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Messages - sandokhan

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: The rotation of stars in FET
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:24:17 PM »
The official FE map only includes the northern circumpolar star map.

Since it is the wrong map, it has been used, just like you did, to rightly point out the discrepancy involving the southern circumpolar stars trail/orbits.

The linked map is the correct FE map.

And there are three kinds of stellar orbits just like in the second linked image: northern circumpolar, southern circumpolar, and regular orbits.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The rotation of stars in FET
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:51:38 PM »
The question re: circumpolar stars has been answered a long time ago...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why is space dark?
« on: April 16, 2015, 01:18:03 PM »
A different question should be asked first: what is light?

A ray of light DOES NOT split into any component colours:

Tides and radio waves:

Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether.

Nikola Tesla

Darkness simply means that the aether and ether have not been activated.

Cymatics, how to activate the latent aether by sound:


Perhaps the author of the question was referring to outer space...there is no such thing as outer space.

This is what our universe looks like:

Where is our universe located?

What is the scale of our universe?

Where is the only place a universe could have been created?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Justify this
« on: January 30, 2015, 02:42:46 PM »
As for the rocks from the "moon":

Moon rocks are in Antarctica?
Barbara Cohen, a researcher from the University of New Mexico, was picking up rocks in Antarctica. She sent them to Houston, Texas for an analysis.
The scientists in Houston discovered that one of the Antarctic rocks closely matched the NASA moon rocks.
The scientists then concluded that one of the rocks from Antarctica was actually from the moon:
How did rocks from the moon get in Antarctica?
NASA and Ms. Cohen want us to believe that a big meteor crashed into the moon a while ago, and pieces of the moon were sent flying into space. A few of those pieces landed in Antarctica.
Take a look at how far away the moon is from the earth. If it were true that rocks were ejected from the moon with such velocity that they could escape the moon's gravity and fly out into space, what are the chances that any of them would survive the fall through the atmosphere and land on tiny Antarctica hundreds of thousands of kilometers away? Furthermore, the rock has to land in a location where humans can find it many years later.
A more sensible explanation is that the NASA moon rocks were rocks from Antarctica.
Therefore, when someone travels to Antarctica and sends rock samples to Houston, Texas for analysis, some of the rocks will closely match the Apollo moon rocks.

Von Braun at the South Pole on Jan. 7, 1967. Von Braun was at the South Pole collecting meteorites which would later become MOON ROCKS!!

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Justify this
« on: January 30, 2015, 01:44:40 PM »
Your formulas are not exact.

Here is the correct, exact formula, for the visual obstacle:

BD = (R + h)/{[2Rh + h2]1/2(sin s/R)(1/R) + cos s/R} - R

BD = visual obstacle (that is, for a certain distance, and a certain altitude for the observer/photographer, this formula gives the maximum height that can be observed on a spherical earth)

s = arclength, distance in question

R = 6378.164 km

h = altitude of observer

Since you like formulas so much, here are the incorrect Maxwell equations:

(also includes the appendix called Maxwell's Minor Errors discussing the wrong minus sign in equation D)

E = vXB − ∂Α/dt +gradψ

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 07, 2014, 01:02:10 PM »
Let us now take a look at another proof of the existence of subquark strings (ether)...


Newton, student notes on Descartes:

Gravity is a force in a body impelling it to descend. Here, however, by descent is not only meant a motion towards the centre of the Earth but also towards any part or region...

His belief at that time was that, to quote Westfall, ‘gravity (heaviness) is caused by the descent of a subtle invisible matter which strikes all bodies and carries them down'.

In the following decade, and deriving from his alchemical studies, Newton came to develop his views on the workings of the gravity-ether. As communicated to the Royal Society in December of 1675 and written up in their History, it went as follows:

Newton: in which descent it may bear down with it the bodies it pervades with a force proportional to the superficies of all their parts it acts upon...

In other words, the larger the surface of body, the greater the force of gravity acting upon it. After condensing, this gravity ether descends into the bowels of the earth to be refreshed, and then arises until it ‘vanishes again into the aetherial spaces.'

Here is a letter from Newton to Halley, describing how he had independently arrived at the inverse square law using his aether hypothesis, to which he refers as the 'descending spirit':

....Now if this spirit descends from above with uniform velocity, its density and consequently its force will be reciprocally proportional to the square of its distance from the centre. But if it descended with accelerated motion, its density will everywhere diminish as much as the velocity increases, and so its force (according to the hypothesis) will be the same as before, that is still reciprocally as the square of its distance from the centre'

A clear description of PRESSURE GRAVITY.

