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Messages - wclubin

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Flat Earth Community / Re: What is the Advantage of a Globe Theory?
« on: September 24, 2015, 12:39:07 PM »
Well with a flat earth people will want to know if the earth is infinite or finite, and will go in search of an edge. The edge could very well not be a place TPTB wishes anyone to find. Maybe the edge will beyond a shadow of a doubt imply god, or maybe some nasty creatures, created this place.

I believe the evidence proves that people who like to believe in FE also do not like looking too close. (hence no planes, boats, telescopes, surveying equipment, sextants, sun observations at multiple points at the same time, etc..

There is only one experiment that has ever partially proven a flat (or flat-er) earth and that is that some objects can be seen at a slightly farther distance than the proposed circumference of the Earth would dictate.  FE'ers tend to do this one over and over again.

Yeah well if it is admitted that the earth is flat no experiments will be needed. The only thing left would be to determine if the flat earth is finite or infinite and people would head out to find an edge. In the old days when it was admitted it was flat, that was ok because technology was not advanced enough to get there and come back alive. But today it is very possible which is partly why the globe earth model was invented. And the edge is very possibly a place TPTB does not want anyone to see. All of this is of course is just conjecture.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: September 24, 2015, 12:33:03 PM »
You go there in the summer not the winter. Yeah something is weird going on with the antarctic, there should be tons of people crossing it. There should be trails made from all directions leading the south pole. It should be like mount Everest with large numbers of people making the trip each year. Sure the Antarctic is hostile, and so is Mount Everest but that never stopped huge numbers of people from climbing it.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: September 24, 2015, 06:15:49 AM »
What I find odd is the fact that there aren't tons and tons of people trying to cross the antarctic. Many people are up for a challenge as can be seen by the large numbers of people attempting to climb mount Everest. Why are there not the same numbers of people attempting to cross the antarctic. You would think there would be some sort of "pride prize" for people who climb mount Everest and cross the antarctic. You show me one guy here with a story, or an other guy there, to me there just isn't enough people trying it. And add that to the fact that all tourism to the South Pole emanates from South America. Nah my red flag is up on this one. Something weird is going on. Show me a guy who enters antarctica from the australian side and goes south and only south and makes it to Amundsen-Scott base where the official south pole is and I will be more convinced.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: September 23, 2015, 11:30:41 AM »
Ok but you do understand that a flat earther would guess differently, right?

I do not really care what Flat Earther's  would guess because no amount of evidence will ever change their mind

If everything else fails they can always claim "conspiracy"

So this Australian pilot is just a shill for NASA -etc..

I did not post it to convince anyone. I posted it to give people who are undecided the facts.

Well it kind of is a fact that the south pole is pretty much on lock down with that antarctic treaty, so it would not be surprising if TPTB get to pic and choose who gets to run trips to Antarctica. So yes the pilot could be a shill.

Today the moon was in the half moon phase. when the moon rose the top half was lit. Half way across the sky the right side was lit. Upon setting the bottom half was lit. How does FE explain that?

Flat Earth Community / Re: What is the Advantage of a Globe Theory?
« on: September 22, 2015, 02:54:50 PM »
Well with a flat earth people will want to know if the earth is infinite or finite, and will go in search of an edge. The edge could very well not be a place TPTB wishes anyone to find. Maybe the edge will beyond a shadow of a doubt imply god, or maybe some nasty creatures, created this place.

Flat Earth Community / Re: What is the Advantage of a Globe Theory?
« on: September 22, 2015, 01:32:17 PM »
A person who is born in prison and only knows prison might say the same thing as you. Read the allegory of the cave by Plato.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Eric Dubay shot us down
« on: September 22, 2015, 12:22:52 PM »
How do you know he wasn't talking about this flat earth society?

Flat Earth Community / Re: Eric Dubay shot us down
« on: September 22, 2015, 12:08:30 PM »
I joined Eric Dubay's forum and my first post was to explain to him that his cannon ball example does not prove the earth in not spinning. The cannon ball example is where he states that when you fire a cannon ball straight up, that fact that it comes straight back down and lands next to the cannon proves the earth is not spinning. So I posted that this is nonsense because just like if you are in a 747 jet and throw a baseball into the air, ball does not go hurling to the back of the plane because the ball also has an initial velocity component in the direction and speed of the moving airplane. This is obvious and i was surprised he was saying this was an example of a stationary earth. But he seemed to also have other examples which were good ones so I figured I would help him out and maybe get him to weed this example out because it could only serve to turn people away.

