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Topics - Boodysaspie

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Science & Alternative Science / Happy Eratosthenes Day!
« on: June 20, 2018, 07:49:34 AM »
It Is Known that on 21st June, 2200 years ago, Eratosthenes measured the angle of the noon Sun in Alexandria at 7.2 degrees and he knew the distance to Syene to be 500 nautical miles. Solving the triangle, the height for the Sun is 3958 nautical miles.

It Is Known that because the Earth is flat then the Sun must be low, and 3958 is close enough to Doctor Birley’s figure of 700 miles, or 608 nautical miles.



It Is Also Known that New York City is 5188 nm from the City formerly known as Syene. Since we know the distance and the height, we can calculate the elevation of the Sun at 37.3 degrees.

Which is unfortunate for It Is Known that noon in Aswan is daybreak in Brooklyn. I’ve never been to the Big Apple, so can anyone there (or in Eastern Time generally) confirm that at sunrise the Sun looms out of the sky, already at an elevation of 37.3 degrees, or does the Sun appear to Rise out of the Atlantic at SunRise?

If you prefer your Sun to loom "into perspective” at, say, 1 degree above the horizon then you’re looking at a triangle with a base length of 226,754 nm or 260,767 miles.

It Is Known that EgyptAir flies from JFK to Cairo in 11 hrs which requires an average speed of mach 31.6. If the timetable is faked by NASA then it could be 3 weeks at 510mph.

Or 11 hrs @ 510mph, but only if Earth a Globe.

Flat Earth Theory / Parallel universes
« on: December 21, 2017, 01:37:49 AM »
Can I just point out that if you accept that parallel universes exist then somewhere there must be a flat earth with all the relevant laws of physics in place?

I’m still trying to reconcile how

“We don’t know what shape or size it is, but we know it’s flat”
“It keeps accelerating but it never gets any faster”
“That's what the sun, moon and stars do
“It’s a conspiracy”
“Photos are doctored”

are OK, but

“Round Earth can also be Flat Earth, if the Earth is a disc”

is a “horrible, horrible idea” from a “ … smart-ass”

and I can only think that we have a serious clash of cultures :)

Flat Earth Theory / What is the source of the sun's energy?
« on: December 11, 2017, 10:34:49 PM »
IIRC, one the strongest objections to the then new science of Geology and its claims that the Earth is millions, if not billions, of years old was that no-one could explain how the sun could provide heat and light for such a long time using the fuels of the time.

The discovery of nuclear fusion cleared that one up, and RET now says that

 - the sun is 150,000,000km away and 1,400,000km in diameter;
 - the "atmospheric pressure" at the centre is high enough to start a fusion reaction of hydrogen into helium;
 - The reaction runs at a temperature of 15,000,000K and releases 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts of energy.

FET says the sun is 4,800km away and 50km in diameter. Can anyone explain the rest rationally and possibly cogently?

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