On the real causes of the Casimir effect:

"Each of the plates in the Casimir effect displace the aether. The displaced aether which exists between the plates is pushing back toward each of the plates which causes the force associated with the aether displaced by each of the plates which exists between the plates to offset. This aether is more at rest than the aether which is displaced by the plates which encompasses the plates. The reduced force associated with the aether which exists between the plates along with the displaced aether which encompasses the plates which is pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the plates causes the plates to be forced together.

In zero-point energy theory, it is now believed that the Casimir force works in exactly the same way. This force is created when the distance between the plates becomes so narrow that no "virtual particles" or aetheric energies are able to fit between them.

So, there is no "sucking" going on at all; in fact it is a complete absence of energy that exists between the plates, aetheric or otherwise. And so, a form of "aether vacuum" is formed between the two plates, where no aether can flow inside the crack. Then, the surrounding "virtual particle flux" or aether pressure pushes the plates together from the outside!

In Dr. Puthoff‘s model, this pressure is believed to be caused by the “virtual particles ” themselves, as they will continually emerge from the zero-point energy long enough to exert a constant force upon the plates, thus pushing them together. Either way, it all comes back to a fundamentally aetheric design, and no other model seems to adequately explain why this incredibly powerful Casimir effect would occur.

Bearing this in mind, we are continuing to see how the background aetheric energy plays a role in the world that we can observe. The Casimir effect reveals to us exactly how much pressure the aether is truly exerting on us. And yet, since Dr. Puthoff and most other theorists believe that it always "cancels out" to zero, we can never detect any major changes in the world around us."

Steve Lamoreaux (Yale University): proof of the existence of negative energy (zero point vacuum energy - that is, subquark strings/telluric currents/magnetic monopoles double torsion strings):

starts at 9:31 (negative energy and pressure gravity experiment)

Steve reasoned that if he created a narrow-enough region of empty space like the area between the two ships, then some of the shimmering zero-point energy would not fit inside it.
The energy of empty space outside the narrow region would be stronger and force it to shrink.
That force would be the signature of negative energy, and Steve set out to create it in his lab.
It was an idea that would consume him for more than a decade.

Inside this vacuum chamber are two small metal plates sitting less than the width of a human hair apart from one another.
To get them that close and not touch, the metal has to be perfectly flat, down almost to the atomic level.
The zero-point fluctuations of free space won't fit between those plates, as well, so when you bring these two plates together, there are fewer fluctuations between the plates than there are outside the plates.

The force builds up, and it actually gets stronger and stronger as the plates get closer together, and that force we refer to as arising from negative energy.
The zero-point energy fluctuations outside the plates are stronger than those between, so pressure from the outside pushes them together.

Or think of it another way.
The negative energy between the plates expands space around it.
Steve's years of meticulous labor have made him the first person on Earth to have measured a force produced by negative energy.

(see for a complete presentation of the tremendous errors inherent in the experiment "performed" by Cavendish)

The relationship between gravitation and the electric field was first observed experimentally by Dr. Francis Nipher. Dr. Francis Nipher conducted extensive experiments during 1918, on a modified Cavendish experiment. He reproduced the classical arrangements for the experiment, where gravitational attraction could be measured between free-swinging masses, and a large fixed central mass. Dr. Nipher modified the Cavendish experiment by applying a large electrical field to the large central mass, which was sheilded inside a Faraday cage. When electrostatic charge was applied to the large fixed mass, the free-swinging masses exhibited a reduced attraction to the central mass, when the central mass was only slightly charged. As the electric field strength was increased, there arose a voltage threshold which resulted in no attraction at all between the fixed mass and the free-swinging masses. Increasing the potential applied to the central mass beyond that threshold, resulted in the free-swinging masses being repelled (!) from the fixed central mass. Nipher's conclusion was that sheilded electrostatic fields directly influence the action of gravitation. He further concluded that gravitation and electrical fields are absolutely linked.

