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Messages - AlexandrKushnirtshuk

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: July 05, 2021, 01:14:46 AM »
Michelson–Morley experiment is a complex and extremely important experiment that has been refined and repeated since 1881. Its task is to prove the existence of a medium for the propagation of light and radio waves - ether. The main factor of this experience is the speed of the Earth's movement in space (the length of the Earth's orbit). The received data turns out to be much less than expected. In my model of the Universe, the length of the Earth's orbit and the speed of the Earth's movement are much less than the official ones ... It has already been experimentally proven: 1) the existence of ether; 2) my model of the Universe.

Ordinary waves have a medium - water.
Sound waves have a medium - a gas (atmosphere).
Do light and radio waves have a medium? The ether has not yet been officeally proven.

The aquatic environment is inhabited.
The gaseous environment (atmosphere) is inhabited.
Is the ether inhabited? Where do UFOs come from? Where do the “aliens” (angels / demons) live?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: July 04, 2021, 04:22:11 PM »
The Michelscon experiment (or the Michaelson-Morley experiment) is a complex multifactorial experiment to prove the existence of the ether, which was carried out many times from 1880 to 2015.

The bottom line is brief. Deflection of light (electromagnetic and radio waves) during the movement of the Earth. The main factor is the speed of the Earth's flight in space. This factor was used to calculate the expected result of the experiment, which turned out to be significantly less (expected). The result was attributed to errors. The existence of the aether is allegedly not proven.

But if we take a much smaller length of the Earth's orbit according to my model of the Universe, then the speed of the Earth's flight in such an orbit will be much lower. The experiment has been carried out several times. The data is there. It remains only to recount them correctly. This will prove: 1) the existence of a medium for the propagation of light (electromagnetic and radio waves) - aether; 2) my model of the universe.

After the publication of this information, I was banned immediately and almost simultaneously MORE on two scientific English-language sites ( and At the same time, they removed all my topics and arguments on the new model of the Universe, which had been there for about six months.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: July 04, 2021, 11:22:20 AM »
The Michelson-Morley experiment is extremely complicated and multifactorial. As far as I understand, it does not take into account one significant factor in the official model of the Universe - the speed and direction of the Sun as part of the galaxy (that is, the speed and direction of movement of our galaxy in space).
But on the basis of my model of the Universe, I assume the absence of the above-mentioned factor in reality, and different parameters of other significant factors. I do not have sufficient mathematical knowledge, so I suggest to those who are interested - to recalculate the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment, taking into account the much smaller Earth's orbit and the speed of the Earth along it. Considering the movement of the Earth and the Sun around the common center of mass as in the animation below (Earth is larger), as well as the assumption that the Oort Cloud is the boundary of the Universe with a diameter of about one light minute. The value of the experiment is enormous. Data on it should be publicly available.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: July 03, 2021, 12:46:26 AM »
Maybe someone will be interested in recalculating the result of the Michelson-Morley experiment with a much smaller Earth orbit, and the speed of the Earth (approximately as in the schematic image below). Perhaps that experiment proved the existence of the aether, but was incorrectly interpreted as wrong due to the false parameters of the earth's orbit and the speed of the Earth in space.
The Experiments on the relative motion of the earth and ether have been completed and the result decidedly negative. The expected deviation of the interference fringes from the zero should have been 0.40 of a fringe – the maximum displacement was 0.02 and the average much less than 0.01 – and then not in the right place. As displacement is proportional to squares of the relative velocities it follows that if the ether does slip past the relative velocity is less than one sixth of the earth’s velocity. (Albert Abraham Michelson, 1887)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: July 03, 2021, 12:41:11 AM »
Proof positive that there are no strings creating the illusion of zero gravity. If they were truly strung up by strings in an otherwise 1G environment they would look like ridiculous puppets or like Peter Pan stage acts.
Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory
(YouTube video title)

I do not know where and how they are filming it, but the stay of people in space stations in orbit is unreasonably risky, and therefore pointless.

Judging by the video (Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory), "on the ISS" is constantly quite noisy:
1) Perhaps the episodes "from the ISS" are filmed on Zero-G planes, and the suspension of the "astronauts" on the ropes is needed for safety reasons.
2) Astronauts supposedly live "on the ISS" for several months, but hardly anyone would have endured the constant noise like in the video (Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory) even for several days.

Do you know in what conditions (supposedly) they live on the ISS? What kind of effort is it worth taking a shower or just going to the toilet? Look closely at the photo (500 days in space). The astronaut is neatly shaved, trimmed, and even has a professional manicure. Who's lying about space? Permanent risk of vital equipment breakdown, collision with space debris or meteorite. Permanent risk to life. Life in a small confined space with a whole bunch of everyday inconveniences and other difficulties. At the same time, all astronauts are constantly cheerful and smiling.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: June 25, 2021, 06:00:30 PM »
Here is a link to a video with a selection of episodes in which astronauts were hanging on ropes, and an animation of one of the episodes.
Hidden ropes on ISS.

