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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #940 on: May 17, 2019, 10:40:42 PM »
One wonders just how many batman movies the world really needs.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #941 on: May 17, 2019, 10:44:03 PM »
The Mastery.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #942 on: May 17, 2019, 10:47:56 PM »
One wonders just how many batman movies the world really needs.
Always one more than currently exists at the present day.

It should be Keanu.
n o
Okay fine Jason Statham. I'd settle on RDJ.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #943 on: May 18, 2019, 12:20:00 PM »
Karl Urban
The Mastery.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #944 on: June 04, 2019, 04:21:13 AM »

It's official now. It'll be a young Batman once again, and one who clearly isn't the same character as Batfleck of the DCEU, which means we'll most likely see yet another iteration of the Waynes being murdered. They don't need to keep showing us this stupid scene over and over again. Yes, Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered. We know already. It was a well-known tragedy in Gotham and an event of enormous importance to Bruce, so there are a number of ways this information could be conveyed to whatever small percentage of the audience that needs a reminder without showing us a dreary flashback. But they'll probably show it because they have it ingrained in their heads that it's the most effective, dramatic way to do it, and also to make it clear that this is a whole new Batman. Besides that, my hopes for the movie are that they put down those same two Frank Miller comics that Batman movies keep mining for influence again and again and again, drop the grimdark edgelord shit, show a more stylized, interesting Gotham, and ease up on the realism, especially when it comes to how Batman moves and fights. He's a superhero, for fuck's sake. Let him pull off ridiculous stunts, solve problems with silly gadgets from his belt, kick the shit out of his enemies in straightforward fights where we can see what's happening, and look cool while doing all of it.

One wonders just how many batman movies the world really needs.

Batman is the greatest capeshitter in history and deserves more movies than every other capeshitter put together. Take your skepticism back or Batman will visit you in the night and kick your ass.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #945 on: June 04, 2019, 05:26:52 PM »
On the notion of casting pancy boys in mens roles.
The Mastery.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #946 on: June 04, 2019, 07:05:28 PM »
...show a more stylized, interesting Gotham, and ease up on the realism...

Batman Forever Gotham is best Gotham.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #947 on: June 04, 2019, 11:03:49 PM »
n o
The Mastery.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #948 on: June 04, 2019, 11:54:22 PM »
It's official now. It'll be a young Batman once again, and one who clearly isn't the same character as Batfleck of the DCEU, which means we'll most likely see yet another iteration of the Waynes being murdered. They don't need to keep showing us this stupid scene over and over again. Yes, Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered. We know already. It was a well-known tragedy in Gotham and an event of enormous importance to Bruce, so there are a number of ways this information could be conveyed to whatever small percentage of the audience that needs a reminder without showing us a dreary flashback. But they'll probably show it because they have it ingrained in their heads that it's the most effective, dramatic way to do it, and also to make it clear that this is a whole new Batman. Besides that, my hopes for the movie are that they put down those same two Frank Miller comics that Batman movies keep mining for influence again and again and again, drop the grimdark edgelord shit, show a more stylized, interesting Gotham, and ease up on the realism, especially when it comes to how Batman moves and fights. He's a superhero, for fuck's sake. Let him pull off ridiculous stunts, solve problems with silly gadgets from his belt, kick the shit out of his enemies in straightforward fights where we can see what's happening, and look cool while doing all of it.

I'm willing to bet right now that they won't show the murder again. They may reference it, but I don't think they'll show it.
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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #949 on: June 05, 2019, 09:46:20 AM »
Robert Pattinson is a good actor (don't @ me).

Rama Set

Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #950 on: June 05, 2019, 11:23:08 AM »
Why would you think you know anything about film, Guest?


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #951 on: June 06, 2019, 04:23:07 AM »
On the notion of casting pancy boys in mens roles.

Pattinson has come a long way since the Twilight movies, having lately taken on a number of challenging, ambitious roles in collaborations with noted auteurs like David Cronenberg. I'm sure he'll hit the gym and get swole before he dons the Batsuit.

Batman Forever Gotham is best Gotham.

My vote for the best Gotham goes to Arkham Knight, as I explained some pages back, but I respect your opinion. Schumacher may have realized more than any other director that there had to be something that people actually liked about Gotham for the city to have lasted so long.

