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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #100 on: November 08, 2018, 12:44:20 AM »
Indians in Canada were oppressed until probably 50 years ago and that their population is only now what it was 500 years ago should tell you that some terrible things happened.  Ask the Indians of what is now Mexico how kind the Spanish were or the tribes in the Carribean about good old Christopher Columbus.  Regardless of how you feel about issues like reparations, denying that Europeans did awful shit to Indians is just denial. 

I am not 100% sure why I replied to a Thonk LARP supa-post, since he has probably read two paragraphs on the topic, but hey, it's a quiet night.
The Native American population would be the exact same if the white man had never arrived.

They didn't farm, they had no science, no healthcare, no forms of government for larger civilisations, no towns, no cities, no international trade ... their population was as big as it was going to get. We saw population growth because we overcame many challenges like fertiliser, penicillin, electricity, maths, hand writing ... it is unlikely the Native Americans would be living any differently today than they did 500 years ago if the white man hadn't shown up.

So basically their population is untouched, they enjoy all the benefits riding on the white man's coat tails of modern convenience and standard of living and the ungrateful bastards never stop whining about it. Anyone would think they would be happier defecating in the open air and having to catch lunch.


Regardless, they are objectively not Africoid, as Dave tried to claim.
Native Americans are not Hindu. You have the wrong type of Indian. Think wigwam, not tech scam.
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Rama Set

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #101 on: November 08, 2018, 12:56:02 AM »
Indians in Canada were oppressed until probably 50 years ago and that their population is only now what it was 500 years ago should tell you that some terrible things happened.  Ask the Indians of what is now Mexico how kind the Spanish were or the tribes in the Carribean about good old Christopher Columbus.  Regardless of how you feel about issues like reparations, denying that Europeans did awful shit to Indians is just denial. 

I am not 100% sure why I replied to a Thonk LARP supa-post, since he has probably read two paragraphs on the topic, but hey, it's a quiet night.
The Native American population would be the exact same if the white man had never arrived.

Citation required.

They didn't farm, they had no science,no healthcare, no forms of government for larger civilisations, no towns, no cities, no international trade ... their population was as big as it was going to get.

They most certainly did farm and had some science and technology.

We saw population growth because we overcame many challenges like fertiliser, penicillin, electricity, maths, hand writing ... it is unlikely the Native Americans would be living any differently today than they did 500 years ago if the white man hadn't shown up.

Citation required.

So basically their population is untouched,

No, again learn some history. Europeans committed genocide on some of them and others were completely ravaged by murder, war and disease. This isn’t controversial.

they enjoy all the benefits riding on the white man's coat tails of modern convenience and standard of living and the ungrateful bastards never stop whining about it.

They weren’t given a choice and whether or not we think it’s better, they are certainly not required to want the same things we want.

Anyone would think they would be happier defecating in the open air and having to catch lunch.

Some people are happier that way. I wouldn’t expect you to understand because you are not very good at seeing things from another perspective.


Offline Dr David Thork

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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #102 on: November 08, 2018, 01:05:59 AM »
I just don't understand this wilful self-hatred.

Admit the obvious will you. White people invented more, achieved more and created the best civilisations compared to absolutely anyone else. In the game of human history the white people won, they unlocked all the bonus levels, finished all the DLC packs, discovered all the Easter Eggs and no one else got past the first boss. We are just better at life.
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Rama Set

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #103 on: November 08, 2018, 01:20:28 AM »
I just don't understand this wilful self-hatred.

Admit the obvious will you. White people invented more, achieved more and created the best civilisations compared to absolutely anyone else. In the game of human history the white people won, they unlocked all the bonus levels, finished all the DLC packs, discovered all the Easter Eggs and no one else got past the first boss. We are just better at life.

Apparently you haven’t mastered nuance. All I’m saying is nothing is gained by denying the truth. Sure Europeans have done some awesome things, but they also committed genocide on Indians and up until very recently, tried to exterminate what was on the balance, a much more peaceful culture than ours. What should be done about it? I dunno, it depends on a lot of things. Maybe nothing. But trying to pretend like Europeans only did good things is pretty sad. It’s behavior like that that makes compromise impossible because there is no honesty. So we end up with the clusterfuck that is modern democracy, where one truce cannot help but cheer for the demise of another.

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #104 on: November 08, 2018, 01:34:53 AM »

Regardless, they are objectively not Africoid, as Dave tried to claim.
Native Americans are not Hindu. You have the wrong type of Indian. Think wigwam, not tech scam.