Dr. Francis Nipher, one of the most distinguished physicists of the 20th century:

The Beam Neutrino and the Ring Laser Gyroscope threads can be addressed only by using the ether/aether theory...otherwise the UAFE fails miserably to even attempt to explain these two very important phenomena.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:47:44 PM »
On the equivalence of photons and the bubble of light presented in the Occult Chemistry, Nature of Matter chapter:

And that photon/boson does have mass.

section News item #9 (July 14, 2012): Rediscovery of the Higgs boson

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:41:17 PM »
You are continuing your trolling activities.


quote: "gravitons are a kind of virtual photon..."

"The radiation can be visualised as a shower of high energy EM waves imparting impulses of momentum to all bodies in space. It also explains the great difficulty we have to shield anything from such force. The energy of each individual photon is a crucial component of the momentum necessary to create pressure for gravity to be possible. The shadow of incoming high energy EM wave packets can be pictured as the carriers of the gravitational force, the normal role assigned to the theoretical graviton. Hence, gravitons have been theorised due to the lack of knowledge of radiation pressure and radiation shadowing, and that's why they will never be detected. If photons represent the luminance of electromagnetic radiation, then, gravitons represent the shadowing and can be considered as negative energy waves, lack of photons or photon-holes. In a way, its very similar to the way we describe electrons and electron holes in semiconductors."

I know my references very well, gulliver, rest assured.

Photons must have mass: read, for example,

Modern science has begun to accept that neutrinos do have mass, and that they do come in two flavors: left and right-handed.

This was the reason for inserting that reference.

But a neutrino is a particle of ether.

"The neutrino was first postulated in 1930 when it was found that, from the standpoint of relativity theory, beta decay (the decay of a neutron into a proton and an electron) seemed to violate the conservation of energy. Wolfgang Pauli saved the day by inventing the neutrino, a particle that would be emitted along with every electron and carry away energy and momentum (the emitted particle is nowadays said to be an antineutrino).

W.A. Scott Murray described this as ‘an implausible ad hoc suggestion designed to make the experimental facts agree with the theory and not far removed from a confidence trick’.

W. Pauli introduced the notion of the neutrino, BASED TOTALLY ON THE ORBITING ELECTRON MODEL OF BOHR; here are some comments:

THE ELUSIVE NEUTRINO: In my opinion the neutrino concept is the work of a relativistic accountant who tries to balance his books by making a fictitious entry. He does not recognize the existence of the aether and so, when accounting for something where an energy transaction involves an energy transfer to or from the aether, he incorporates an entry under the heading 'neutrinos'."

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:12:26 PM »
The Biefeld-Brown effect confirms all the foregoing theory: antigravitational subquarks/magnetic monopoles

When the poles of a freely suspended charged capacitor (even in vacuum) were placed on a horizontal axis, a forward thrust would be produced which would move the capacitor in the direction of the positive pole. The direction of thrust would reverse in conjunction with a polarity change. This is the phenomenon known as the Biefield-Brown Effect.

I was the U.S Technical Representative for a French aeronautic company, Sociéte National de Construction Aeronautiques du Sud-Ouest, (S.N.C.A.S.O). Dr. Brown came to France twice in the period from 1955 to 1956. Many tests were made. It was decided that the next step was to make tests in a big vacuum chamber. Dr. Brown again sent us designs for the construction of a large vacuum chamber and test apparatus.

As this phase of the project was undertaken my company was merged into another company. During this turbulent period of the merger we were able, with difficulty, to continue and complete the construction of the large vacuum chamber, though moved to a less hospitable location. The president of my company, now the president of the new merged company, Sud-Aviation, decided not to continue the experiments but to pass them along to another company S.N.E.C.M.A. (Société Nationale d'Étude et de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation) that was more specialized in this type of research.

The team made some hasty tests before having the project shut down for delivery of the vacuum chamber to the new company. The Final Report for the Projet Mongolfier, April 15, 1959, outlined these five tests confirming, as in the prior tests, that there was a definable force.

These vacuum chamber experiments were a decisive milestone in that they demonstrated beyond a doubt that electrogravitic propulsion was a real physical phenomenon.


More details here:



When the DISK SHAPED CAPACITOR WAS USED, the total deviation/movement was A FULL 30 DEGREES (deviation totale du systeme 30 degre).

The Final Report for the Projet Mongolfier, April 15, 1959, outlined these five tests confirming, as in the prior tests, that there was a definable force.


