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Re: Trump
« Reply #8380 on: January 16, 2021, 06:48:15 PM »
You can’t detain someone for a significant period of time for questioning. That’s an arrest.

Trump may have changed Air Force One’s call sign to suck up to Qultists.

Re: Trump
« Reply #8381 on: January 16, 2021, 08:04:14 PM »
you can't prove that donald trump isn't an alien. it's totally possible, and i found people on the internet who believe he is an alien. how can you explain that if trump isn't an alien? you have to admit that it's possible. and if trump is an alien, then i'm right and you're wrong.

we just have to wait and see. you've provided no evidence that trump isn't an alien. perhaps future evidence will bear this position out.
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Re: Trump
« Reply #8382 on: January 16, 2021, 08:23:15 PM »
Imagine an entire planet of Trumps


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8383 on: January 16, 2021, 10:10:12 PM »
Q knew more details about the entire Epstein story, such as the tunnels and lairs beneath the temple on Epstein island before the media reported on it.


Nov 1, 2019

news.com.au - Fake doors and secret underground lairs discovered at Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Paedo Island’


Nov 11 2017


Apr 3 2018


You actually have to read and watch these things, otherwise, you'll miss the mark. Like you have here. Q didn't "know" anything more about Epstein island before the media reported on it.

Your 2019 article says "Fake doors and secret underground lairs discovered at Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Paedo Island’," based upon a video published by the guys at WeAreChange on YouTube:

I watched the video. The "Fake door" is one that is painted on the outside of the temple. The "secret underground lairs" are a couple of utility closets.

And then you have Q back in 2017 disclosing the same types of things, supposedly. However, none of which is shown to exist. I can't find any evidence of tunnels, lairs, secret doors, etc. The point being your Q made mention of something that doesn't perhaps happen to even exist and your claim is that he/she/it/them knew of such things 2 years before anyone else. When in fact, the claims in 2017 & in 2019 seem to be false. So no, Q did not "know" more of anything before anyone else because in this case, there's nothing to "know".


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #8384 on: January 16, 2021, 10:16:43 PM »
Quote from: stack
I watched the video. The "Fake door" is one that is painted on the outside of the temple. The "secret underground lairs" are a couple of utility closets.

And then you have Q back in 2017 disclosing the same types of things, supposedly. However, none of which is shown to exist. I can't find any evidence of tunnels, lairs, secret doors, etc.

Possibly because you often gloss over information which disagrees with you.


From that link:

"The pair explored a few of the island's underground rooms and the gold-tipped temple where young girls were said to have been abused."

"The clip also shows a bizarre underground bunker dug into the side of a mound."

"A shocking video of Jeffrey Epstein's notorious "Paedophile Island" has revealed a secret underground lair and an unusual 'sex temple' with fake doors."
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 12:06:28 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8385 on: January 16, 2021, 10:38:36 PM »
Quote from: stack
I watched the video. The "Fake door" is one that is painted on the outside of the temple. The "secret underground lairs" are a couple of utility closets.

And then you have Q back in 2017 disclosing the same types of things, supposedly. However, none of which is shown to exist. I can't find any evidence of tunnels, lairs, secret doors, etc.

Probably because you often gloss over the information which disagrees with you and choose denial.


From that link:

"The pair explored a few of the island's underground rooms and the gold-tipped temple where young girls were said to have been abused."

"The clip also shows a bizarre underground bunker dug into the side of a mound."

"A shocking video of Jeffrey Epstein's notorious "Paedophile Island" has revealed a secret underground lair and an unusual "sex temple" with fake doors."

You're the one doing the glossing. I understand what your link says, but you are still not performing any due diligence.

Watch the actual video the your link is referencing.
- There is literally nothing in it regarding "a secret underground lair". If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.
- The "temple'" is a small square building and there's literally nothing in the video that shows it was a "sex temple" (Though it very well could have been used for any number of things good or bad, but there's nothing in the video that shows either). If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.
- Lastly, the "fake doors" is actually 1 "fake door" painted on the outside of the temple thing. That's it. If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.

Point being, your claim was that Q suggested something existed 2 years before the media did. Which is true. The only thing is that the claim Q suggested is false. You're just falling for clickbait, no facts or evidence.


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Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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If we are not speculating then we must assume


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8387 on: January 16, 2021, 10:58:56 PM »

What a loser!

Fox just picked this up so it must be true:

Trump's approval rating hits all-time low following U.S. Capitol riot
New Pew poll has the president's approval rating at 29% -- a nine-point drop since August


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8388 on: January 17, 2021, 12:03:23 AM »
I love the JFK Jr. schism in the QAnon community. Q claimed that he wasn't alive when asked, so the "Junior lives!" believers had to get creative. A number of them have rationalized Q's denial by saying that now that his father is dead, JFK Jr. is no longer a junior and instead just JFK, which is why Q claimed that "JFK Jr." wasn't alive. Needless to say, that's not how it works. People with "Junior" in their name don't just drop it when their father dies. It stays part of their name. Besides, JFK Jr. spent over thirty years as "Junior" with his father already dead. Why would faking his own death be the catalyst for him dropping that part of his name?
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Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Trump
« Reply #8389 on: January 17, 2021, 12:03:35 AM »
Quote from: stack
I watched the video. The "Fake door" is one that is painted on the outside of the temple. The "secret underground lairs" are a couple of utility closets.