I laughed out loud however these are the Indians Lord Dave was referring to.
Caucasians. Busy now sorry for the low content posts.


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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #105 on: November 08, 2018, 02:47:57 AM »
We are just better at life.

You sure about that? I mean you, specifically. Because I have seen you rant about a great many personal things over the years that indicate you haven't quite reached max level, unlocked bonus levels, finished any DLC, or even discovered a single easter egg. What I have seen is you complain that the AI is unfair and you just don't know the cheat codes. I am keeping the analogy going in favor of bringing up sore spots in the past that you have publicly discussed.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #106 on: November 08, 2018, 05:15:09 AM »
Dave since when are Indians Africans? (Never, they arent.) Indians are Caucasians.

I know Islam is a religion. I stated what would be the most common race and religion in America in 100 years according to UN population estimates.

I intend to respond properly when I have time.

Edit. Calling me a racist doesn't debunk the facts and history I have presented here.
You asked for an example of when Euros were kicked out of a country and it was fine.  I picked India.
If you only want me to choose African nation's then I am no expert on them but I do know that they have their own unique set of problems that European colonization did not help.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #107 on: November 08, 2018, 06:27:36 AM »
Dave since when are Indians Africans? (Never, they arent.) Indians are Caucasians.

I know Islam is a religion. I stated what would be the most common race and religion in America in 100 years according to UN population estimates.

I intend to respond properly when I have time.

Edit. Calling me a racist doesn't debunk the facts and history I have presented here.
You asked for an example of when Euros were kicked out of a country and it was fine.  I picked India.
If you only want me to choose African nation's then I am no expert on them but I do know that they have their own unique set of problems that European colonization did not help.

Incorrect I specifically asked you to cite a Majority African nation, you cited a Caucasian nation.

3. Wanna talk about the African nation's that were colonized and controlled by a European minority for centuries as an example of America's future?  Guess you think Blacks and Indians are in charge, eh?
As it stands, Global population estimates from the UN put Africans as a massive global majority in the next century, couple this with the ruling class' hatred of white people and the media blaming every problem in the black community on white people and you've got a very scary situation indeed.

I can only comment on the history of majority African nations that have gained independence, if you have a good example of one please cite it. In the next one hundred years America will be majority African and majority Muslim. The attitude of the people in charge at the moment seems to be removing power as quickly as possible from Europeans in European countries.

Can you cite an example of a nation in which this has gone well?

I cited what happened to Jamaica just as one example and asked you for an example of your own.

They do have their own unique set of problems. Blaming "white people" for all of them isn't fair.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 06:31:22 AM by disputeone »

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #108 on: November 08, 2018, 06:52:41 AM »
Dave since when are Indians Africans? (Never, they arent.) Indians are Caucasians.

I know Islam is a religion. I stated what would be the most common race and religion in America in 100 years according to UN population estimates.

I intend to respond properly when I have time.

Edit. Calling me a racist doesn't debunk the facts and history I have presented here.
You asked for an example of when Euros were kicked out of a country and it was fine.  I picked India.
If you only want me to choose African nation's then I am no expert on them but I do know that they have their own unique set of problems that European colonization did not help.

India's a bloody basket case! Only need to look at how women are treated and the amount of 'honour killings' that go on. Not to mention the millions upon millions in poverty.

Speaking of 'white' rule I also believe the people in Hong Kong are going to miss being overseen by the British pretty soon. If you want to look at the effects of white rule, look back to Hong Kong vs mainland China in the 60s in the days of Mao Zedong.

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #109 on: November 08, 2018, 07:04:05 AM »
Dave since when are Indians Africans? (Never, they arent.) Indians are Caucasians.

I know Islam is a religion. I stated what would be the most common race and religion in America in 100 years according to UN population estimates.

I intend to respond properly when I have time.

Edit. Calling me a racist doesn't debunk the facts and history I have presented here.
You asked for an example of when Euros were kicked out of a country and it was fine.  I picked India.
If you only want me to choose African nation's then I am no expert on them but I do know that they have their own unique set of problems that European colonization did not help.

India's a bloody basket case!

He's not wrong Dave, anyway it is neither here nor there. I'm not making racist arguments on purpose, I am just citing history. Besides India is nowhere near on the same level as Zimbabwe.

Indian farmer Kokila Damor always looked forward to visiting the city hospital, but only so that she could use its toilet.

Now she is not only a proud toilet owner but a sanitation champion for other villagers in the state of Rajasthan who have been used to defecating in the open since time immemorial.

"Having a toilet has changed my life."

