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Science & Alternative Science / Re: Blue Ghost
« Last post by William87 on Today at 02:13:12 AM »
William69 did a whole lot of writing claiming the contract is public, but mysteriously failed to directly link said contract.

Second, for being such a smart guy, he should understand that if a cargo van had a 2-cylinder, water-cooled engine, it is possible for it to win such a race.

Third, everyone knows rockets do not go to the moon.

It's not about being smart. Its about having information.  There's nothing wrong with believing you are right based on the information you have.  But it is arrogant and lazy to assume that the information you have is all you need to know to be right.

Science & Alternative Science / Re: Blue Ghost
« Last post by William87 on Today at 01:45:47 AM »
You stated: "LANL, for example, is managed by a company called Triad" - Can Triad decide to expand their business to the pornographic film industry and get away with filming a pornographic movie on publicly funded Los Alamos National Laboratory facilities? Absolutely not. It is not their facility and they are likely operating with oversight. So I recommend that you just keep quiet about this.

Do you even know how contracts work?  They have a Scope of Work that contractors agree to and the buyer can't require anything beyond. Contractors aren't indentured servants who have to blindly follow orders when they agree to work for the government.  If you agree to build widgets they can't arbitrarily decide that should start makng gadgets instead. And of course there is oversight.  There should be, especially when tax dollars are involved.  It's strange that you think there is something fishy about the government making sure a contractor is doing what they are getting paid to do.

Triad can "get away" with doing anything that is included in the SOW of their contract and the government can't "get away" with requiring them to do anything that isn't in the SOW, which you can find here

The SOW for the contractors on the CLPS program is to " provide all activities necessary to safely integrate, accommodate, transport, and operate NASA payloads using contractor-provided assets, including launch vehicles, lunar lander, lunar surface systems, Earth re-entry vehicles, and associated resources.  That's straight from the on-ramping award notice, which you can find here

You should really read the whole thing.  You might learn a few things.

Another interesting thing I found is that part of the on-ramp solicitation was a sample project that required the offerors to produce a User's Manual, which would be made publically available.  It's really odd that NASA is not only allowing, but requiring these companies to make this super secret  technology that could be used by our enemies to make ICBMS public.
Science & Alternative Science / Re: Blue Ghost
« Last post by Tom Bishop on March 06, 2025, 11:03:09 PM »
LANL, for example, is managed by a company called Triad which is composed of Battelle Memorial, a non-profit research compay, Texas A&M University and the University of California.  It's hardly a "temp agency".  Lawrence Livermore is managed by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC (LLNS), which is a partnership between the University of California, Bechtel National, BWX Technologies, and AECOM (one of the largest engineering firms in the country).  Again, hardly a temp agency.  Lockheed Martin holds the largest $ of federal contracts.  They are hardly a temp agency.

Do they answer to the instructions and oversight of the parent organization? If so then it's not truly an independent contractor who has complete freedom to choose how to do the work. They are basically temp workers - disposable workers from a third party company who operate the main business under managerial instruction of the main organization and are used for various legal and financial reasons. They may even have 401K plans and six figure salaries, but are used because they are more legally disposable than direct hires nonetheless.

You stated: "LANL, for example, is managed by a company called Triad" - Can Triad decide to expand their business to the pornographic film industry and get away with filming a pornographic movie on publicly funded Los Alamos National Laboratory facilities? Absolutely not. It is not their facility and they are likely operating with oversight. So I recommend that you just keep quiet about this.
Science & Alternative Science / Re: Blue Ghost
« Last post by AATW on March 06, 2025, 09:40:21 PM »
The list you provided only claims "space travel" as a reason for their thermometers wouldn't exist unless space travel happened...

It's claimed that a certain type of thermometer was developed as part of the research for the space race - obviously thermometers existed before space travel existed.