These tests have been performed in the NASA NSSTC LEEIF vacuum chamber at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville (Alabama).
The vacuum is a High Vacuum at 1.72 x 10^-6 Torr, this is equal of vacuum space conditions at about 350 km far from the earth ground. For information, flying at an altitude of 100 km is equal to a space flight...
In the video of the tests, two asymmetrical capacitors are mounted on a rotating arm with a torsion wire used as a rotational axis.
A potential difference between the wire and the main armature of the asymmetrical capacitor is slowly increased from 0 to +45 KV.

At the atmospherical pressure, we can observe a thrust in the plan of rotation and directly applied on the asymmetrical capacitors when the voltage is increased from 0 to +45 KV. This produces a torque on the apparatus. When the voltage is back down to 0 V, the device retrieves its initial position.
At the pressure of 1.72 x 10^-6 Torr ( High Vacuum conditions ), the apparatus rotates when the High Voltage is increased from 0 to +45 KV. However the thust observed is weaker than at the atmospherical pressure. When the voltage is back down to 0 V, the device retrieves its initial position.

This experiment is very interesting and shows definitely that a force is produced on asymmetrical capacitors when a High Voltage of +45KV is applied between their armatures in a High Vacuum ( 1.72 x 10^-6 Torr ).

Albert Einstein,Relativity, The special and the general theory, 11th ed., 1936, p.64:

“In contrast to electric and magnetic fields, the gravitational field exhibits a most remarkable property, which is of fundamental importance ... Bodies which are moving under the sole influence of a gravitational field receive an acceleration, which does not in the least depend either on the material or the physical state of the body.”

Dr. Thomas Townsend Brown proved the fallacy of Einstein's statetment; also the Biefeld-Brown effect shows that terrestrial gravity and antigravity are electrical forces of opposite spin.

Complete demolition of the concept of space-time:

Magnetic monopoles discovered for the first time:


A rigorous and extraordinary demonstration that subquarks = magnetic monopoles.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:29:30 PM » simply haven't done your homework.

That is why it is embarrassing to write something like: The term "gravity photons" has no acceptance anywhere.

BOSONS = PHOTONS = NEUTRINOS, this is the real correct theory of quantum mechanics

Bosons (that is, photons) actually do have mass.

"Let us remember that in one extension to the Standard Model, left- and right-handed neutrinos exist. These Dirac neutrinos acquire mass via the Higgs mechanism but right-handed neutrinos interact much more weakly than any other particles.

Aspden calls the neutrino ‘a figment of the imagination invented in order to make the books balance’ and says that it simply denotes ‘the capacity of the aether to absorb energy and momentum’."

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 04, 2014, 09:13:14 AM »
Confirmation of the vortex/tachyon model of the atom:

Preons = quarkels

An advanced knowledge of Quantum Gravity indicated in 1995, quarks and *quarkels would be found to comprise of the electric particle energy of gravity photons. Robert Wood-Smith (RWS) discussed this with Albert Mantiziba who, in July 1995 and with indirect help from Max Planck, established:-
the proton comprised of 2.2674 x 10^23 gravity photons:
the neutron comprised of 2.2705 x 10^23 " "
the electron comprised of 1.2349 x 10^20 " " .
These combine to form respectively the quarks of the proton and neutron, and the quarkels of the electron.

[*Quarkels: the term is applied by the Partners to the components of the electron: which RWS predicted in 1994/95, together with their values. Note. The 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three scientists for their discovery of "quasiparticles" that carry an impossible amount of charge: the reference was to the fractional charges of the electron.]

Chris Hill, theorist at Fermilab, indicated the view in “New Scientist” | 11 May 1996 | page 29 | “It would suggest that whatever lies inside the quarks is incredibly tightly bound, in a way that theory can’t yet accommodate.” (fractional quantum effect)

Preon-quarkel structure of the electrons:

Every science student is taught that the indivisible unit of charge is that of the electron. But 2 years ago, scientists found that charge sometimes shatters into "quasi-particles" that have one-third the fundamental charge. And in this week's issue of Nature, researchers announce they have spotted one-fifth-charge quasi-particles--a decisive finding suggesting that its time to change any physics textbooks still claiming that electron charge is indivisible.

It can be taken as an exciting and already intriguing historical discovery of the substructure of quarks (and leptons), which has been long predicted, or as the first evidence for the composite model of quarks (and leptons), which has been long proposed since the middle of 1970’s [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. It may dramatically change not only the so-called “common sense” in physics or science but also that in philosophy, which often states that quarks (and leptons) are the smallest and most fundamental forms (or particles) of matter in the “mother nature”.