I'm not denigrating their culture, far be it from me to judge but I have gotten used to underground plumbing, running hot water and basic hygiene.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 07:08:11 AM by disputeone »

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #110 on: November 08, 2018, 09:09:48 AM »
1. Trump ran on "Republican America First" which is not the same.  He literally calls half of America the enemy.  How is that helpful to America?
Source please.

I remember he called the media the enemy of the people which I totally support, see Operation Mockingbird and the documentary titled "Weapons of mass deception."
Well, looks like I have to apologize.  I thought I saw it but can't find it.  Must have mixed it up with his supporters.

I accept your apology unequivocally, thanks for being honest. I believe this is called "whataboutism", however Hillary really did call Trump supporters deplorables.

I would absolutely condemn the motion of Republican America first, no questions asked, I don't believe in class distinctions.

I also believe that Trump has condemned his more radical supporters, like David Duke the white supremacist or Richard Spencer the Zionist. He condemned the people spreading hate instead of unity at Charlottesville and strongly condemned the guy that ran over the girl at the event, still the media seemed like it wouldn't be happy until Trump condemed everyone that voted for him.

I also believe the Republican party is running on a platform of civic nationalism, anyone who claims Trump wants ethno nationalism isn't paying attention. If you are an illegal immigrant in America you have every right to be worried that the GOP will deport you, I believe they have every right to deport you personally.

If you are an American Citizen you are golden, nothing can take that from you and your families future in America is guaranteed. I hate how the media tries to spin nationalism as "white people" vs "minorities". It's about Americans that care about the future of their country and their children vs people who make massive profits of globalism i.e making Nikes for $2 and selling them for $200.

This post was longer than I anticipated, sorry if I rambled on too much.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 09:14:11 AM by disputeone »


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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #111 on: November 09, 2018, 03:33:16 PM »
Dave since when are Indians Africans? (Never, they arent.) Indians are Caucasians.

I know Islam is a religion. I stated what would be the most common race and religion in America in 100 years according to UN population estimates.

I intend to respond properly when I have time.

Edit. Calling me a racist doesn't debunk the facts and history I have presented here.
You asked for an example of when Euros were kicked out of a country and it was fine.  I picked India.
If you only want me to choose African nation's then I am no expert on them but I do know that they have their own unique set of problems that European colonization did not help.

India's a bloody basket case! Only need to look at how women are treated and the amount of 'honour killings' that go on. Not to mention the millions upon millions in poverty.

Speaking of 'white' rule I also believe the people in Hong Kong are going to miss being overseen by the British pretty soon. If you want to look at the effects of white rule, look back to Hong Kong vs mainland China in the 60s in the days of Mao Zedong.
Yes because obviously poverty didn't exist before, right?

Quote from: disputedone
*lots of stuff*
I cut down the quote to keep this post from getting too big.
1. I never blamed "white people" for all of anyone's problems.  Europeans certainly didn't help but I never blamed them for all of it.  How you came to that conclusion is unknown.
2. Your quote about the toilet doesn't help your case.  If being under European control was so great for the nation, why didn't they have toilets then?  That person was poor before the British left and they were poor after.  The infrastructure wasn't put in (or he didn't have the money to put in a septic system).  Stating that basic plumbing was lacking after the British gave them their freedom generally means that they lacked it before as well.  Unless the British or the new Indian government outlawed it and ripped the plumbing out of people's houses.
And if you REALLY wanna look at history: Let's take Iraq.  A powerhouse and peaceful under the iron fist of Saddam Hussein.  Sure people died if they went against him but for the most part, it was stable.  Then America toppled the government.  Now Suni and Shiites fight eachother, there's constant attacks, the economy is weak, etc...  I thought America makes it all better?

Also also... as an American, I thought you'd be all about freedom.  Ya know, not letting an invader take over your country and tell you how to run it.  Interesting to see it doesn't apply to, I'm guessing, non-America countries.

3. Yes, she did.  And Trump threatened to punch people, called mexican immigrants rapists, mocked reporters, etc...  They kinda both sucked, yes?
4. He did condemn them, eventually.  You know, when he was told he should.  Like David Duke?  First he said he didn't know who the man was.  He also didn't want to condemn the kkk until he "did some research", ya know, because he didn't want to condemn a group that might be good.

As for his "condemnation", please read this:
"Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," the president said in a statement to reporters at the White House on Monday. "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence."
He said that 2 days later.  That is not his words.  Those are the words of a speech writer.  You can tell by it's coherency and use of the word 'repugnant' and 'egregious'.  Both are words he does not use.
5. Nationalism is bad.  Nationalism is saying "My country is the best because it's my country".  This is how dictators and fascist governments gain power.  What you want is "Patriotism" because that's the "I love my country because of these reasons..." and "Yeah, we're not perfect and we can learn from others."

