Again, it is to the benefit of the establishment if any of these cases are successful, as each is a fundamental attack on the First Amendment. The Bill of Rights is the actual target of progressives.
That's not what we were talking about, but in any case, it's not true. Trump isn't being prosecuted for exercising his freedom of speech, or for saying that he believes that the election was stolen. His alleged crimes involved speech, but so do many crimes. Is it an attack on freedom of speech to prosecute a mob boss who orders a hit? To prosecute a blackmailer who threatens to reveal damaging information about someone? To prosecute a spy who passes classified information to someone he knows isn't cleared for it? Likewise, it's not an attack on freedom of speech to prosecute Trump for asking other people to rig the election in his favor, nor for illegally retaining classified documents and showing them to people he knew weren't cleared for it.
Well, that is what I am talking about. Trump is being prosecuted for exercising freedom of speech.
"He hasn't ordered a hit on anyone"
"he hasn't passed classified information to anyone,"
False. By showing a classified attack plan document to two people who had no authorization to see it, he did.
" he never asked anyone to rig an election in his favor,"
He literally called Georgia's governor and asked them to find him enough votes to win.
"and he never illegally retained classified documents."
How would he have legally retained them?