But my point was more the other way around - technologies like GPS exist and work because of the space race. The ISS can be seen from the ground. Have a look.
Science & Alternative Science / Re: Blue Ghost
« Last post by Action80 on March 06, 2025, 08:42:59 PM »
The list you provided only claims "space travel" as a reason for their thermometers wouldn't exist unless space travel happened...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« Last post by Shane on March 06, 2025, 06:49:00 PM »

yes we should bring back tax policy of the 50s

The effective federal corporate income tax rate:

1950: 50%
1960: 37%
1970: 32%
1980: 20%
1990: 25%
2000: 20%
2010: 15%
2020: 13%

the fact is higher marginal tax rates on the wealthy and corporations strengthens the middle and lower class. you might think this is bad or not fair, but it is better outcomes for more people. 
Science & Alternative Science / Re: Blue Ghost
« Last post by AATW on March 06, 2025, 05:57:58 PM »
We have multiple technologies which very much rely on it being real.
I could be wrong, but I think AATW cannot provide one instance of any piece of technology relying on space travel as a reason for existence (i.e., "The reason "whatchamacallit" exists is due to space travel.")
A fair amount of technology and products were developed because of the space race.

But my point above is that technologies like GPS and satellite TV only work because of satellites orbiting the earth.
As I said in my reply to Pete, the ISS can be seen from the ground and with decent optics you can make out its shape.
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« Last post by Tom Bishop on March 06, 2025, 05:56:56 PM »
It's almost like Tariffs aren't the most beautiful word to actual business owners who rely on imports.

Considering that "rely on imports" generally means utilizing cheap third world sweatshops at the cost of American industry, they will just have to deal with it.

Ultimately there is an effort for the combination of the increase in tariffs and government downsizing to replace income tax entirely, which means that tariffs would be going up to a few hundred percent. 25% is nothing so far. However, the companies are selling items for over 10x the cost of production anyway, which means that they can weather high tarrifs.

The elimination of income taxes would be a great thing for America, and create an economic boom rivaling what occurred in the the 1950's.
Science & Alternative Science / Re: Blue Ghost
« Last post by AATW on March 06, 2025, 05:55:03 PM »
a new opportunity to inspect the claim.
Inspect away! Who's stopping you?
Well, no-one. But I accept the claim. I've watched some video of the landing and it orbiting the moon but I don't feel the need to inspect it or micro-analyse every frame of it.
I don't have the skills to anyway - the people who call all this sort of stuff fake definitely don't either.
I am interested in all this stuff. I've seen a Shuttle launch - more by luck than judgement, just happened to be in Florida on holiday when one was going up.
I've visited the Kennedy space centre a few times, watched some documentaries about it all. I read "A Man On The Moon" - an excellent book about the Apollo programme and touches on the Gemini and Mercury ones that preceded it. I've read about how Jodrell Bank were tracking Apollo 11 - and an unmanned Russian mission that was trying to land first. I've read how the Australians were relaying signals from the Apollo craft to the US.
I've done what I practically can and based on the evidence I've seen I'm satisfied that it all happened. Rocket technology demonstrably exists, it's not like they're claiming to have teleported there. All the stuff I've seen about it being a hoax are based on ignorance or incredulity. All of it.

Maybe. What do you propose? You just keep saying "inspect" and "investigate", but what specifically do you want us to do (presumably free of charge), and why aren't you doing it yourself. I think part of the problem is that you're asking us to veer away from Zeteticism. We're primarily interested in exploring the phenomena around us, and it sounds to me that you expect us to read a news article and emptily debate it.
I've covered the why aren't I doing it above. I've suggested some things above which could be done.
Fair point about Zeteticism, but you must have some strategy for coming to beliefs about stuff you can't directly experience.
Mine is to evaluate the evidence. What other option is there?

and you're expressing frustration that they're not playing ball with you.
I'm just surprised that more effort isn't put in to this. OK, going in to space isn't that accessible, but you can go see rocket launches for yourself (easier for those in the US, admittedly). With decent optics you can see the ISS. Most FE people seem to just put it all in one big box marked "FAKE" and leave it at that.
I guess the reason I see this as something you'd want to be looking in to more is that it's a discriminator between the two models.
If there are things like GPS satellites and the ISS orbiting the earth, if there are things orbiting the moon and landing on it then I'd submit that the FE model as presented in the Wiki isn't possible.
I think you dispute that, and I'd be interested in your ideas about that, but most FE people seem to just call it all fake without putting much effort in to assessing the evidence.
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« Last post by Lord Dave on March 06, 2025, 05:32:24 PM »
It's almost like Tariffs aren't the most beautiful word to actual business owners who rely on imports.