6. And while any illegal should worry about being deported, there's a difference between deporting someone who tries to cheat the system/does criminal activity and someone whose contributing to society.  Focusing on both means less time on the dangerous ones.  Kinda like pulling cops from a riot so they can sit in a speed trap.  Severity.

7. Globalism is the reason you can afford to live.  The cost to produce inside America is so high, they either need to automate it (so no jobs) or pay minimum wage (so nothing you can live off of). 
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #112 on: November 12, 2018, 06:22:49 AM »
I agree with most of that, you aren't unreasonable. I think I have articulated my concerns well enough.

I'd love to talk about this.

And if you REALLY wanna look at history: Let's take Iraq.  A powerhouse and peaceful under the iron fist of Saddam Hussein.  Sure people died if they went against him but for the most part, it was stable.  Then America toppled the government.  Now Suni and Shiites fight eachother, there's constant attacks, the economy is weak, etc...  I thought America makes it all better?

Saddam did nothing wrong, it wasn't in Americas interest to invade the middle east. I have been an outspoken critic of the war since 2001.

I've got my own ideas on why we were in iraq but lets agree on the accepted conspiracy. We were there for oil and opium and by extension, international capitalism.

Americas aim was to destabilise the middle east so that they couldn't attack the U.S again (if you buy the 911 commission report), the U.S made no effort to properly conquer Iraq and I don't think they should have.

Regardless qe should have stayed right out of that war.

I am also Australian. Australia is actually a great example of what western people can do to a country in ~300 years.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 06:24:42 AM by disputeone »

Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #113 on: November 12, 2018, 06:24:08 AM »
5. Nationalism is bad.

Your opinion is noted.

7. Globalism is the reason you can afford to live.  The cost to produce inside America is so high, they either need to automate it (so no jobs) or pay third world workers minimum wage (so nothing you can live off of).

So why would you support these multinationals paying that little money to say for example chinese nationals?
Seems kinda racist. (I'm joking but I hope you get my point.) The way international capitalism works it relies on globalism to function, yes. I agree.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 06:29:01 AM by disputeone »


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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #114 on: November 13, 2018, 11:49:22 AM »
I agree with most of that, you aren't unreasonable. I think I have articulated my concerns well enough.

I'd love to talk about this.

And if you REALLY wanna look at history: Let's take Iraq.  A powerhouse and peaceful under the iron fist of Saddam Hussein.  Sure people died if they went against him but for the most part, it was stable.  Then America toppled the government.  Now Suni and Shiites fight eachother, there's constant attacks, the economy is weak, etc...  I thought America makes it all better?

Saddam did nothing wrong, it wasn't in Americas interest to invade the middle east. I have been an outspoken critic of the war since 2001.

I've got my own ideas on why we were in iraq but lets agree on the accepted conspiracy. We were there for oil and opium and by extension, international capitalism.

Americas aim was to destabilise the middle east so that they couldn't attack the U.S again (if you buy the 911 commission report), the U.S made no effort to properly conquer Iraq and I don't think they should have.

Regardless qe should have stayed right out of that war.
Well, yes, but oh well.
I am also Australian. Australia is actually a great example of what western people can do to a country in ~300 years.
Which is?Cause I'm American and they're a great example of what Europeans can do in ~150 years.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #115 on: November 13, 2018, 11:50:34 AM »
7. Globalism is the reason you can afford to live.  The cost to produce inside America is so high, they either need to automate it (so no jobs) or pay third world workers minimum wage (so nothing you can live off of).

So why would you support these multinationals paying that little money to say for example chinese nationals?
Seems kinda racist. (I'm joking but I hope you get my point.) The way international capitalism works it relies on globalism to function, yes. I agree.
1. It's cheaper.2. Because it'll help them move up in the world.  We went through the same thing in America during our Industrial Revolution.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #116 on: November 13, 2018, 07:58:06 PM »
Wow... Florida is a hotbed of anger.  Trump is like "Those liberals wanna steal the elections!" cause apparently recounts are a libral thing?
Also, why does Trump need over $100,000(donated) to do a single recount?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 08:05:22 PM by Lord Dave »
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Republicans take the house and senate.
« Reply #117 on: November 16, 2018, 07:55:47 PM »
Republicans have taken the house and senate, if you didn't know.
You just made my list, buddy.  >:(
this world does not have room for another mind as intelligent as yours.