For some reason, astronauts on the ISS are hanging on ropes - this is a fact. The ropes are hidden by video editing, that is, they tried to hide it - this is a fact. Why would they?

My version. I think that there are no people on space stations due to the likelihood of being destroyed by a meteorite or space debris at any time. Such a probability, although negligible, but given the complete absence of any protection against destruction by a meteorite, it makes no sense, both the stay of people in the earth's orbit, and the colonization of space (Moon, Mars ...) in principle.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: June 23, 2021, 01:20:17 PM »
An important addition to the worldview.

Knowledge, understanding, awareness - three levels of comprehension of the meaning of something. Dynamic balance of opposites: + - at a specific moment in time, and strictly 50/50 at infinity (in time). A very important criterion for the truth of many things and phenomena, one of the fundamental properties of the Universe, the realization of which is the key to understanding a lot of things - the Law of Conservation of Energy - it's some kind of (like the third) Law of Thermodynamics. In my interpretation, it looks like this: Nothing appears out of nowhere, and does not disappear into anywhere, but only redistributes and / or transforms from one state to another.

A very important consequence of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Destruction, preservation and creation are types of transformation. Something can be "created" only from something, it means not to create in the full sense of the word, but to transform something into something. In short. Nobody created the universe, and there are no creators as such, in principle, there are transformers of different levels, orders, opportunities and responsibilities.

Nobody has ever created anything.
Creation, preservation and destruction are varieties of transformation. In Hinduism, Rama (creator), Vishnu (keeper), Shiva (destroyer) is the personalization of the transformation varieties. The Christian “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” is a complete amen and hallelujah in oil, or just a set of masculine words.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: June 19, 2021, 08:23:57 PM »
In my opinion, the Flat Earth Theory is a distorted counterbalance to the false official astronomy. Officially, space is built on the principle of an inflationary (financial) bubble - too exaggerated. In the Flat Earth model, space is too understated/minimized.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Moon size. Calculation and confirmation.
« on: June 09, 2021, 03:03:58 PM »
Earth and Moon to scale. The shadow of the moon on the surface of the Earth during a solar eclipse (view from space). The size of the shadow is more consistent with an object with a diameter of 3,500 km., or 850 km.?
Looking Back at Earth - Total Solar Eclipse from the Perspective of Space - NASA photo

Flat Earth Theory / Moon size. Calculation and confirmation.
« on: June 09, 2021, 10:40:08 AM »
The duration of an eclipse is directly proportional to the size of the object, all other things being equal (distance and speed). The duration of the total phase of a solar eclipse is 7.5 minutes (the Moon completely covers the Sun for 7.5 minutes). The duration of the total phase of the lunar eclipse is 108 minutes (the Earth completely covers the Sun for 108 minutes). With the same distance between the Moon and the Earth. At the same speed of the Moon (the orbit of the Moon moves with the speed of the Earth). The diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km. Therefore, the diameter of the Moon can be calculated using the following formula: 12 742 * (7.5 / 108) = 885 km. The official diameter of the Moon is 3,474 km. Moreover, the result of calculating the diameter of the Moon quite accurately coincides with the size of the track between South America and Antarctica (875 km. + - 25 km.), which confirms the calculation and minimizes probability of a simple coincidence.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: June 06, 2021, 03:46:43 PM »

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: June 06, 2021, 03:01:08 PM »
The duration of the total phase of a solar eclipse is 7.5 minutes. The duration of the total phase of the lunar eclipse is 108 minutes. The diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km. Therefore, the diameter of the Moon is 12 742 * (7.5 / 108) = 885 km.

Additional evidence.

The Unsolved Mystery of the Earth Blobs

The coincidence of the angular sizes of the Sun and the Moon indicates that their sizes are proportional to the distances relative to the Earth. In addition, the Sun and the Moon have the same axial rotation periods - 27 days. In the earth's mantle there are two huge diametrically opposite formations (one is larger, the other is smaller), both are displaced to the east. On the surface of the Earth there are two huge diametrically opposite tracks (one larger, the other smaller), both shifted to the east. The ratio of the sizes of the Sun and the Moon is approximately 3 to 1.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: May 27, 2021, 07:43:26 PM »
My several other thoughts to the important issues directly related to the structure of the Universe.

1) The actual (real) structure of the Universe is the key to a correct understanding of the origin of life, its nature, as well as the essence of paranormal phenomena, UFOs, so called "aliens", and the key to the correct worldview.

2) There are no extraterrestrials (in the sense that they are not from other planets - not EXTRAterrestrials ). I think that the Earth is the only planet in the Universe. The Sun is the only star in the Universe. "Aliens" (all their alliances and races) are, roughly speaking, angels / demons. Entities that somehow, for some time manage to avoid incarnation. Their influence on humanity is insignificant on the physical plane (paranormal or subtle phenomena interact very weakly with matter), but enormous in terms of mental (religion, worldview). Most of all, they affect the mind through fear of death and ignorance. "Aliens" is a psychophysical, subtle, noosphere phenomenon.

