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Messages - AnneFrothingslosh

Pages: [1]
I don't see any problems with the earth exceeding the speed of light.
The theory of relativity is commonly used to explain why UA does not reach the speed of light, this is a contradiction, because the theory of relativity states that objects with mass slow down when they are close to the speed of light.
In the ether theory, the speed of light is a variable and exceeding it does not seem to be a problem, the earth can surpass the speed of light and continue accelerating infinitely.

Michelson Morley's vertical experiments can detect the etheric wind from the luminiferous ether downwards:

Neutrinos can exceed the speed of light:

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: What is the true map of the earth?
« on: May 20, 2024, 01:57:52 AM »
The sun can't set on a FE where the sun is above the plane of the earth at all times.
Do you have evidence to back up this outright lie?
Yes. The evidence is that if the sun is a few thousand miles above a flat earth then you would have a clear line of sight to it at all time. What would stop you seeing it? It would also change significantly in angular size, angular speed and luminosity throughout the day as your distance to it varies. None of that happens.
All that is in the context of the mainstream physics. You may have other mechanisms to explain this - EA, some magnification effect and I'm not sure about the luminosity one - the sun does admittedly change at sunset, but not during most of the day as it surely would if the sun was at a significantly different distance.

As I said, EA is a reasonable explanation. It's better than "perspective" which makes no sense at all. But it is at best a hypothesis, not a well formed theory.

A good explanation for this:

Evidence of electromagnetic acceleration:

The Moon and a sphere have the same orientation as the terminator, they had to state that the Sun is super far away and is too big to explain this on the globe, because this observation is not predicted on a spherical earth.
However, it is predicted by the theory of light bending:

Celestial sphere and Moon tilt illusion are also predicted much better by the bending of light:

Scientific articles on the bending of light:

Flat Earth Investigations / What is the true map of the earth?
« on: May 01, 2024, 10:58:49 PM »
There are north-centered, bipolar, etc. map models. But what is the real map? What are the pros and cons of each?

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