Re: Trump
« Reply #460 on: January 30, 2017, 03:02:35 PM »
The man is delusional. Apparently if he had given notice of this immigration ban, a terrorist would have been able to get a visa within one week. Yea, OK.

Re: Trump
« Reply #461 on: January 30, 2017, 03:02:49 PM »

lol.  jesus fucking christ.

Lol, reminds me of something my cousin said in a Facebook comment recently:

Quote from: mollete's cousin
If someone told a serial frozen treat eater that the ice cream truck was going to stop coming on Tuesday you would have a stampede of tasty treat bandits bum rushing the truck on Monday. Same thing goes for this travel restriction, If Trump announced that a ban for those countries would start next month you would have a mad rush of people trying to squeeze in. It makes total sense to me to throw up a "travel wall" while they figure it out.

(this, btw, was in response to something I said that had nothing to do with how much notice should or should not have been given before the ban)


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Re: Trump
« Reply #462 on: January 30, 2017, 03:16:25 PM »
obama's ban was a response to a known vulnerability: finding al qaeda terrorists in kentucky via iraq.  if you receive direct evidence that your vetting procedures have failed, then it makes perfect sense to stop issuing additional visas until you can strengthen the process.

lol.  jesus fucking christ.

Considering it takes 2 years for a Syrian refugee to get in, I don't think they can "rush in".  Trump clearly doesn't understand how the immigration process works.
Hell, when my wife moved over to the USA on a K-12 visa, it took a year to do that.  And she's from Norway and that's a safe, nearly guaranteed acceptance, country. 

I mean, just getting a tourist visa takes months.  And why would they rush in now?  Why haven't they already gotten in? 
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: Trump
« Reply #463 on: January 30, 2017, 03:46:11 PM »
And why would they rush in now?  Why haven't they already gotten in?

lol right?  like isis just had a bunch of terrorist refugees with visas just milling about, only to be stumped by the trump sneak attack.

i can't get past the irony that he's concerned about isis circumventing the vetting process in one week, but he's not concerned that isis could simply recruit a jordanian.  or an egyptian.  or an american.  like they already have done.

i called this shit months ago.  forget whether or not you think his policies are good ideas.  he's an amateur.  he doesn't know what he's doing.  he doesn't know how to be a political leader.  it's not the same as being a business leader.  this is going to be a giant, bumbling, amateur-hour that wastes everyone's time for hopefully no more than four years.

and ffs he kicks the joint chiefs off the nsc and replaces them with steve fucking bannon?  is that a joke?  can someone remind me what foreign policy experience steve bannon has?  or military experience?  or intelligence experience?  or security?  or literally anything else related to that job?  if hillary clinton had won, nominated a bunch of her top donors to her cabinet, replaced key nsc heads with motherfucking arianna huffington, and omitted from a travel ban a bunch of nations that did business with the clinton foundation, centipedes would be losing their fucking minds right now.  am i wrong?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 05:26:41 PM by garygreen »
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Re: Trump
« Reply #464 on: January 30, 2017, 04:28:49 PM »
Bannon was a naval officer for seven years back in the seventies and eighties, so he does have some military experience, but that hardly qualifies him to sit on the NSC. He's not interested in running the country. He's willing to burn it all down in the interests of advertising his (repugnant) brand.
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Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Trump
« Reply #465 on: January 30, 2017, 05:14:37 PM »
Bannon was a naval officer for seven years back in the seventies and eighties, so he does have some military experience, but that hardly qualifies him to sit on the NSC. He's not interested in running the country. He's willing to burn it all down in the interests of advertising his (repugnant) brand.

Yeah and I can't see much of what his rank was but likely lieutenant. But he was special assistant to an ops director at the pentagon for several years so....
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Re: Trump
« Reply #466 on: January 30, 2017, 05:16:11 PM »
Bannon was a naval officer for seven years back in the seventies and eighties, so he does have some military experience, but that hardly qualifies him to sit on the NSC. He's not interested in running the country. He's willing to burn it all down in the interests of advertising his (repugnant) brand.



Re: Trump
« Reply #467 on: January 30, 2017, 05:27:37 PM »
i stand corrected; i'll put a checkmark in the military experience column.
I have visited from prestigious research institutions of the highest caliber, to which only our administrator holds with confidence.

Re: Trump
« Reply #468 on: January 30, 2017, 05:41:30 PM »
i stand corrected; i'll put a checkmark in the military experience column.

I mean the people he replaced had way more military experience, so it's not exactly in the plus column for "appoint Steve Bannon".


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Re: Trump
« Reply #469 on: January 30, 2017, 05:50:45 PM »

Why are we all ignoring the fact that, if he does ban these "bad dudes" from entering the U.S., we're risking not letting in any who are bad enough dudes to rescue the president? :[
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Re: Trump
« Reply #470 on: January 30, 2017, 07:41:17 PM »

And here's another bone head move.

"Sorry, we wanted to make sure banks can't cause the great recession again but it would require taking out regulations that we put in to also help stop another great recession."

This is absolute BS.  What happens when the cost of a reguation is calculated to more than 2 other regulations?  What about environmental or agricultural?  My god, the sheer horror of it all.  And who calculates the cost? 

Oh and the military and national security are except.  Cause, you know, Republican fucktards love them.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #471 on: January 30, 2017, 11:22:36 PM »
i fail to see how this policy makes me any safer today than i was yesterday.

