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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #160 on: April 26, 2017, 11:41:51 AM »
In Rounder's comment, you are the random stranger. He is saying that anyone who takes your advice is foolish.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #161 on: April 26, 2017, 04:54:47 PM »
In Rounder's comment, you are the random stranger. He is saying that anyone who takes your advice is foolish.

Since this thread seems to be getting thousands of views I've added a disclaimer to the OP instructing people to consult a medical professional before exploring a path of self treatment.

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #162 on: May 01, 2017, 12:17:05 AM »
In Rounder's comment, you are the random stranger. He is saying that anyone who takes your advice is foolish.

Since this thread seems to be getting thousands of views I've added a disclaimer to the OP instructing people to consult a medical professional before exploring a path of self treatment.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #164 on: June 26, 2017, 05:44:51 PM »
In accord with the spirit of the initial post about achieving good health without being exploited by the medical establishment, I'd like to mention a series of useful and practical oriented medical books I recently associated with the People's Medical Society.

The now defunct People's Medical Society was anti-medical establishment organisation that formed as an offshoot of Rodale Press which has been one of the major publishers of organic gardening books since the 1930's. The zenith of the People's Medical Society was the 1980's and 1990's. Unsurprisingly, it was slandered by many establishment medical doctors. An informative link describing one investigator's findings:


The significance of the People's Medical Society today is an excellent series of books authored and co-authored by its Chief Executive Officer Charles Inlander. His books are available used and inexpensive through vendors like Amazon, Abe Books, etc.

Examples are 'Take This Book to the Hospital With You' which has a perspective of doctors and the medical establishment as predatory fascists out to skin you alive. The book is useful to avoid incurring unnecessary costs and unnecessary surgeries and medical procedures. It assists one's health and finances. He wrote a whole series of such books such as 'Take This Book to the Dentist... the Gynecologist... the Pediatrician... the Obstetrician, etc.

 For home use, I also picked up Charles Inlander's 'Over the Counter Doctor' and similar books. One book not directly associated with the People's Medical Society but worthy of mention is 'Prescription for Nutritional Healing' by Phyllis Balch which has been my go to home medical book for many years.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #165 on: September 12, 2017, 03:18:38 PM »
Though Tom & Co may not be conveying the information exactly as people expect, they're not totally off on this.  Diet plays a huge role in overall body function, most pharmaceuticals are concentrated dosages of compounds found in nature that indigenous people have been eating for generations, and double-blind placebo controlled trials are inherently designed to favor medications at the exclusion of all else.  It's the result of a combination of a little bit of narrow minded science and a healthy dose of profit motive.

The reason why there isn't a single cause identified for any cancer or a single cure identified for any cancer is because that's not how chronic disease works.  Chronic disease is the accumulation of a lot of little health mistakes over time which leads to the breakdown of normal system function.  Diet is a huge component of that as are other lifestyle factors that busy people tend to ignore.  The US economy relies on a workforce that works 100+ hours per year more than any other country which leads to a lot of lifestyle fails.  Combine that with a general lack of health education and chronic disease is guaranteed based purely out of ignorance and scheduling.  It sucks, but it's true and most doctors know it.

In an otherwise healthy person, there are a few random bunches of cancerous cells.  These cells most likely ended up with deranged DNA sequences because of basic statistical probability.  DNA can't be copied and pasted with 100% fidelity.  You take an environmental stressor that causes cell turnover rates to increase and a typographical error is 100% going to happen eventually.  Fine, what happens to the deranged DNA cell in an otherwise healthy person?  Their immune system recognizes it, destroys it and everything goes back to normal until it happens again.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

What happens to that small cancerous cluster in a person that has a crap diet, gets no sunlight or exercise and thinks that there's no environmental stressors they can't handle with booze, cigarettes, coffee or insert other addiction here?  Their immune system gets sluggish, can't keep up and some of those cells start to multiply and spread.  Once their numbers are large enough to cause symptoms, you get your official cancer diagnosis.

