So back to the subject of me getting a new PC ...
What I have ordered comes with an m.2 ssd. Reads and write around 500Mb/s.
Having currently got an NVMe in my NUC, I'm not keen on this backward step.
I'm thinking of dropping a Samsung 970 250GB card in ... this means new windows installation and voiding my dell warrenty... but it also means no Dell crapware. So its two birds with one stone. Think that one reads at 3200 Mb/s. 6 times faster.

I don't want to take the one out my NUC. My girlfriend is having this PC when I'm done with it. Seems a hassle to give her the ssd in the new PC and then load everything back on for her. The new NVMe should last about 3 years (I usually get a new computer every 3 years or less).