Tom, you seem to enjoy dragging out this tired piece of copypasta, but you never seem explain just what it means. For example, exactly what "never before seen rocket technologies" are you referring to and who said that NASA invented them from scratch? You do realize that solid propellent rockets were invented hundreds of years ago and liquid propellent rockets were invented more than 30 years before NASA was even founded, don't you? What rocket technologies did NASA invent for the moon program that didn't already exist in some form or other? If anything, NASA pretty much just scaled up the rocket existing technology.
NASA created a rocket with such fantastic technology that it broke the mold for how rockets scale up. Check out this article:
The Great 1952 Space Program That Almost WasIn the early 50's the great physicists and aerospace scientists of the time, including Wherner Von Braun (before he was put in charge of NASA), got together and carefully calculated what would actually be required to get into space and to the moon. The conclusions were that a single rocket to the moon would need to be 1250 feet tall and weigh 800,000 tons. And yes, they knew all about rocket staging, and coasting with inertia in space, which is mentioned several times in the article.
Here are the requirements for what would be required merely to reach earth orbit and provide supplies for an orbital space station:
"The orbital spaceship would be a monster rocket, 265 feet tall—as tall as a twenty-four-story building—and would weigh 7,000 tons, as much as a light naval cruiser. By comparison, the Apollo program’s Saturn V was 363 feet tall and weighed 3,211.5 tons. The Space Shuttle, which the Collier’s ship most resembled in both form and function, was 184 feet tall and weighed 2,250 tons at takeoff."
The ability for a single rocket to reach escape velocity and get to the moon all in a single craft would be an economic impossibility: "That would require, according to von Braun, a rocket taller than the Empire State Building—and ten times the weight of the Queen Mary!"
The government and the military needed to get into earth orbit and to the moon with realistic figures. The resulting product after Kennedy's moon speech was a single Saturn rocket to the moon which was 266 times smaller than what what was predicted. Suddenly going to the moon wasn't such an impossibility anymore. So yes, NASA is claiming to have invented fantastic new technologies contrary to all physics, rocketry, and engineering.
Also, when did NASA ever claim that they were doing the impossible, let alone on a daily basis? I think that you also have a rather unconventional notion of "constantly" when referring to moon landings and Mars probes.
NASA is constantly in space, and therefore constantly doing the impossible. Space travel is a military fantasy and a scientific delusion.