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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2020, 01:00:09 AM »
And then we have this.


Robert O'Neill, 44, appeared with Chris Cuomo on CNN on Wednesday night to voice his disgust that the 'highest-ranking person in the country' would be 'trampling on the graves of some of the best heroes' by claiming the team had not killed Bin Laden. 

O'Neill served in the Navy since 1995.

He was the person to shoot bin Laden three times in the head during a top-secret May 2011 raid on his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

O'Neill, who is vocal about his conservative leanings, blasted the president as Cuomo questioned him on how it felt to see the rumors circulating, stating that this was 'bigger than a retweet'.

'I want to say that every man is alive [who was on that mission],' he told Cuomo, pushing back against suggestions the team had made a mistake with bin Laden's DNA and that they hand flown the body of the double into the mountains to hide the mistake.

Anna Khait is absolutely sickened by all of this?  Well the real Navy Seal team is at least handling this with more dignity, after being accused of being part of a wacky right wing conspiracy.  She should be ashamed and sickened by her own behaviour.

Anyone pushing this conspiracy should be sickened by using the dead Seal team members and slandering the still living ones.

I can't wait to hear the right wing conspiracy answer to this.  Maybe Robert is a body double too?  A CGI simulation?  Part of the conspiracy!?!?!?!?


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #41 on: October 16, 2020, 02:11:48 AM »
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 02:30:33 AM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2020, 02:17:05 AM »
And then we have this.


That link doesn't seem to be convincing its readers. The top comment says:

He isnt convincing the people in the comments?? Smoking gun fer shur, b.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2020, 02:55:44 AM »
And then we have this.


That link doesn't seem to be convincing its readers. The top comments say:

Wait a sec. Now your appeal is to "top comments" on a story? Seriously? Integrity?


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2020, 03:34:26 AM »
Wait a sec. Now your appeal is to "top comments" on a story? Seriously? Integrity?

Sure.  I don't see your commentary here as any more credible as those comments. Those comments accurately pointed out that the person provided no evidence for that claim.

I dont know why you guys would link to a page full of people doubting the story and pointing out its flaws.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 03:43:11 AM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2020, 03:36:48 AM »
Wait a sec. Now your appeal is to "top comments" on a story? Seriously? Integrity?

Sure. They accurately pointed out that the person provided no evidence for that claim

Sure, the random anonymous 'commenters' pointed out that the "person", who is actually the guy who put 3 bullets in Bin Laden's head, didn't have any evidence for his claim...And the random anonymous 'commenters' evidence is??? And I'm supposed to believe the random anonymous 'commenters' who have no evidence that the decorated Seal Team 6 guy who shot and killed Bin Laden amid a very dangerous mission knows less than the random anonymous 'commenters'.

I think you may just want to lie down for a bit and think about this.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2020, 03:38:00 AM »
Wait a sec. Now your appeal is to "top comments" on a story? Seriously? Integrity?

Sure. They accurately pointed out that the person provided no evidence for that claim

Sure, the random anonymous 'commenters' pointed out that the "person", who is actually the guy who put 3 bullets in Bin Laden's head, didn't have any evidence for his claim...And the random anonymous 'commenters' evidence is??? And I'm supposed to believe the random anonymous 'commenters' who have no evidence that the decorated Seal Team 6 guy who shot and killed Bin Laden amid a very dangerous mission knows less than the random anonymous 'commenters'.

I think you may just want to lie down for a bit and think about this.

I just see an anymous internet comment here. I don't see why your comments are more credible than theirs.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2020, 04:00:55 AM »
Wait a sec. Now your appeal is to "top comments" on a story? Seriously? Integrity?

Sure. They accurately pointed out that the person provided no evidence for that claim

Sure, the random anonymous 'commenters' pointed out that the "person", who is actually the guy who put 3 bullets in Bin Laden's head, didn't have any evidence for his claim...And the random anonymous 'commenters' evidence is??? And I'm supposed to believe the random anonymous 'commenters' who have no evidence that the decorated Seal Team 6 guy who shot and killed Bin Laden amid a very dangerous mission knows less than the random anonymous 'commenters'.

I think you may just want to lie down for a bit and think about this.

I just see an anymous internet comment here. I don't see why your comments are more credible than theirs.