Will taking garlic like it's a medication in mega doses cure cancer?  No, that's not how the body works so when it is tested using a double-blind placebo controlled trial, it will fail.  All of the foods that I've seen listed in this thread play a role in good immune function so improving your trash diet by adding in some real food may just allow your immune system to catch up if you're lucky.  No promises, but you really don't have much to lose either by improving your diet in the earliest phases of cancer.  Current cancer treatments are wildly destructive, not targeted at all and the equivalent of using a hand grenade to kill a mosquito.  You'll get it, hopefully, but you'll damage a lot of other things that you didn't really want to as well.  When you get the wait and watch recommendation, that's when you really want to double down on fixing your lifestyle habits because it could actually work.

My very real question is this.  Why do people so easily dismiss a healthy varied diet and routine physical activity as being beneficial to health?  This should not be that hard to wrap your head around.  You treat your health like it's expendable and you'll spend it quickly.  Health is the only thing I have ever come across that people place no value on prior to losing it.

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #166 on: September 12, 2017, 07:04:57 PM »
I'm all for healthy eating and I believe a healthy diet helps prevent and, in some cases, even cure cancer. However I, and most everyone as far as I can tell, do not agree that cancer is easily cured with a few grocery store items.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


Offline CriticalThinker

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #167 on: September 12, 2017, 07:54:16 PM »
I'm all for healthy eating and I believe a healthy diet helps prevent and, in some cases, even cure cancer. However I, and most everyone as far as I can tell, do not agree that cancer is easily cured with a few grocery store items.

Ultimately that really boils down to an arbitrary time definition.  Technically speaking we all have cancerous cells present all the time.  The arbitrary time cutoff you are using is after critical mass has been reached and severe symptoms felt.  By that time, your immune system has been losing a slow battle for years/decades and you had undiagnosed cancer that whole time.  That's why they are graded in stages instead of a binary grading system.  Stage 4, probably not going to reverse no matter what you try.  Precancerous abnormalities, Stage 0.5 because they really don't like calling it cancer, is a sugar coated way of saying cancer that probably won't kill you right away.  One could conceivably be cured by changes in lifestyle factors, the other probably not.  However, that doesn't negate the sad reality that both are still cancer. 

Early nonaggressive cancer can easily be treated using grocery store items.  Stage 0.5 cancer is the watch and wait type of cancer but you probably won't hear that you could reverse it at this stage by making some serious life changes.  That's because many doctors have become too cynical to believe that you'll actually follow through with the changes necessary for that to happen.  Instead, they assume that you'll continue on with your mildly destructive habits until you reach a later stage and then they'll perform chemo or surgery.  Same thing happens for pre-diabetes.  Why bother teaching the patient something they don't want to learn only to have them ignore your advice.  It's much easier to just leave it be and wait until they need medication because that's how 1st world countries work.

Though I'm not a oncologist, I am a doctor with a master's in public health to boot so no clinical slouch.  Those that rapidly dismiss lifestyle factors as relevant to health typically don't want to take responsibility for their bad habits.  There's an awful lot that the medical community doesn't know and a little that they'd rather not talk about.  Take a look at the funded research by the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association and American Cancer Society and take a look at the distribution of funding between prevention research and management research.  American Caner Society is about a 1:2 ratio respectively.

Per the American Cancer Society page.
Obesity, lack of physical activity, and poor diet are major risk factors for cancer – second only to tobacco use. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that about 20% of all cancers diagnosed in the US are related to body fatness, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption, and/or poor nutrition, and thus could be prevented.

Read between the lines could be prevented = early stage cure.  Doctors just aren't allowed to call patients out to their faces because yelp reviews actually matter to hospital administrators now.

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #168 on: September 13, 2017, 05:37:45 AM »
I'm all for healthy eating and I believe a healthy diet helps prevent and, in some cases, even cure cancer. However I, and most everyone as far as I can tell, do not agree that cancer is easily cured with a few grocery store items.

