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Topics - some_engineer

Pages: [1]
Hey people, I'm wondering something when I went off and think about the interconnectedness of physics.

In the case that the earth is flat, the following must be true.

1. Gravity as a consequence of mass due to Einsteins theory can't be true because else the flat earth would collapse into a sphere. Thus Einstein's theory of relativity must be false.
2. If Relativity is false then the performed measurements on the effects of the curvature of space and time on light must be false as well.
3. If Relativity is false then there is no longer a good agreement on the interaction of electrostatic forces for moving observers due to length-contraction which means that maxwell's equations are wrong (moving observers looking at moving charges in a neutrally charged wire wouldn't experience any forces because there is not electrostatic force and the static magnetic field due to the flow of charges exerts no force on stationary charges which means that from the perspective of a moving charge moving at equal velocity as charges in a wire, there would be no attracting but repellant force. However, from a stationary observer the moving charge would experience lorentz forces in a stationary magnetic field caused by the moving charge in the wire which leads to contradictions. This problem is resolved by length contraction from the perspective of the moving observer but this isn't allowed since relativity was not true).
4. If maxwell doesn't work then all we know about the interaction between electric charges doesn't work and hence
5. All of chemistry is wrong
6. All of electrical engineering is wrong and thus
7. All modern day computers and electronics work only by accident and not because of the laws of physics
8. All of wireless communication which follows Maxwell's equations is wrong
9. The understanding of all atomic structures is wrong which are all based on the interaction of electric forces and quantum mechanics
10. Our understanding of mechanics is wrong

Basically everything we know about physics is wrong.

How does one get around this?

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