I agree. Mine aren't any more credible than yours or the random commenters. But I would say Robert O'Neill's are more credible than all of ours. That's the point. Capiche?


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2020, 04:31:38 AM »
I agree. Mine aren't any more credible than yours or the random commenters.

Then there shouldn't be a problem with anonymous comments appearing in a thread full of anynomyous comments.

But I would say Robert O'Neill's are more credible than all of ours.

All anonymous commenters are discussing the credibity of the sources involved.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2020, 04:48:39 AM »
I agree. Mine aren't any more credible than yours or the random commenters.

Then there shouldn't be a problem with anonymous comments appearing in a thread full of anynomyous comments.

But I would say Robert O'Neill's are more credible than all of ours.

All anonymous commenters are discussing the credibity of the sources involved.

Great, discuss away, have at it. Like I said, as far as 'credibility' I'll take the Seal Team 6 guy's word over yours, mine or the random commenters every day of the week. I don't see what your point is.

Btw, where's Fox News in all this? Crickets. No mention whatsoever of the biggest most treasonous story to ever emerge. Go figure.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2020, 07:58:34 AM »
The media cover the left is getting is becoming ridiculous. You're either willfully ignorant or just dumb if you don't see it.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #51 on: October 16, 2020, 12:37:49 PM »
Who cares what random internet comments say.

The conspiracy theory says that the Seal team that performed the raid was murdered.

Here is the guy who actually pulled the trigger, saying they are all alive.  He is clearly alive.

This conspiracy theory is as dead as Bin Laden.  The team is alive, not murdered.  That puts a pretty big hole in the whole thing, doesn't it?


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2020, 12:59:01 PM »
Who cares what random internet comments say.

You haven't convinced anyone why your anonymous internet comments are any better. At least those sources aren't known liberal trolls.

That puts a pretty big hole in the whole thing, doesn't it?

Why? The basis of the whistleblower claim is that the military was instructed to lie about it.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 01:03:47 PM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2020, 01:02:14 PM »
Who cares what random internet comments say.

You haven't convinced anyone why your comments are any better.

Did you miss the part where he said his claims weren't any better but that it was the claims of the person on the team that mattered?

That puts a pretty big hole in the whole thing, doesn't it?

Why? The basis of the whistleblower claim is that the military was instructed to lie about it.

The CIA operative that non-CIA officials "confirmed" the authenticity of to someone on Twitter who has no apparent credentials.  That whistleblower?  I am not saying it's impossible that this guy isn't legit, but there doesn't seem to be much reason to think this is more than a vanilla internet conspiracy story without substance.  If these generals publicly come forward to confirm the authenticity of the whistleblower, it would be much more convincing.  If the CIA confirmed it, that would be even more convincing.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2020, 01:08:10 PM »
Who cares what random internet comments say.

You haven't convinced anyone why your anonymous internet comments are any better. At least those sources aren't known liberal trolls.

That puts a pretty big hole in the whole thing, doesn't it?

Why? The basis of the whistleblower claim is that the military was instructed to lie about it.

You conveniently cut out the important part of my point.

The guy who was on the mission who was supposedly murdered, is alive and well and so are the rest of the team.

So... he was murdered but the military ordered him to lie about being dead?



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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2020, 01:32:53 PM »
The basis of the claim is that the military was instructed to lie about it, so referencing a military tale that Osama Bin Laden was killed does not present a hole in the story.

The CIA operative that non-CIA officials "confirmed" the authenticity of to someone on Twitter who has no apparent credentials.  That whistleblower?

The whistleblower's name is Allen Parrot, and you didn't do a good enough job of looking at his background. He is known to have worked with the CIA.


Parrot realized that his role as a supplier of falcons to royals in the Middle East was changing — that it was now more than just helping rich Arabs with a hobby, but a matter of helping Arabs network with terrorists.  Parrot was supplying falcons to hunting camps that ultimately led to military corruption, bribery, and a meet with Osama bin Laden.