Ultimately that really boils down to an arbitrary time definition.  Technically speaking we all have cancerous cells present all the time.  The arbitrary time cutoff you are using is after critical mass has been reached and severe symptoms felt.  By that time, your immune system has been losing a slow battle for years/decades and you had undiagnosed cancer that whole time.  That's why they are graded in stages instead of a binary grading system.  Stage 4, probably not going to reverse no matter what you try.  Precancerous abnormalities, Stage 0.5 because they really don't like calling it cancer, is a sugar coated way of saying cancer that probably won't kill you right away.  One could conceivably be cured by changes in lifestyle factors, the other probably not.  However, that doesn't negate the sad reality that both are still cancer. 

Early nonaggressive cancer can easily be treated using grocery store items.  Stage 0.5 cancer is the watch and wait type of cancer but you probably won't hear that you could reverse it at this stage by making some serious life changes.  That's because many doctors have become too cynical to believe that you'll actually follow through with the changes necessary for that to happen.  Instead, they assume that you'll continue on with your mildly destructive habits until you reach a later stage and then they'll perform chemo or surgery.  Same thing happens for pre-diabetes.  Why bother teaching the patient something they don't want to learn only to have them ignore your advice.  It's much easier to just leave it be and wait until they need medication because that's how 1st world countries work.

Though I'm not a oncologist, I am a doctor with a master's in public health to boot so no clinical slouch.  Those that rapidly dismiss lifestyle factors as relevant to health typically don't want to take responsibility for their bad habits.  There's an awful lot that the medical community doesn't know and a little that they'd rather not talk about.  Take a look at the funded research by the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association and American Cancer Society and take a look at the distribution of funding between prevention research and management research.  American Caner Society is about a 1:2 ratio respectively.

Per the American Cancer Society page.
Obesity, lack of physical activity, and poor diet are major risk factors for cancer – second only to tobacco use. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that about 20% of all cancers diagnosed in the US are related to body fatness, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption, and/or poor nutrition, and thus could be prevented.

Read between the lines could be prevented = early stage cure.  Doctors just aren't allowed to call patients out to their faces because yelp reviews actually matter to hospital administrators now.


Fair enough. I agree with your post.

The title is still grossly misleading though. If I were to declare that I had found the cure for cancer and when asked to present my cure I presented a clove of garlic wouldn't you consider that a tad dishonest?
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #169 on: September 13, 2017, 08:00:20 AM »

I'm kind of split on this, on the one hand whatever we do, we're gonna die, and I like Whisky and  black coffee, my leg joints are pretty much fucked from all the black ops' parachute jumps, and my mind is addled from chemical exploration in a misspent youth, so a long life would probably mean extended time being pushed around drooling, shouting obscenities at pretty nurses.
But I eat a largely vegetarian diet with a bit of fish, cycle to work and walk the dogs, I guess I'm trying to leave a decent looking corpse without being too much of a burden. NURSE!
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #170 on: September 13, 2017, 09:09:39 AM »
I guess the chances of getting the big C are higher if you abuse yourself.

But Cancer is no respecter of persons as I know someone right now who is a tee totalling vegan and is riddled with it. My Aunty also died of cancer after stopping drinking and smoking and becoming a fitness instructor (a la Jane Fonda) That was in the early eighties and that shocked the whole family, 6 months and it was all over red rover.
My friends Mother also never smoked a day in her life and died of lung cancer.

Add to this all the children who suffer with repeat bouts of leukaemia and cancer starts seeming pretty random.

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #171 on: September 13, 2017, 04:01:58 PM »
That's really the harshest reality of all.  We are all going to die of something and there's not a damn thing we can do to change that.  What it really boils down to is risk/reward/values.  If you don't live a life that fulfills you, why would you want it to last longer?  If you want to invest in your health, it's not that hard to do.  However, nothing and I mean nothing in this world will make you live forever.  I drink black coffee daily, just not a couple of pots of it.  I love a wide variety of alcohols, I just don't drink heavily.  I love me some red meat, I just don't eat over 1 lb of steak a night.  I can't wait for my next motorcycle ride.  I could slip and fall in the shower and die instantly no matter how healthy I am.  There's no way to know when you're about to be on the ass end of Murphy's Law.

