make for a lovely essay in its own right.  Tausami's aetheric wind theory also deserves some time.  I certainly dabble, as I don't discount any particular flavor of FET outright, but I personally subscribe to an infinite plane, so I'd be happy to write an essay on that.  Tom's NASA / Conspiracy expertise is invaluable.

I'd also love to write about Lady Blount, to be honest, as she fascinates me. 


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #61 on: January 07, 2015, 03:15:23 PM »
I wouldn't mind writing about those things. We should make further organizational threads to determine exactly what chapters and content we're going to tackle. The chapter format should also be refined. We can't just go into this in the dark. There should be a very organizationized game plan so that everything fits together.

When we begin writing it would be helpful for me to post a quick outline of the chapter and the forum helps me refine my ideas and subjects to talk about. I would be happy to help anyone else with their chapters.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 03:17:39 PM by Tom Bishop »


Offline Tintagel

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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #62 on: January 07, 2015, 03:41:28 PM »
I wouldn't mind writing about those things. We should make further organizational threads to determine exactly what chapters and content we're going to tackle. The chapter format should also be refined. We can't just go into this in the dark. There should be a very organizationized game plan so that everything fits together.

When we begin writing it would be helpful for me to post a quick outline of the chapter and the forum helps me refine my ideas and subjects to talk about. I would be happy to help anyone else with their chapters.

I'm still in favor of an entire forum devoted to the project, and then consolidate all relevant threads there and begin the organizational process.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #63 on: January 07, 2015, 04:18:56 PM »
I wouldn't mind writing about those things. We should make further organizational threads to determine exactly what chapters and content we're going to tackle. The chapter format should also be refined. We can't just go into this in the dark. There should be a very organizationized game plan so that everything fits together.

When we begin writing it would be helpful for me to post a quick outline of the chapter and the forum helps me refine my ideas and subjects to talk about. I would be happy to help anyone else with their chapters.

I'm still in favor of an entire forum devoted to the project, and then consolidate all relevant threads there and begin the organizational process.

I've come around and now agree. Perhaps an Editor's forum could be created for purely organizational and internal discussion among the main writers.

However, I would prefer to post (or cross-post) my chapter and content threads in the main Flat Earth forum for the entire community to comment on. We've had a separate forum for the Wiki, and how did that turn out? We need to post these things full front and center, for the community to comment on, contribute to, rip apart, and encourage refinement of ideas.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 04:39:20 PM by Tom Bishop »

Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #64 on: January 07, 2015, 04:51:22 PM »
Dunno how helpful it will be for markjo and co. to just devour every point you make.


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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #65 on: January 07, 2015, 04:57:18 PM »
Dunno how helpful it will be for markjo and co. to just devour every point you make.

If Markjo actually has a relevant rebuttal, rather than the usual insult or deflection of the topic onto another subject, it will be addressed and put into the Q&A section of the chapter.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 05:00:46 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #66 on: January 07, 2015, 06:50:24 PM »
I wouldn't mind writing about those things. We should make further organizational threads to determine exactly what chapters and content we're going to tackle. The chapter format should also be refined. We can't just go into this in the dark. There should be a very organizationized game plan so that everything fits together.

When we begin writing it would be helpful for me to post a quick outline of the chapter and the forum helps me refine my ideas and subjects to talk about. I would be happy to help anyone else with their chapters.

I'm still in favor of an entire forum devoted to the project, and then consolidate all relevant threads there and begin the organizational process.

I've come around and now agree. Perhaps an Editor's forum could be created for purely organizational and internal discussion among the main writers.

However, I would prefer to post (or cross-post) my chapter and content threads in the main Flat Earth forum for the entire community to comment on. We've had a separate forum for the Wiki, and how did that turn out? We need to post these things full front and center, for the community to comment on, contribute to, rip apart, and encourage refinement of ideas.

Agreed, especially about the Wiki forum. That was a disaster. If the board was open to all, it might have better luck.

So, is this the format we're agreeing on, more or less?

We create a board dedicated to work on ENaG. Anyone can edit it, but it is heavily moderated. Posts which attempt to dispute FET within the board are summarily deleted, as such discussion belongs in other boards. Content may also be posted in FEG.
That's how far the horizon is, not how far you can see.

Read the FAQ: http://wiki.tfes.org/index.php?title=FAQ


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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2015, 03:29:24 AM »
Dunno how helpful it will be for markjo and co. to just devour every point you make.

If Markjo actually has a relevant rebuttal, rather than the usual insult or deflection of the topic onto another subject, it will be addressed and put into the Q&A section of the chapter.
Tom, I'm game for a civil, on-topic debate any time you are.
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.


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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #68 on: January 09, 2015, 12:45:18 AM »
I wouldn't mind writing about those things. We should make further organizational threads to determine exactly what chapters and content we're going to tackle. The chapter format should also be refined. We can't just go into this in the dark. There should be a very organizationized game plan so that everything fits together.

When we begin writing it would be helpful for me to post a quick outline of the chapter and the forum helps me refine my ideas and subjects to talk about. I would be happy to help anyone else with their chapters.

I'm still in favor of an entire forum devoted to the project, and then consolidate all relevant threads there and begin the organizational process.

I've come around and now agree. Perhaps an Editor's forum could be created for purely organizational and internal discussion among the main writers.

However, I would prefer to post (or cross-post) my chapter and content threads in the main Flat Earth forum for the entire community to comment on. We've had a separate forum for the Wiki, and how did that turn out? We need to post these things full front and center, for the community to comment on, contribute to, rip apart, and encourage refinement of ideas.

Agreed, especially about the Wiki forum. That was a disaster. If the board was open to all, it might have better luck.

So, is this the format we're agreeing on, more or less?

We create a board dedicated to work on ENaG. Anyone can edit it, but it is heavily moderated. Posts which attempt to dispute FET within the board are summarily deleted, as such discussion belongs in other boards. Content may also be posted in FEG.
You should give certain people permission to post on your ENaG board, or it will turn into a cluster fuck like the regular forum boards.
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Offline Tintagel

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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #69 on: January 09, 2015, 01:53:27 AM »
You should give certain people permission to post on your ENaG board, or it will turn into a cluster fuck like the regular forum boards.

I don't know if that's necessary, but perhaps we could give some extra members the ability to moderate just that section, so it's more heavily moderated.  Add a big underlined flashy sticky topic with clear guidelines, and a disclaimer saying THIS FORUM IS HEAVILY MODERATED, NO WHINING IF YOUR POST IS MOVED or something.

Of course, now that I've typed this I realize that my idea may result in Thork being granted some sort of power, and that just feels wrong.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Annotated ENAG
« Reply #70 on: January 10, 2015, 08:21:06 AM »
You should give certain people permission to post on your ENaG board, or it will turn into a cluster fuck like the regular forum boards.

I don't know if that's necessary, but perhaps we could give some extra members the ability to moderate just that section, so it's more heavily moderated.  Add a big underlined flashy sticky topic with clear guidelines, and a disclaimer saying THIS FORUM IS HEAVILY MODERATED, NO WHINING IF YOUR POST IS MOVED or something.

Of course, now that I've typed this I realize that my idea may result in Thork being granted some sort of power, and that just feels wrong.

I agree. Closing the forum would create an unnecessary barrier for contributors to contact people to get access.