And then you have Q back in 2017 disclosing the same types of things, supposedly. However, none of which is shown to exist. I can't find any evidence of tunnels, lairs, secret doors, etc.

Probably because you often gloss over the information which disagrees with you and choose denial.


From that link:

"The pair explored a few of the island's underground rooms and the gold-tipped temple where young girls were said to have been abused."

"The clip also shows a bizarre underground bunker dug into the side of a mound."

"A shocking video of Jeffrey Epstein's notorious "Paedophile Island" has revealed a secret underground lair and an unusual "sex temple" with fake doors."

You're the one doing the glossing. I understand what your link says, but you are still not performing any due diligence.

Watch the actual video the your link is referencing.
- There is literally nothing in it regarding "a secret underground lair". If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.
- The "temple'" is a small square building and there's literally nothing in the video that shows it was a "sex temple" (Though it very well could have been used for any number of things good or bad, but there's nothing in the video that shows either). If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.
- Lastly, the "fake doors" is actually 1 "fake door" painted on the outside of the temple thing. That's it. If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.

Point being, your claim was that Q suggested something existed 2 years before the media did. Which is true. The only thing is that the claim Q suggested is false. You're just falling for clickbait, no facts or evidence.

It's your word versus a number of news outlets who think there is evidence of lairs. Maybe they are better at finding and determining evidence than you are.


An article about the claims in the Epstein court documents mentions 'underground structures':


There is also a precedent. Epstein also built sick underground structures at his other properties.


« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 12:41:17 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8390 on: January 17, 2021, 01:34:42 AM »
Quote from: stack
I watched the video. The "Fake door" is one that is painted on the outside of the temple. The "secret underground lairs" are a couple of utility closets.

And then you have Q back in 2017 disclosing the same types of things, supposedly. However, none of which is shown to exist. I can't find any evidence of tunnels, lairs, secret doors, etc.

Probably because you often gloss over the information which disagrees with you and choose denial.


From that link:

"The pair explored a few of the island's underground rooms and the gold-tipped temple where young girls were said to have been abused."

"The clip also shows a bizarre underground bunker dug into the side of a mound."

"A shocking video of Jeffrey Epstein's notorious "Paedophile Island" has revealed a secret underground lair and an unusual "sex temple" with fake doors."

You're the one doing the glossing. I understand what your link says, but you are still not performing any due diligence.

Watch the actual video the your link is referencing.
- There is literally nothing in it regarding "a secret underground lair". If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.
- The "temple'" is a small square building and there's literally nothing in the video that shows it was a "sex temple" (Though it very well could have been used for any number of things good or bad, but there's nothing in the video that shows either). If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.
- Lastly, the "fake doors" is actually 1 "fake door" painted on the outside of the temple thing. That's it. If you think there is, it would be great for you to point it out.

Point being, your claim was that Q suggested something existed 2 years before the media did. Which is true. The only thing is that the claim Q suggested is false. You're just falling for clickbait, no facts or evidence.

It's your word versus a number of news outlets who think there is evidence of lairs. Maybe they are better at finding and determining evidence than you are.


An article about the claims in the Epstein court documents mentions 'underground structures':


There is also a precedent. Epstein also built sick underground structures at his other properties.


Don't get me wrong. It's extremely clear Epstein was a monster. However, your original source which cited a video as their source, as I have already pointed out, does not even remotely match the Q or story headline claims. Just clickbait. If you can point out where in the source video your claims can be backed up, have at it. So far, you haven't.

The next link from the Morning Bulletin you just posted is basically the same exact article as your first source. And it too, cites the same video that shows nothing that is suggestively claimed.

The third source, from The Sun, simply says "it was claimed..." It doesn't really say by whom. And again, I can't find any real evidence.

And then the Daily Mail, god love their hyperbole. They show a really big shower than you can see ones just like it in McMansions across the country and it's called a "Party Shower" for 8. I wonder how the body count capacity was determined? It's a picture of a big shower. Hardly incriminating. What, people aren't allowed to have big luxury showers anymore?

Then there's this: "Another former contractor revealed Epstein built an underground club. In one picture from his New Mexico ranch, a staircase leads downstairs although there are no images of the actual 'club'. 'It's an underground layer of 1,000 square feet. Like a nightclub, with stripper poles, it's not directly underneath the house. Most activity took place there, like dancing, hanging out, it was the entertainment area, no one [staff] was allowed down there, they installed cameras down there,' he says"

Again, no pictures of it. Just a mention of a space by an anonymous contractor that it existed. And somehow he also knew that, "Most activity took place there, like dancing, hanging out, it was the entertainment area, no one [staff] was allowed down there, they installed cameras down there,'" Huh, how did he know all that? And who is this source?