OCCULT = in the sense of obscure, hidden, deep, unrevealed, and NOT otherworldly...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 04, 2014, 09:10:35 AM »
We all have the micro-psi abilities: they are exhibited, for example, in our dreams.

Besant had the ability to retain this faculty in consciousness: there is no "occultism" involved here.

"Micro-psi" incorrectly predicted 18

You have not bothered to read the work published by Dr. Stephen Phillips.

18 refers to the number of SUBQUARKS PRESENT IN AN ATOM OF HYDROGEN.

The strings are the boson coils/waves which do form a subquark.

The micro-psi investigation carried out by Besant is very real. In fact, it cannot be denied at all.

how could hallucinations, whose cause was located entirely inside their brains
and not outside amongst the trillions of atoms in all the chemicals they exam-
ined, generate UPA populations in MPAs that always turned out to be about 18
times the correct atomic weights of their elements?  This is true, remarkable,
even for elements like francium and astatine, whose atomic weights must have
been unknown to Besant and Leadbeater because science discovered them in,
respectively,  1939  and  1940,  about seven years  after the deaths of  the two
Theosophists.  How, if  MPAs  are not atoms, could they have anticipated  in
1908 - five years before scientists suspected the existence of isotopes - the
fact that an element such as neon could have more than one type of  atom, an
MPA, moreover, whose calculated number weight of 22.33 is consistent with
their having detected with micro-psi the neon-22 nuclide before the physicist
J. J. Thomson discovered it in  1913? One must turn to particle physics for an-

This paper has presented evidence (summarized in Table 3) of how facts of
nuclear and particle physics are consistent with purported psychic descriptions
of subatomic particles. It is because Besant and Leadbeater finished their ob-
servations many years before pertinent scientific knowledge became available
that their work cannot be rejected  as fraudulent once this consistency is ac-
cepted.  Nor can critics plausible interpret their observations as precognitive
visions of future ideas and discoveries of  physics.


A proton is made up of NINE laevorotatory subquarks - an electron is actually comprised of NINE dextrorotatory subquarks (called now preons).

However, modern science has mistakenly named a SINGLE dextrorotatory subquark as an electron and has ascribed THE TOTAL charge of the NINE corresponding subquarks as the total negative charge of a single electron, thus confusing the whole matter.

TELLURIC CURRENTS are represented by double torsion waves of BOTH laevorotatory (antigravity) and dextrorotatory (terrestrial gravity) subquarks.

Second state of ether = mesons

Third state of ether = quarks

Fourth state of ether = subquarks

Fifth state of ether = aether, the very medium used by subquark strings to propagate/travel

Astral state of ether = bosons/antibosons


The strings of the subquark are made up of coils of bosons.



Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:38:22 AM »
We all have the micro-psi abilities: they are exhibited, for example, in our dreams.

Besant had the ability to retain this faculty in consciousness: there is no "occultism" involved here.

"Micro-psi" incorrectly predicted 18

You have not bothered to read the work published by Dr. Stephen Phillips.

18 refers to the number of SUBQUARKS PRESENT IN AN ATOM OF HYDROGEN.

The strings are the boson coils/waves which do form a subquark.

The micro-psi investigation carried out by Besant is very real. In fact, it cannot be denied at all.

how could hallucinations, whose cause was located entirely inside their brains
and not outside amongst the trillions of atoms in all the chemicals they exam-
ined, generate UPA populations in MPAs that always turned out to be about 18
times the correct atomic weights of their elements?  This is true, remarkable,
even for elements like francium and astatine, whose atomic weights must have
been unknown to Besant and Leadbeater because science discovered them in,
respectively,  1939  and  1940,  about seven years  after the deaths of  the two
Theosophists.  How, if  MPAs  are not atoms, could they have anticipated  in
1908 - five years before scientists suspected the existence of isotopes - the
fact that an element such as neon could have more than one type of  atom, an
MPA, moreover, whose calculated number weight of 22.33 is consistent with
their having detected with micro-psi the neon-22 nuclide before the physicist
J. J. Thomson discovered it in  1913? One must turn to particle physics for an-

This paper has presented evidence (summarized in Table 3) of how facts of
nuclear and particle physics are consistent with purported psychic descriptions
of subatomic particles. It is because Besant and Leadbeater finished their ob-
servations many years before pertinent scientific knowledge became available
that their work cannot be rejected  as fraudulent once this consistency is ac-
cepted.  Nor can critics plausible interpret their observations as precognitive
visions of future ideas and discoveries of  physics.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 03, 2014, 01:14:20 PM »

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:57:56 PM »
Here is another famous example.