3) Is the Universe local?
Yes. Moreover, it is absolutely local. This comes from the name itself. If besides the Universe there is something else, then without this something it is no longer the Universe. Within the framework of the Universe, the existence of something local is impossible, that is, absolutely without any interaction with the rest of the Universe. In short, this supposedly difficult question, in fact, is a priori very unambiguous: the Universe is absolutely local, within the Universe, conditionally (relatively) local phenomena or regions (space) can exist, for example: a soundproof room, an airtight container, water-air, etc. .P. impermeable containers. But it is impossible to create an absolutely impenetrable space within the framework of the Universe itself for absolutely nothing. In short, the Universe is an absolutely local space, within which the existence of any other absolutely local space is impossible.

4) Is it possible to know the future?
No. Knowledge of the future itself influences (changes) this future. Example. You find out that something bad is about to happen, even if you try to do nothing to fix it or avoid it, then at least your behavior and thinking will change. In short, it is impossible to know the future, because knowledge of the future itself affects the future, that is, changes it. There are certain trends and expectations of the future, but nobody knows 100% of it, although it is likely that it can be 100% predetermined.

5) The only infinite parameter (in the full sense) in the Universe is time. Energy and matter, like consciousness and space, are limited, but indestructible ... in short, here you need to understand well the Law of Conservation of Energy and its consequences, because this is essentially one of the fundamental properties of the Universe: Nothing appears from nowhere, and does not disappear into anywhere, but is only redistributed and / or transformed from one state to another.

6) Religious worldviews.
The first and most important thing to understand is that the existence of 100% truth, or 100% lies, is impossible. Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity, Judaism. . .) - sinners in hell, the righteous in heaven - game over - nonsense. But this does not mean that these religions are completely false.Hinduism and Buddhism, like probably Taoism and Shintoism with the concepts of karma and rebirth, in general, are closer to reality. But this does not mean that these religions are absolutely true.That is, with regard to religion and worldview, it is important to understand to what extent this or that question or phenomenon corresponds to reality, is logical, plausible, and viable.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: May 27, 2021, 10:01:17 AM »
What is dark matter?
An incomprehensible substance evenly scattered throughout the Universe, or is it the border of the Universe behind the Oort cloud, from where the sunlight is simply not reflected?
Astronomers Use New Data to Create Extraordinary Dark Matter Map

The distance to the most distant galaxy is supposedly 13.4 billion light years. This means that the light travels all the distance without hindrance. This is supposedly a straight line, along which there are no objects: stars, galaxies, nebulae, dust, gas - nothing blocking light in a straight line 13.4 billion light years long ... This is hardly possible.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: April 13, 2021, 10:06:07 AM »
Paradox of visual and actual positions in space.
Brief description to avoid unnecessary complication.
The distance from the Earth to the Sun is about 8 light minutes, so from the Earth we see the Sun at the point in the sky where it was 8 minutes ago (in 8 minutes the Sun passes through the sky with an angular distance of slightly less than two solar disks) ... It is difficult to both explain and imagine, because most likely it is impossible, that is, cosmic distances are too exaggerated.

The distance from the Earth to the Moon is about 1 light second. That is, the apparent and actual position of the moon is almost the same. The shortest distance from Earth to Jupiter is about 32 light minutes. The apparent and actual positions of Jupiter differ 4 times more than in the case of the Sun.

The question and the most important thing. Why is astronomy not taking into account the actual and visible position of space objects corrected for the speed of light? The motions of the planets are calculated using Kepler's formulas. The calculated positions of the planets (that is, the actual ones) coincide with the visual ones without corrections for the speed of light. I do not question the speed of light, it has been measured and refined for several centuries. The official space distances and the sizes of space objects, respectively, are in great doubt.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: March 29, 2021, 10:41:08 AM »
Granite is found only on Earth. It was not found either in meteorites or on other "planets" of the solar system. Officially it is unknown why. I suppose, it is because the Earth is the largest object in the Universe, with the greatest gravity and pressure in the subsoil.

The role of granites in the structure of the upper shells of the Earth is enormous, but unlike magmatic rocks of the basic composition (gabbro, basalt, anorthosite, norite, troctolite), analogs of which are common on the Moon and terrestrial planets, this rock is found only on our planet and has not yet been established among meteorites or on other planets of the solar system. Among geologists there is an expression "Granite is the calling card of the Earth".

Links to quote source in russian (did not find the same in english):

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: March 24, 2021, 09:05:01 AM »
Hidden Pyramids? - Mars Mountains Match Pyramids on Earth
The Pyramids of Giza, the Belt of Orion and Three Volcanoes on Mars

Flat Earth Theory / Re: New model of the Universe.
« on: March 24, 2021, 06:30:05 AM »
They write here that around 1350 BC, Mars was in geostationary orbit, and they give good evidence.
Proof – Mars Orbited close to Earth 1350 BC (Updated)

But if about 3350 years ago Mars was in a geostationary orbit, then its diameter cannot be 6.7 thousand km., but just about 15-20 km, as I suppose.

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