Again, the point is Q suggested something, media picks up on similar a couple of years later (When the Epstein story blew up, hence the attention) and so far there's no evidence of the existence of what the suggestion made. Meaning, Q knew nothing more than anyone else. Pick something else that Q predicted that came true, because this one is all just bunk and very, very weak at best.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8391 on: January 17, 2021, 02:24:52 AM »
If people are claiming lairs then that is evidence. That the claimants haven't proven it to your satisfaction doesn't make it not evidence. Evidence is evidence, and it only takes a single sentence of someone claiming to have seen or been in underground rooms for it to be evidence.

EUTimes reports a picture of what purports to be security cameras of the lairs. This is also evidence.


It comes from Rachel Chandler:

"The Ray Chandler Instagram link is now gone. For that matter, Rachel (Ray) Chandler, a casting director, has taken her Instagram account private"

This person has been pictured with Bill Clinton on Epstein's plane:

Some text reposted from a now defunct news site brainstain: http://thedivinegoddessblog.blogspot.com/2019/07/rachel-chandler-exposed.html

"Yes, Rachel Chandler has ties to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who’s Little Saint James Island has been the location of elite parties with children (cases of pedophilia), as is also signified by the aptly titled private jet, the Lolita Express, which flies patrons to and from the Island, and on the flight logs it lists that Bill Clinton has visited the Island no less than 26 times, and Hillary Clinton at least 6 times.

Well, Rachel Chandler has also been pictured next to Bill Clinton aboard the ‘Lolita Express’ in 2006, plus to that of Rachel pictured sitting next to Eminem in another photo, which was hinted at and by Qanon, more than a year ago, as being of significant interest.

Moreover, “Ray” Chandler or Rachel, had also shared images on her Instagram previously of the CCTV images from beneath the now destroyed temple on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island, where down inside the bunkers, in one image, it shows people gathered around seated, completely naked in the footage, which Chandler boasted about in a post on the social media network."
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 02:45:08 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8392 on: January 17, 2021, 02:29:31 AM »
Fuck Epstein. If the Clinton's partook in anything there, fuck them and lock their asses up. If Trump did, fuck him and lock his ass up. Lock up and freeze the assets of anyone who is proven to be involved.

But claims aren't evidence. They're claims.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8393 on: January 17, 2021, 02:42:59 AM »

Clinton and Chandler aren't on Epstein's plane in that picture, and Chandler has never been linked to or implicated in any activities with Epstein or anyone involved in human trafficking. She's a private citizen whom Internet weirdos randomly decided to turn into a villain, because I guess slandering politicians and celebrities wasn't enough for them. It's no wonder she made her social media accounts private. And that picture of security camera feeds is far too grainy to make anything specific out.
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Re: Trump
« Reply #8394 on: January 17, 2021, 03:22:13 AM »
I don't see why it matters where that picture was taken. Rachel Chandler is connected to Epstein.


Clinton is also known to be an associate of Epstein:


May as well be on Epstein's plane.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 03:24:09 AM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #8395 on: January 17, 2021, 03:23:24 AM »
What does this have to do with Trump losing the election again?

Just 4 more days for the cheetoh era.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8396 on: January 17, 2021, 05:06:53 AM »
Trump's approval rating still up after Capitol Riots.

Jan 15 - https://www.inquisitr.com/6450467/trump-approval-increased-capitol-riots-rasmussen/

Ramussen was the most accurate pollster in the 2016 election:


"The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election"


"Rasmussen’s data collection and survey techniques were further validated on election night 2016 when the firm’s prediction of the US Popular Vote result was the most accurate among the nation’s top 11 pollsters."


"Rasmussen Reports was the most accurate pollster predicting the 2016 presidential election results."

Meanwhile all other polls failed:


"The 2016 presidential election was a jarring event for polling in the United States. Preelection polls fueled high-profile predictions that Hillary Clinton’s likelihood of winning the presidency was about 90 percent, with estimates ranging from 71 to over 99 percent. When Donald Trump was declared the winner of the presidency, there was a widespread perception that the polls failed."
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 05:08:48 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8397 on: January 17, 2021, 05:27:07 AM »
I don't see why it matters where that picture was taken. Rachel Chandler is connected to Epstein.


Ah, yes, the supposed list of Epstein associates that went viral on conservative media some time ago. Q even shared it in one of his posts. It's literally just a who's who of prominent Democrats and people who have criticized or spoken out against Trump. I especially love the inclusion of Michelle Wolf, of all people. There is a zero percent chance that an unknown comedy writer who only became famous after her performance at the 2018 White House Correspondents' Dinner was any sort of guest or professional associate of Epstein. This is Epstein's real black book, if anyone is interested:


And yes, Clinton was indeed associated with Epstein, but he was also the president. You can't just assume that a connection to Clinton must also mean a connection to Epstein.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8398 on: January 17, 2021, 05:46:37 AM »
The page says the list comes from a court document which is linked at the bottom of the article.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 05:56:07 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Trump
« Reply #8399 on: January 17, 2021, 05:48:19 AM »
Trump was also associated with Epstein.  Funny how you don't bring THAT up Tom.

Also: I'm sure Trump's polls amoung republicans is steady.  But compared to the national average, is very high.  And its super easy to manipulate polls.

"Let me poll 5,000 people in states Trump won in 2020...."
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.