Geoffrey Hudson observing the Higgs boson in the 1950s...

G. Hudson was able to notice vortical motion around the basic units of matter of numerous, smaller particles filling all space as a "field" five years before physicists proposed this type of particle and decades before string theorists discovered vortex solutions in the Higgs field in their analysis of the confinement of quarks by the string model version of QCD. These vortices are the non-abelian counterparts of the magnetic flux vortices, or Abrikosov vortices, known to permeate Type II superconductors, forming a lattice.

The key phrases used by Hodson, namely (referring to UPAs) "They're surrounded by a field of spinning particles going around them" and "mist or field round it of at least half its own dimension, of particles spinning in the same direction much smaller than itself" are beyond dispute. The word "spinning," of course, refers here not to any intrinsic spin of these particles (Higgs bosons are spinless) but to the "mist or field" of these particles circulating around UPAs in the same sense that the latter spin on their axes (notice that his words "spinning rapidly" appear in parentheses before this phrase in the first quotation, clearly indicating that Hodson was referring not to individual particles but to a conglomerate of particles, which he aptly described as a "mist or field" that revolved rapidly around a UPA in the same direction that it was spinning.

Such collective, rotational excitations of the Higgs field were unknown to particle theorists in 1959 when this crucial observation was recorded by Dr Lyness. Indeed, the Higgs field had not even been proposed then! So nothing in the scientific literature of the time could have influenced Hodson to make his observation, just as Babbitt could not have been influenced by Lord Kelvin's model of atoms as vortex rings in the aether, which was published 11 years earlier in 1867 (see here), for he described UPAs not as such rings but as having a vortex of particles circulating around it — something that is conceptually entirely different.

It constitutes, therefore, irrefutable evidence that Hodson detected in a paranormal manner the Higgs particles pervading space years before they were postulated by physicists and 53 years before the Large Hadron Collider at CERN provided statistically significant data consistent with their existence, although not yet establishing it with certainty. Any alternative interpretation of the points of lights filling space that were visible to him "all the time" must be rejected as wrong because it cannot account for the way the particles change their motion in the vicinity of UPAs to a circulation around them indicative of vortices — a feature that only their identification as Higgs particles can explain in the context of the String Model.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:12:02 PM »
There are no problems with my answer.

You have a problem, obviously, given the superficiality of your answer.

You simply failed to read the bibliographical material.

I hope that your lack of knowledge is due to just sheer superficiality, and not to some other deeper problems...

Given that the gaps in the periodic table represented by these anticipated un-
stable elements were known to Besant & Leadbeater, how can we be sure that
their descriptions were based upon real  objects and were not fabricated  ac-
cording  to their expectations?  Knowing which  groups of  the periodic  table
these  undiscovered  elements belong  to could  have  enabled them  to  deduce
what shape their atoms ought to have, having decided upon a rule to link atom-
ic shapes to groups.

Can you read English Gulliver?

But the values of  the atomic weights of  these elements
were unknown to science at the time when Besant and Leadbeater published
observations of them and yet the "number weights" (defined shortly) that they
calculated for  these  elements  agree with  their  chemical atomic  weights  to
within one unit. It is highly implausible that this measure of agreement could
have  come about by  chance in  every case. Furthermore, analysis (Phillips,
1994) of the particles reported to have been observed in the supposed atoms of
these elements undiscovered by science at the time reveals such a high degree
of agreement with the theory presented in this paper to explain micro-psi ob-
servations of atoms that neither deliberate fabrication nor hallucinations influ-
enced by knowledge of the gaps in the periodic table are realistic explanations
of these elements being examined before their scientific discovery.  These two
considerations strongly suggest that the descriptions by Besant and Leadbeat-
er of the supposed atoms of these elements must have been based upon physi-
cal objects, for there is simply no more plausible alternative that can explain
such a measure of agreement.