So what was his response to me posting this? He BANNED ME!!

To me that seems very strange, looks like he is up to something, a shill maybe?

Flat Earth Community / Re: What is the Advantage of a Globe Theory?
« on: September 22, 2015, 11:58:30 AM »
Making us believe we are on a globe spinning on its axis (to explain the daily sky motions), revolving round the sun (to explain the yearly motion of the stars), all happening in this awful cold uninhabitable space outside that of the confines of earth, certainly makes it look more possible that there is no creator, that it all just happened "naturally". So therefore put away all of your hope for such a creator and allow the role of god to be played by TPTB because they are all you have. Meanwhile everyone outside of the domed city we call earth are laughing their asses off knowing that the fools inside have been convinced they are on some spaceship earth hurling through some vast uninviting space. But really we are inside some weird planetarium created by not so nice creatures.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: September 22, 2015, 11:42:52 AM »
These examples don't refute the flat earth theory. First of all the New Zealand/Australia trips don't even go to the south pole. And the South Africa trip does not mention the route they take to the south pole. For all we know they may come in a little past the 80 degree south line from the African point, but then skirt around westerly to the South American point, and then go the the south pole from there. In order the refute the flat earth theory you would have to know that the trip approaches the south pole directly going only south from the African entry point. But how would we know that?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:16:11 AM »
Ok but you do understand that a flat earther would guess differently, right?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:22:04 PM »
There are daily flights to Amundsen Scott Station during the summer,  and there are private light aircraft flights to the South Pole,  you can fly to 89S and ski the last degree.

Bit too expensive for my liking,  but maybe some flat earther can go and witness the 24 hour daylight, and watch the sun go horizontally around the horizon from right to left.

Why do all trips to the south pole enter Antarctica from the South America side of Antarctica. I have not done extensive research on this point, but so far all I can find are trips that begin in South America, in Chile to be precise. I even looked up Russian trips to the south pole and the ones I found start from Chile. Is there a problem with getting to the south pole from a different side of Antarctica?  ???

Flat Earth Community / Re: Flat Earth and Satellites
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:00:40 AM »
Why do satellites and the flat earth have to mutually exclusive? It is possible that "they" just put them onto the "skyhook" and the satellites go round and round in circles above the flat disk. I am not saying this is what I believe, only that it is possible.

The point is that we should be concentrating on if the earth is round or flat by doing experiments. When someone comes along and says the earth is round because satellites exist, this is just a distraction because in actuality they are engaging in a different argument, namely, do satellites work the way we are told they work, and so they need to take it to a different forum.

Thank you

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: September 17, 2015, 10:26:39 AM »
Brand new here and have been watching numerous sites on YouTube.  If someone had the means to do a flight just around the coast of the Antarctic they could easily calculate a steady turn that would indicate either the edge of a Flat Earth border or the coast of a very large continent on a Globe Earth.  I am no scientist but it seems possible and I find it hard to believe that no one has tried this even for a short distance.

I thought this same thing. The globe vs. the disk model produce two very different shorelines for the antarctic; one is a convex curve and the other is a concave curve (I am busting out my math background here hahaha). This could clearly be detected without even having to sail the entire thing. In fact this could possibly prove the flat earth model without even having to sail at all. To prove the flat earth model without doing any sailing all one has to do is be prevented from doing the experiment by the Antarctic Treaty. Then you would know the earth is flat.

Flat Earth Theory / Balloon and Camera?
« on: September 16, 2015, 02:58:31 PM »
This is my first post here and I am new to all of this. I woke up to the possibility of a flat earth about four days ago and as such I am probably not very advanced in the topic so please forgive me if this is a stupid question but here goes.

What is the difficulty with one of us sending up a balloon with a camera on it high enough, to see if there is curvature?

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