I'm willing to bet right now that they won't show the murder again. They may reference it, but I don't think they'll show it.

Because of the recent backlash against the number of scenes in which the Waynes are murdered, or for another reason?


Shazam! is some of the best capeshit I've seen in a good long while. Part of it is the setting - a sympathetic portrait of working-class Philadelphia, full of genuine atmosphere and fleshed-out side characters that provides a wonderful backdrop for the antics on display. The kids in the foster home are all unique, memorable, and annoying at times, but ultimately lovable. Zachary Levi is terrific in the lead role, and the banter and shenanigans shared between him and his foster brother Freddy are both hilarious and relatable.

I do have my issues, as always. I still think Billy was aged up too much, as I can't see this moody, standoffish teenager as the enthusiastic, outgoing superhero Levi plays. Sivana has almost nothing to do with the character from the source material, and ends up being an "evil counterpart" in the vein of Black Adam instead of a mad scientist, which makes me wonder how fresh Black Adam (whom the movie teases) will feel when he inevitably shows up. And the third act of the movie is far too stretched, leading to a climax that just keeps on going and going and going, which is a little tiring. But those are minor quibbles. Shazam! has the heart and sincerity of Wonder Woman with the mischievous humor and irreverence of GotG. What more could you ask for?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2020, 05:28:23 AM by honk »
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y

Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #952 on: June 18, 2019, 09:53:03 AM »
Iron Man.  Best anime:  Justice League:  Doom.  Or the first Burton Batman for the great Batman vs Joker chemistry, if you like villain drama.  Though the Gene Hackman Lex Luthor was unforgettable and Heath Ledger joker will probably change all the future Jokers.

Runners up:  Elektra, or, the 2009 Wonder Woman anime.  Both sadly overlooked.  Or Batman Returns for the two great villains.  Spider-Man 2 and Captain America:  First Avenger also not bad.  And Tom Huddlesworth Loki probably also redefines that villain.
I read light novels here and my favourite light novel is king of gods. This is one of the best.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #953 on: September 28, 2019, 04:54:57 AM »

This movie might not end up being the disaster I predicted a year or so ago. It's modestly-budgeted, has a respectable cast, and seems to have gotten most people on the Internet very excited. But personally, I'm just not interested. It looks so predictable and boring, and I just know that there's a certain toxic subculture that'll take all the wrong messages from this movie and run with it like it's the new Fight Club or TDK for years to come. A story about an angry white man violently retaliating against society will be more than those people can resist. Anyway, it's gotten good reviews so far, for what it's worth:



The controversy surrounding this movie has continued to escalate dramatically, despite it not even being out yet:



It's a tough situation for Phillips, and I feel bad for him, but he has not been handling this well, having chosen to lash out instead of perhaps taking a quieter, more humble position. Why is John Wick treated differently to Joker? Probably because Wick is a series of deliberately ridiculous setpieces full of stylized, flashy action, while Joker has been relentlessly marketed as realistic, gritty, and a proper film that should be considered for awards and isn't really capeshit at all. People are naturally going to take a movie like that more seriously, and while I think it's extremely unlikely that it's going to lead to or provoke violence, Phillips and WB should have been able to anticipate the obvious controversy and prepare a more dignified response. Same goes for Phoenix and his dramatically walking out of an interview when the subject was raised.

The movie just needs to come out already, is what I'm basically saying. I need to share my opinion on whether or not it truly celebrates the Joker, but the problem is that I have no idea what my opinion is, because I haven't seen the movie yet. I will have a strong opinion once I do.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 04:19:29 AM by honk »
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #954 on: October 12, 2019, 01:38:34 PM »
I have watched Joker with the help of a shitty camrip. I didn't particularly like it, but to be fair, that's down to my own taste more than the quality of the film. It's competently made, and like pretty much everyone has said, Joaquin Phoenix gives a committed, compelling performance. He's great, and so is the production design, giving us a scuzzy Gotham that feels like it's been ripped right out of the late seventies/early eighties. I'm always happy to see a stylized Gotham. In fact, I'd love it if they actually kept this look for the solo Batman movie, giving the city a unique, retro feel. I don't think anyone at WB feels beholden to Snyder's portrayal of Gotham as a boring city identical to Metropolis.