Your incompetence in reading the work cited should worry hallucinations at all.

how could hallucinations, whose cause was located entirely inside their brains
and not outside amongst the trillions of atoms in all the chemicals they exam-
ined, generate UPA populations in MPAs that always turned out to be about 18
times the correct atomic weights of their elements?  This is true, remarkable,
even for elements like francium and astatine, whose atomic weights must have
been unknown to Besant and Leadbeater because science discovered them in,
respectively,  1939  and  1940,  about seven years  after the deaths of  the two
Theosophists.  How, if  MPAs  are not atoms, could they have anticipated  in
1908 - five years before scientists suspected the existence of isotopes - the
fact that an element such as neon could have more than one type of  atom, an
MPA, moreover, whose calculated number weight of 22.33 is consistent with
their having detected with micro-psi the neon-22 nuclide before the physicist
J. J. Thomson discovered it in  1913? One must turn to particle physics for an-

This paper has presented evidence (summarized in Table 3) of how facts of
nuclear and particle physics are consistent with purported psychic descriptions
of subatomic particles. It is because Besant and Leadbeater finished their ob-
servations many years before pertinent scientific knowledge became available
that their work cannot be rejected  as fraudulent once this consistency is ac-
cepted.  Nor can critics plausible interpret their observations as precognitive
visions of future ideas and discoveries of  physics.

The fact that most of their descriptions of MPAs were  published  several  years  before  physicists even suspected  that atoms had nuclei excludes the possibility  of their fraudulent use of scientific knowledge about the composition of nuclei in terms of protons, neutrons and  mass numbers because no such information existed then, Chadwick discovering  the  neutron  in  1932, twenty-four years  after  the first  edition  of  Occult Chemistry  appeared.  No normal or alternative paranormal explanation  of the correlation between modern physics and their ostensible 100-year old observations  of  subatomic  particles appears  to exist  other  than that  Besant  and Leadbeater genuinely described aspects of the microscopic world by means of ESP.

As for the number of failed to do your homework.

Read the sections: Superstrings, Compactification, UPA as Subquark State of Superstring


As for the fact that Dr. Dayton Miller does mention a rotating earth, it is due to a misconception which was prevalent in the 1920s: ether and a rotating earth are mutually exclusive concepts, they cannot exist together.

Let me explain, so that even you can understand.

RE theory requires a full void, otherwise the equations which "describe" the orbits of the planets will have to include friction terms.


In an appropriate coordinate system, the motion of a planet around the sun (considered as fixed) with the attractive force being proportional to the inverse square of the distance /z/ of the planet from the sun is given by the solution of the second order conservative system with the potential function -/z/^-1 for z =/0.

A mechanical system without friction can be described in the Hamiltonian formulation.

References for Celestial Mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics:

V.I. Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, Springer-Verlag, 1978

C.L. Siegel and J. Moser, Lectures on Celestial Mechanics, Springer-Verlag, 1971

J. Moser, Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical Systems, Princeton Univ. Press, 1973

Area Preserving Maps, Nonintegrable/Nearly Integrable Hamiltonians, KAM Theory:

Ether = Friction = End of the Hamiltonian formulation of the laws of Celestial Mechanics

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:22:48 PM »

Existence of subquarks strings:,30499.msg1401101.html#msg1401101


Dayton Miller proved long ago the existence of periodic waves of telluric currents (ether):

PERIODICITY OF GLOBAL ETHER-DRIFT, from Dayton Miller's Mount Wilson Ether-Drift Experiments, 1925-26. The Top Graph above plots data from four separate months or epochs, measured at different times of the year and organized by sidereal time, showing a definite periodic curve. The heavy line is the mean of all four epochs. The Bottom Graph (above) plots the same data organized by civil clock time coordinates; here, the plotted data spreads out along the graph, without apparent periodicity. This demonstrates, the detected axis and periodicity of ether drift is the same for different times of year, but can only be seen when the data is viewed within a cosmological, sidereal coordinate system. (From Miller 1928, p.362)

"The effect [of ether-drift] has persisted throughout. After considering all the possible sources of error, there always remained a positive effect." Dayton Miller (1928, p.399)

Dayton Miller's 1933 paper in Reviews of Modern Physics details the positive results from over 20 years of experimental research into the question of ether-drift, and remains the most definitive body of work on the subject of light-beam interferometry.

As a graduate of physics from Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society and Acoustical Society of America, Chairman of the Division of Physical Sciences of the National Research Council, Chairman of the Physics Department of Case School of Applied Science (today Case Western Reserve University), and Member of the National Academy of Sciences well known for his work in acoustics, Miller was no "outsider". While he was alive, he produced a series of papers presenting solid data on the existence of a measurable ether-drift, and he successfully defended his findings to not a small number of critics, including Einstein.

