
Any Dubay reconciliation possibilities?
« on: September 20, 2023, 02:21:41 PM »
First off, I'm not affiliated with Dubay in any way.

But it occured to me that quite possibly Dubay is not as paranoid today as he used to be years ago.

So perhaps it would be possible to reconciliate Dubay with TFES? For instance, @Pete Svarrior seems to be a good diplomat.

Maybe just give him a call?

I mean, I'm sure that nobody here hates Dubay... right?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2023, 02:27:48 PM by Dual1ty »


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Re: Any Dubay reconciliation possibilities?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2023, 08:18:42 PM »
Reconciliation generally implies that there was some sort of relationship to begin with.  To the best of my knowledge, there has never been any sort of relationship between Eric Dubay and either of the TFES sites, other than Eric accusing TFES (and just about anyone else claiming to be an FE'er) of being controlled opposition, or something to that effect.

I remember signing up for one of his sites some years back and being permabanned within a day or so before I even made a post.
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Re: Any Dubay reconciliation possibilities?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2023, 09:34:12 AM »
Reconciliation generally implies that there was some sort of relationship to begin with.  To the best of my knowledge, there has never been any sort of relationship between Eric Dubay and either of the TFES sites, other than Eric accusing TFES (and just about anyone else claiming to be an FE'er) of being controlled opposition, or something to that effect.

I remember signing up for one of his sites some years back and being permabanned within a day or so before I even made a post.

The only part about this that I didn't know is that you got banned within a day and that's the irrelevant part.

I got banned too for saying that gravity is possibly Earth moving.

Nowadays I don't give the moving Earth hypothesis credance because I studied Ether dynamics. And welp, there's no evidence that it's moving. You can only get to that conclusion through an assumption. Albeit it's a very logical assumption.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2023, 10:24:01 AM by Dual1ty »


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Any Dubay reconciliation possibilities?
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2023, 03:51:19 AM »
An issue is that the early version of the FE Wiki didn't have as much technical and background information about the terms it was throwing around and expected its readers to have a physics education. Without the background knowledge, people thought that TFES was just making up upwards acceleration randomly and making up terms. To the novice reader it just looked like technobabble.

Today people read the Wiki and don't have that reaction that Eric Dubey and the early Flat Earth Youtubers had. They now learn from its various pages that the equivalence principle is a substantial principle that has been tested in different physical ways by different testing methods in physics to tell us that gravity physically behaves as if the earth is accelerating upwards. They are satisfied with the claim of upwards acceleration and find it interesting.

The early nay-sayers will eventually see the error of their ways when they come back to re-read the material, as some have. It might take someone ten years to come back to it again, but slowly more FE'ers are coming to reject those early criticisms and see that TFES has some valid points to discuss.

If a FE'er reads all of the Wiki and still vigorously dismisses the possibility, it is frankly because they think the Bible said that the earth is motionless (which it did not, imo) and want to adhere to a biblical earth.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 06:57:56 AM by Tom Bishop »


Re: Any Dubay reconciliation possibilities?
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2023, 09:29:39 AM »
An issue is that the early version of the FE Wiki didn't have as much technical and background information about the terms it was throwing around and expected its readers to have a physics education. Without the background knowledge, people thought that TFES was just making up upwards acceleration randomly and making up terms. To the novice reader it just looked like technobabble.

Today people read the Wiki and don't have that reaction that Eric Dubey and the early Flat Earth Youtubers had. They now learn from its various pages that the equivalence principle is a substantial principle that has been tested in different physical ways by different testing methods in physics to tell us that gravity physically behaves as if the earth is accelerating upwards. They are satisfied with the claim of upwards acceleration and find it interesting.

The early nay-sayers will eventually see the error of their ways when they come back to re-read the material, as some have. It might take someone ten years to come back to it again, but slowly more FE'ers are coming to reject those early criticisms and see that TFES has some valid points to discuss.

If a FE'er reads all of the Wiki and still vigorously dismisses the possibility, it is frankly because they think the Bible said that the earth is motionless (which it did not, imo) and want to adhere to a biblical earth.

As far as I know, Dubay (not "Dubey") never claimed that it's motionless because the Bible said so. In reality it's only a small group of "biblical flat-Earthers" who claim that it's motionless because the Bible said so (and they also make other ridiculous claims such as a transparent tangible dome with water above, pillars that hold the Earth in place, etc.).

Certainly, that's not the case with me or anyone who talks about Etheric or electrostatic gravity. I don't even know if it's motionless or not, because saying that gravity is not caused by Earth's motion is not the same as saying that it absolutely is motionless.

It is known that magnetism acts much in the same way that gravity does (only magnetism is more "selective"). There is an obvious correlation between the two that rocketship-Earthers dismiss because they don't look into magnetism (it's a big pain in the butt for them :-\). Not the real magnetism research, which already proves that there's something more fundamental/metaphysical going on than just pure Newtonian physics or kinetics. In their view magnetism must be a force and yet it is not. In their view gravity must be a force (rocketship-Earthers claim that an unkown force is applied to the Earth by unknown means, even though they can't prove it and they acknowledge they can't prove it) and yet it is not. They also dismiss observable g variations and they refuse to do experiments themselves that confirm or deny said variations.

Oh, and by the way - there is now a new batch of rocketship-Earthers who claim gravity is the Earth moving, but they don't claim that it's accelerating upwards. That said, who knows what their claim is. I don't think they claim anything concrete - it's all just abstract speculation based on outdated Newtonian physics and kinetics and a bit of unicorn dust (dark energy, etc.) sprinkled on top to explain what powers the purported Earth's motion. Although this particular batch of rocketship-Earthers that I'm talking about never talks about what powers the purported Earth's motion. They just say that it moves because it must be moving (according to their limited understanding of physics and metaphysics that they impose on themselves).
« Last Edit: September 23, 2023, 10:04:50 AM by Dual1ty »