The theory is there will be less Jihad in your backyard.  Your 0.1% chance of dying to Islamic terrorism just went down to 0.09%.  Show some gratitude.

That's only in America. Go to Saudi Arabia or the rest of the world for that matter and that percentage goes higher. That's excluding the places where rape and violent crime are going up because of all these refugees.

Trump just handed every would-be terrorist a righteous cause to justify striking against the US and drive recruitment. If you think this policy was a good idea and made the US safer, well... you may want to do some deep introspection of your own logic and motivations.

Wait, if these Muslims are that easily offended that if we don't let them in they'll blow us up then what are we doing letting them in? That's like saying "I better let my neighbor Bob live in my house or else he'll murder my entire family." Also I thought not all Muslims are violent.
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Re: Trump
« Reply #472 on: January 30, 2017, 11:32:17 PM »
i fail to see how this policy makes me any safer today than i was yesterday.

The theory is there will be less Jihad in your backyard.  Your 0.1% chance of dying to Islamic terrorism just went down to 0.09%.  Show some gratitude.

That's only in America. Go to Saudi Arabia or the rest of the world for that matter and that percentage goes higher. That's excluding the places where rape and violent crime are going up because of all these refugees.

Trump just handed every would-be terrorist a righteous cause to justify striking against the US and drive recruitment. If you think this policy was a good idea and made the US safer, well... you may want to do some deep introspection of your own logic and motivations.

Wait, if these Muslims are that easily offended that if we don't let them in they'll blow us up then what are we doing letting them in? That's like saying "I better let my neighbor Bob live in my house or else he'll murder my entire family." Also I thought not all Muslims are violent.

I don't think it's a great argument, but he's not saying that the would-be terrorists and would-be refugees are the same people.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y

Re: Trump
« Reply #473 on: January 30, 2017, 11:46:51 PM »
What the shit. The White House, if you believe the Washington Post, held a press conference on the condition that senior officials briefing the press be anonymous.

Also, seems the administrations official stance is the people inconvenienced by the ban are a "fractional, marginal, minuscule percentage" of overall travelers, which I don't think anyone ever disputed.

"It really is a massive success story in terms of implementation on every single level." ::)

The whole article is crazy.

Taking bets on who these two officials were. I'm betting the angry one is Bannon.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 11:48:50 PM by trekky0623 »

Rama Set

Re: Trump
« Reply #474 on: January 30, 2017, 11:48:48 PM »
i fail to see how this policy makes me any safer today than i was yesterday.

The theory is there will be less Jihad in your backyard.  Your 0.1% chance of dying to Islamic terrorism just went down to 0.09%.  Show some gratitude.

That's only in America. Go to Saudi Arabia or the rest of the world for that matter and that percentage goes higher. That's excluding the places where rape and violent crime are going up because of all these refugees.

Trump just handed every would-be terrorist a righteous cause to justify striking against the US and drive recruitment. If you think this policy was a good idea and made the US safer, well... you may want to do some deep introspection of your own logic and motivations.

Wait, if these Muslims are that easily offended that if we don't let them in they'll blow us up then what are we doing letting them in? That's like saying "I better let my neighbor Bob live in my house or else he'll murder my entire family." Also I thought not all Muslims are violent.

That's not really what Totes said. He specifically said it would motivate "would-be terrorists". That doesn't really include the vast majority of Muslims.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #475 on: January 31, 2017, 12:16:21 AM »
I'm betting the angry one is Bannon.

I highly doubt that Bannon would ever ask to be anonymous. His interest is in courting his base, not quietly clarifying issues for the media.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y

Re: Trump
« Reply #476 on: January 31, 2017, 04:48:15 AM »
Acting Attorney General Sally Yates refused to defend the new travel restrictions, so she has been fired.

EDIT: Wikipedia already mad

EDIT2: Director of ICE was also replaced.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 05:18:31 AM by trekky0623 »


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Re: Trump
« Reply #477 on: January 31, 2017, 05:54:50 AM »
Trump's administration ia falling apart faster than his qtlqntic city casinos.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


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Re: Trump
« Reply #478 on: January 31, 2017, 06:00:26 AM »
i fail to see how this policy makes me any safer today than i was yesterday.

The theory is there will be less Jihad in your backyard.  Your 0.1% chance of dying to Islamic terrorism just went down to 0.09%.  Show some gratitude.

That's only in America. Go to Saudi Arabia or the rest of the world for that matter and that percentage goes higher. That's excluding the places where rape and violent crime are going up because of all these refugees.

Trump just handed every would-be terrorist a righteous cause to justify striking against the US and drive recruitment. If you think this policy was a good idea and made the US safer, well... you may want to do some deep introspection of your own logic and motivations.

Wait, if these Muslims are that easily offended that if we don't let them in they'll blow us up then what are we doing letting them in? That's like saying "I better let my neighbor Bob live in my house or else he'll murder my entire family." Also I thought not all Muslims are violent.

That's not really what Totes said. He specifically said it would motivate "would-be terrorists". That doesn't really include the vast majority of Muslims.

However it does include the infiltrators coming in as refugees.
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Re: Trump
« Reply #479 on: January 31, 2017, 08:22:42 AM »
EDIT: Wikipedia already mad
Bah, no speedy deletion debate? I was looking forward to people arguing whether or not a Reddit meme is relevant to an encyclopedia again.

Nvm it's right there, it's just slightly hidden in the mobile layout.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 08:32:34 AM by SexWarrior »
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