Full details:

"My opinion about Miller's experiments is the following. ... Should the positive result be confirmed, then the special theory of relativity and with it the general theory of relativity, in its current form, would be invalid. Experimentum summus judex. Only the equivalence of inertia and gravitation would remain, however, they would have to lead to a significantly different theory."
— Albert Einstein, in a letter to Edwin E. Slosson, 8 July 1925 (from copy in Hebrew University Archive, Jerusalem.) See citations below for Silberstein 1925 and Einstein 1926.

"I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards."
— Albert Einstein, in a letter to Robert Millikan, June 1921 (in Clark 1971, p.328)

Yuri Galaev's ether drift results:

"Miller's observations were also consistent through the long period of his measurements. He noted, when his data were plotted on sidereal time, they produced "...a very striking consistency of their principal characteristics...for azimuth and magnitude... as though they were related to a common cause... The observed effect is dependent upon sidereal time and is independent of diurnal and seasonal changes of temperature and other terrestrial causes, a cosmical phenomenon." (Miller 1933, p.231)"

"The trouble with Prof. Einstein is that he knows
nothing about my results." Dr. Miller said. "He has
been saying for thirty years that the interferometer
experiments in Cleveland showed negative results. We
never said they gave negative results, and they did
not in fact give negative results. He ought to give
me credit for knowing that temperature differences
would affect the results. He wrote to me in November
suggesting this. I am not so simple as to make no
allowance for temperature."
(Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper, 27 Jan. 1926)

Dr. T. Henry Moray:

During the Christmas Holidays of 1911, I began to fully realize that the energy I was working with was not of a static nature, but of an oscillating nature. Further I realized that the energy was not coming out of the earth, but instead was coming to the earth from some outside source. These electrical oscillations in the form of waves were not simple oscillations, but were surgings --- like the waves of the sea --- coming to the earth continually, more in the daytime than at night, but always coming in vibrations from the reservoir of colossal energy out there in space.

While investigating the output of his device, he discovered a feature of the natural static energy, which had somehow been overlooked by other aerial battery designers. The electrostatic power had a flimmering, pulsating quality to it. He learned of this "static pulsation" while listening through headphones, which were connected to telephone wires. The static came in a single, potent surge. This first "wave" subsided, with numerous "back surges" following. Soon thereafter, the process repeated itself. The static surges came "like ocean waves". Indeed, with the volume of "white noise" which they produced, they sounded like ocean waves!

These peculiar waves did not arrive with "clock precision". Just like ocean waves, they arrived in schedules of their own. Dr. Moray was convinced that these were world-permeating waves. He came to believe that they represented the natural "cadence of the universe". This intriguing characteristic suggested that small amounts of pulsating electrostatic charge might be used to induce large oscillations in a large "tank" of charge.

This is just the tip of the iceberg...we can go on to the Biefeld-Brown effect, the DePalma spinning ball experiment, the Kozyrev gyroscope experiments, and much more...

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Explain AWT Please
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:23:18 AM »
Aether = medium through which ETHER flows

Ether = scalar waves consisting of subquarks strings

The density of aether can vary.

Cymatics (sound activating aether and ether in a resonating cavity), Science of the Future:

There is no such thing as AWT (Aetheric Wind Theory) in the context of an UA accelerator.

The two theories are absolutely mutually exclusive, as I wrote in the other thread.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Failures of AWT
« on: October 01, 2014, 09:10:01 AM »
There is no such thing as AWT (Aetheric Wind Theory) in the context of an UA accelerator.

The two theories are absolutely mutually exclusive.

AWT is valid ONLY in the context of a perfectly stationary flat earth.

Both FES must eliminate the UA accelerator hypothesis in order to have any kind of credibility in explaining terrestrial gravity.

Here is another misconception:

You CANNOT have ether and a galactic orbit, the two are completely mutually exclusive.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Ask a Jew anything.
« on: September 17, 2014, 03:13:36 PM »
The ample proofs presented here do show that you were stupid enough to accept that Moses wrote the book of Exodus.

Do yourself a favor and read this:

Or the extraordinary book, Bible Unearthed, written by Dr. Israel Finkelstein:

You might just learn something.

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