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Messages - Zanz

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Community / Re: RE believers - why are you here?
« on: August 07, 2018, 10:06:42 PM »
I came here to 'Research the Flat Earth' before discussing it.

One thing i hate is people talking about stuff they know nothing about, it bothers me alot, and i don't want to be that type of person.

Flat Earth Theory / Communication with the ISS by amateurs.
« on: March 16, 2018, 05:17:51 PM »
Ok Flat Earthers, explain this:

So if NASA really wanted to fake space and keep it secret as long as possible, why would they waste energy on allowing people to talk to a "fake" radio channel, instead of just saying "no screw you, you can't". I bet most people don't even know you can talk to the ISS.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Solar System
« on: March 16, 2018, 05:02:46 PM »
According to Flat Earthers, the Earth isn't in space at all, its stationary inside of a dome and all the planets are just stars. I'm honestly a little frustrated when my fellow Globe Earthers bring up the Solar System when discussing the Flat Earth, when reallym Flat Earthers don't believe in a Solar System (as we know it) at all.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Moon Landing?
« on: March 16, 2018, 04:58:47 PM »
I would worship FEers that believe the Moon Landings were real.

Obviously they don't.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Proof the moon landings happened.
« on: March 16, 2018, 04:43:27 PM »
Im going to be honest here, i can't directly prove the Moon landings happened on my own, but that doesn't instantly mean its a hoax.

I have never been to Tuvalu before, and there is a high chance any of you have been there, i have only seen pictures of the island, wich could have easily been taken somewhere else, and if i go there, and hop on some kind of boat-tour, i could easily be taken to another island, and not Tuvalu, without noticing. Does that mean its some kind of fake government lie? No, just because i can't directly prove you something doesn't mean it doesn't exists. Landing on the Moon takes it to another level, sure, but if you actually RESEARCH the Apollo Moon landings, and RESEARCH the basics of rocketry and spaceflight, it doesn't sound all that ridiculous. And no, researching basic rocket science isn't going through an indoctrination process, because most of the little itsy bits of the technology used in spaceflight can be tested at home or by amateurs.

I also think its kind of funny how most Moon Landing/Space "Debunks" mostly just point out the things in the Video or Photographic footage, that were different from their expectations. A great example of this is the "No stars" phenomenon. Just because you EXPECT there would be stars hanging around, doesn't mean there HAS to be stars hanging around.

In rare cases people go outside the "this visual looks fake!" comfort bubble, you notice that they either refuse to research their own arguments and jump straight to conclusions or that faking a Moon landing is more complicated than doing a Moon landing for real.

Flat Earth Community / Re: SpaceX BFR
« on: March 04, 2018, 06:45:29 PM »
Guys, please note that the BFR ''Earth to Earth'' thing is of course not the only thing it can do. Even if they ditched the whole ''Earth to Earth'' idea, heck, even if they dropped the whole manned capabillity of the BFR, it would still be revolutionary for spaceflight.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: satellite hoax
« on: March 04, 2018, 06:30:46 PM »

This video proves satellites exist, heck, why the hell are you even pointing a satellite dish towards the sky if they didn't exist?

Flat Earth Theory / Satellite dishes and stuff
« on: March 03, 2018, 07:21:14 PM »
Recently, i stumbled upon this video. And this sparked the question, if satellites don't exist, and the Earth were to be flat, why do you point your satellite dishes towards the sky?

The communication satellites are likely not weather balloons. Weather balloons only stay in the sky for brief moments, not decades. You could have a continuous flow of weather balloons instead of just one, but that would be easily noticed, and extremely hard to cover up.

It can't be all reflected of the dome, all of the Radiowaves would just reflect towards the centre, thats how satellite dishes work, after all. And even if it could reflect of the dome, then what is the point of having radio towers and stuff anyways? If it can reflect of the dome, why can't i just beam a message up into the sky and make it reflect back towards me?

This is not a hoax/lie video neither, this is a detailed explanation on how to find geostationary communication satellites for the cheap. This is something anyone can do. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Quick question flat earthers...
« on: March 03, 2018, 05:41:23 PM »
Some Flat Earthers say that planets are either holographic projections, completely faked, or just decorations on a dome, no bigger than a car.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Let me in your head, why?
« on: February 08, 2018, 07:18:43 PM »
"I saw it on the Internet!"

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The International Space Station
« on: February 08, 2018, 07:11:28 PM »
I've already started a thread basically about this same thing. It was stated that it was probably a chunk of debris from the creation of the earth that got caught in the upper atmoplane that just resembles the ISS. I don't think you will get a better explanation than that.

That argument is invalid. You can almost easily predict the transit of the ISS, and i doubt anyone can predict a transit of a chunk of space debris, that just so happends to resemble the ISS perfectly.

Life is on Earth but not everything else, why? The Earth is not like everything else. Following from that logic, the Earth isn't spherical simply because everything else is.