"If you have billions and billions of dollars, people indulge themselves," ex-CIA agent Bob Baer says in the 2010 documentary, Feathered Cocaine. When the super rich come out to these falconry camps, "they live these bifurcated lives. They're enormously wealthy, and so they feel obligated to give out zakat (or gifts)," Baer says. "When they hold a majlis (meeting) out in the desert, with the Pakistanis, with the Generals, and hand out the money, and you've got a Pakistani leadership that wants to use Islam to unify the country, it's all done in one business meeting. Falcons, madrases, buying off Generals, funding the Afghan resistance." Baer concludes that princes and royal families in the Gulf routinely met with members of al Qaeda at falconry camps. "This has been seen on overhead, we know it exists. You show up and you say, here is $100 million in cash. Take the money. They're buying redemption, if you like. As a Catholic would. It's like going in and lighting a candle for them -- is giving this money. The entire 9/11 operation was not funded out of bin Laden's personal pocket. It was not funded by Taliban. It was funded out of the Gulf. Falconry camps are just a metaphor for the way business is done in the Middle East."

According to Feathered Cocaine, in the winter of 1999, the CIA encouraged a group of Afghans that were working for the CIA to try and reliably locate Osama bin Laden so that the U.S. could order an air strike on a falconry camp and kill bin Laden and any other high ranking associates. The Afghan agents received information that bin Laden was going to attend a falconry hunting camp in southern Kandahar that had been arranged by guests from the United Arab Emirates. The CIA ordered satellites above the falconry camp and images showed a large C-130. The camouflage pattern on the plane, and the tail number matched a plane that belonged to the United Arab Emirates. The host of that camp was Sheik Hamdan bin Zayid, the U.A.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs. But the recommendation for a strike was never approved after it was determined to be a "luxury hunting trip," by then National Security Adviser Richard Clarke and then DCI George Tenet. At the time, the U.A.E. was in negotiations with American companies to purchase 80 F-16 jets at a cost of $6.5 million per plane. Purely a coincidence, though.

There is a documentary about it. Parrot was one of the few people who had access to Osama Bin Laden.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 01:43:10 PM by Tom Bishop »

Rama Set

Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2020, 01:48:40 PM »
The basis of the claim is that the military was instructed to lie about it, so referencing a military tale that Osama Bin Laden was killed does not present a hole in the story.

The claim that he was instructed to lie is specious and lacking any corroboration except by a CIA operative whose whistleblowing is apparently not being taken seriously by anyone because there doesn’t seem to be substance to it. When there is more substance to it, there will be something worth looking in to.

The fact that a member of the seal team is alive already pokes a massive hole in the story presented and you just want to ignore it.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2020, 01:56:38 PM »
The basis of the claim is that the military was instructed to lie about it, so referencing a military tale that Osama Bin Laden was killed does not present a hole in the story.

You keep ignoring that a member of the Seal team that killed Bin Laden is NOT DEAD as the conspiracy theory claims.

Why won't you address this?  You not only keep avoiding commenting on it, but delete any reference to it whenever you reply.

How can this conspiracy theory be true if the Seal members that were supposedly murdered are still alive?

Rama Set

Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #58 on: October 16, 2020, 02:02:28 PM »
It seems like Parrot did not have access to Bin Laden but knew a smuggler who did, T2. I see nothing that indicates how he would be aware of a high level plot to fake and cover up the death of Bin Laden. His contact in the CIA had trouble getting his letters delivered, why would he have knowledge of this higher level operation? As I’ve said before this is extremely unconvincing without corroborating evidence.


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Re: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Committed Treason
« Reply #59 on: October 16, 2020, 02:16:31 PM »
It seems like Parrot did not have access to Bin Laden but knew a smuggler who did, T2. I see nothing that indicates how he would be aware of a high level plot to fake and cover up the death of Bin Laden. His contact in the CIA had trouble getting his letters delivered, why would he have knowledge of this higher level operation? As I’ve said before this is extremely unconvincing without corroborating evidence.

The last minute of the video trailer I posted has statements  that Parrot had the ability to go in and sit with Osama Bin Laden at will and had met him five or six times. It's the premise of the documentary.

You keep ignoring that a member of the Seal team that killed Bin Laden is NOT DEAD as the conspiracy theory claims.

Why won't you address this?  You not only keep avoiding commenting on it, but delete any reference to it whenever you reply.

Many members of the Seal Team 6 are dead, and that is well known. This individual was not discussed at all.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 02:33:00 PM by Tom Bishop »