The biggest problem with this movie for me is that so much of it is just a dull conga line of trauma and humiliation for its main character. Arthur's life sucks. His boss hates him. His psychiatrist treats him with contempt. Robert DeNiro's talk-show host apparently has nothing better to do than make fun of him bombing when he tries some stand-up because of his uncontrollable laughter. Zazie Beetz's character is connected with a twist that's both very stupid and leaves her feeling largely superfluous to the movie.* Even Arthur's mother is eventually revealed to have let him down in a big way. It all feels very implausible, contrived, and most importantly, simply boring. They could have confined all this misery to the first act, and spent the rest of the movie showing what happens when Arthur embraces the Joker persona, what he next sets out to do, how it affects life in Gotham, how people treat him now, etc. Instead, Arthur doesn't really become the Joker until the very end of the movie, and his body count is surprisingly low. This is like if Batman Begins had ended with Bruce saying, "Yes, father. I shall become a bat."

And there's more. The movie's efforts to deliver important social commentary and generally Say Something are derailed by the fact that the movie really has nothing to say. Instead, we get a lot of hollow posturing and empty gestures at political issues that are never followed up. For example, there's a scene that's clearly meant to be reminiscent of the Bernie Goetz shooting from 1984. Only neither the scene nor the aftermath have anything to do with the issues that that incident raised, like race or the limits of self-defense or anything like that -  every character assumes that it's a straightforward murder and it ends up inexplicably kicking off an anti-rich protest movement. So what was the point of invoking Goetz at all? I honestly think it was just a lazy way to try and make the movie seem important and politically insightful. The same thing applies to the protest movement. There's no real narrative or thematic connection between Arthur's story and what the protesters are arguing for, and the movie isn't interested in resolving any possible conflict that might arise from Arthur's explicit disavowal of politics and the movement's clear political motivations.

I've also got to give a shout-out to the last five or ten minutes of the movie. Arthur gives a yammering, tortured "We live in a society" speech, which is awful, and could only have been improved if he had used that exact phrase. Actually, I'm kind of glad that Arthur is so awkward and not particularly compelling, as it does reduce the likelihood of him becoming an edgelord icon the way Heath Ledger's Joker did. And right at the end, this movie has the balls to show the Waynes getting killed yet again. The scene that everybody in the world has had more than enough of, and they recreate it once again - not even in a Batman movie! We had better not see this again in Matt Reeves's movie. I am so sick of seeing this scene again and again and again.

*I'm pretty sure that this twist was a late addition to the movie, which I'm basing on both things that the cast have said and the fact that in the original script, which leaked some time ago, Arthur ends up murdering Beetz's character as revenge for her rejecting him. This was undoubtedly changed for being appallingly misogynistic and too disturbing to be included as part of an anti-hero's journey to self-actualization, especially when all of Arthur's other murders are meant to be softened slightly because of the victims' awful behavior towards him. In a way, this essentially establishes Joker's identity crisis - it wants to be shocking and transgressive, but can't bring itself to make its protagonist too unsympathetic.

edit - fixed saddam's borked link
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 03:48:01 PM by junker »
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #955 on: October 13, 2019, 09:18:21 AM »
The Christian Bale Batmans are the best.


Offline TomInAustin

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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #956 on: October 14, 2019, 06:52:30 PM »
Am I the only one that thinks there should be a ban on superhero movies?  They have all sucked for years and the reboots are the worst.  Peter got bit by a spider, oh say it isn't so, Bruce's parents murdered, what a shock.
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?

Rama Set

Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #957 on: October 14, 2019, 08:42:26 PM »
Am I the only one that thinks there should be a ban on superhero movies? 

Probably. Just don’t see them.


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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #958 on: October 16, 2019, 11:40:55 AM »
Am I the only one that thinks there should be a ban on superhero movies? 
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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Re: Superhero Movies & Comics General
« Reply #959 on: October 21, 2019, 03:47:11 PM »

Nice link, did you even bother clicking on it? I will go ahead and fix it. Seems like no one else bothered to click on it anyway.

Also, I saw Joker yesterday and generally agree with your overall opinion(s). One thing though, I am pretty sure Joker does kill Beetz, at least that is what I gathered when they showed him all bloody leaving her apartment after she told him to gtfo.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 03:48:51 PM by junker »