That isn't a good argument. There is life on Earth because the Earth is in the right conditions for life to exist. So what conditions make the Earth a flat disk, unlike all the other planets?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Car in Space
« on: February 08, 2018, 06:52:33 PM »
Falcon Heavy is so far, the best proof of spaceflight. Most of the typical Flat Earthers arguments don't apply here,

Its fake CGI! - no, thousands of people watched the launch in real life.
It was a holographic projection! - A hologram that can project hundreds of kilometers up into the sky, without any clear buffering/problems? Tell me more about it!
The Launch was real, but the Tesla is fake! - We know the second stage is real, because people saw the second stage firing in the night sky with their own cameras and telescopes, wich is impossible to project at such height with a hologram. So if the second stage is real, why not plop a Tesla and a live camera on it right? And what proof do you have that it was Fake? There are no stars and sattelites! Thats proof its fake and satellites don't exist!. Nope, you might notice the camera quality isn't the best on the live cam, so why do you expect to see stars and satellites, seriously, try and take a picture of a starry night sky with your iphone, you can't? Not to mention the sunlight and the Earth that helps along with scattering the sunlight, that make it extremely difficult to film stars.

I think a Flat Earther would need to see the curve with their own eyes. Its very likely they will say that their helmet/window is lensing the light to make it look round. If so, its impossible to convince a Flat Earther the Earth is Round.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Zuma Goes Booma against the dome?
« on: January 11, 2018, 04:45:57 PM »
Like Nick said, there are people watching the launch and landing with their very own eyes. A ton of my web buddies went to Kennedy Space Centre and saw the launches in full glory. They even photographed it. I think you have enough proof from Nick that people actually do witness these launches.

Oh and remember that time when 90% of the population freaked out when they saw the launch of a rocket from Vandenburg Airforce base?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Where is the map
« on: December 13, 2017, 07:09:07 PM »
Until recently I believed completely in a round earth (like most people) but lots of things made me start to question this.

Rodents on mars

Engineer fixing mars rover.

Tom your answers can be vague (to me).  If the earth is flat then the distance from A to B is a very simple formula (much more simple that on a bulging spherical earth).  If the earth is flat I believe there are maps of the flat earth similar to the one provided below. 

Google maps taking pictures from above and making maps is real (I can zoom in on my house on satelite view) whether the ISS is real or not.

As a round earth believer, all those pictures are completely fake. I dont accept pictures and video as evidence because they are too easily photoshopped

They aren't fake. The first photo (rodent) was just a rock. People tend to see familiar objects in rocks, especially on Mars. Apperently people saw a facehugger, a dinosaur skeleton, and an elongated skull on Mars. The second photo is just a misinterpretation of what clearly is a robot arm. If NASA really wanted to hide 'the truth' they would have deleted the images a long time ago. Heck, these photos don't even prove the Earth is Flat.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Moon
« on: December 13, 2017, 06:47:30 PM »
I think he means 'Moonrise' and 'Moonset'

The government has lied about many things, such as the moon landing and the existence of the "moon". Not only was 9/11 planned to boost the US economy, but the government is lying to protect us from aliens. Various experiments are being conducted in area 51 as we speak. It's only a matter of time until they get to us.

In fact, the government wants the aliens to come to us in order to experiment on them. If the Earth is round, it would be impossible for the aliens to land, as their spaceship would fly off. But since the Aliens know the Earth is flat, they can land. Once they do, our military immediately seizes them.

God bless America.

I stopped at the existence of the Moon bit. Do you know that mythology and evidence of the Moon dates way back before any government with holographic technology even existed. I know you are an obvious troll, but do you know that the Earth and all of Mankind wasn't created in 1776?

also, why god bless America if the US government is spreading all the alleged 'lies'.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Mars is Round?
« on: December 13, 2017, 06:38:24 PM »
All planets in the night sky have an obvious roundness to it. The shadows of a planet you see via telescope make it at least look like its a sphere. I can only see 'Flat Martians' popping up in the far future, when the first men on Mars where seen as a myth and multiple generation lived there, wich i higly doubt will ever happend.

Nobody is dumb enough to start a Flat Mars Society when they can look at Mars and see its roundness with a telescope.

This part of the Flat Earth Model confuses me the most, if the Earth is Flat and there is a big dome around it, then what are the planets? You can see them with your own eyes, they are obviously not holograms put up by NASA, because people looked at them waaayy before NASA even existed, and some, if not most of them, spin, and change environment that you can detect yourself, the same way a round Earth should. They are at least more than just stickers on the dome or really bright stars. They move around and change.

Flat Earth Theory / Night sky in the North and South hemisphere.
« on: December 13, 2017, 06:26:31 PM »
How exactly can the night sky be different on the Northern and Southern Hemisphere on a Flat Earth model?

^^Like this? Im very curious.

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