Knowledge is power and knowing that you don't necessarily have to wait and do nothing is valuable.  Every time a person is prescribed a medication, they should ask why.  Then they should ask what they need to do to get back off of it down the road.  If the doctor tells you there's nothing you can do, find a new doctor because that one is lazy.

The original title of the post would be more accurate if it were rephrased as: Some stages of cancer could be easily reversed with grocery store items.

That's not all that inaccurate.

Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #172 on: September 13, 2017, 09:15:53 PM »
Since when is there a thing of stage 0.5 precancerous abnormalities?  It seems odd that stage 0 is cancer, stage 1 is cancer, but stage 0.5 would be precancer.


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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #173 on: September 13, 2017, 10:09:50 PM »
It varies facility to facility and cancer to cancer.  Stage 0.5 would be in the neighborhood of abnormal cells that can't quite be called cancer during the biopsy.  It would help a shit ton if they'd just call it cancer too.  Stage 0 only applies to specific cancers like breast cancer where routine screening is the norm.  They have to call is something on reports.  It's essentially the same between 0 and 0.5 but for different locations.  It's stupid and it should all be called cancer.

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devils advocate

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #174 on: September 21, 2017, 07:19:57 AM »
If some garlic will kill cancer, then lots of garlic will cure cancer. It's not really such a difficult leap.

Tom you demonstrate an uncanny lack on knowledge of human physiology here. As you are talking hypothetically I will answer as such:

Imagine that 5g of garlic will kill 1000 cancer cells, logic follows that if I have 10,000 cancer cells I need only eat 50g of garlic and boom! Cancer gone.

The problem with this hypothesis is that the human digestive and metabolic system is not 100% efficient; hence why circa 24 hours after eating sweetcorn the husks can clearly be seen in one's faecal output. If I ate 50g of garlic not all of it would be digested, even if I ate 5,000g I may never reach the magic 50g I required. Think of it as a ceiling; the maximum amount of any given substance that the body can absorb.

The amount of garlic needed to cure the cancer can simply fall above the amount the body can digest.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #175 on: September 22, 2017, 03:10:02 PM »
If some garlic will kill cancer, then lots of garlic will cure cancer. It's not really such a difficult leap.

Tom you demonstrate an uncanny lack on knowledge of human physiology here. As you are talking hypothetically I will answer as such:

Imagine that 5g of garlic will kill 1000 cancer cells, logic follows that if I have 10,000 cancer cells I need only eat 50g of garlic and boom! Cancer gone.

The problem with this hypothesis is that the human digestive and metabolic system is not 100% efficient; hence why circa 24 hours after eating sweetcorn the husks can clearly be seen in one's faecal output. If I ate 50g of garlic not all of it would be digested, even if I ate 5,000g I may never reach the magic 50g I required. Think of it as a ceiling; the maximum amount of any given substance that the body can absorb.

The amount of garlic needed to cure the cancer can simply fall above the amount the body can digest.

There are other variables involved in terms of things such as stomach absorption, garlic quality, etc., but these are bad arguments which do not really show any fallacy with the statement.

devils advocate

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #176 on: September 22, 2017, 10:44:58 PM »
They statement is theoretical which allows it to be possible. The reality of the statement is that it is not factual outside hypothesis, as in the theory doesn't actually work in practice.

devils advocate

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #177 on: September 22, 2017, 10:56:33 PM »
Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) causes death. Vitamin C cures scurvy=vitamin C prevents death=vitamin C makes you immortal. Hypothetically sound, practically false.

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #178 on: December 16, 2017, 05:41:03 PM »
As a cancer survivor who discovered (too late) that my family has been living "downwind from the Cold War", let me just say that a diet is not going to stop cancer. I've been to enough support groups and talked to enough people to know that healthy people are just as at-risk as are those who indulge in unhealthy lifestyles.

That being said, I can give you night-and-day contrast in cancer survival stories from the several recent examples that were close to me.
Interestingly enough, the two factors that most obviously have a positive effect on one's treatment are:
1) Diet. Everybody who does chemo is going to lose their hair. Get over it. But the other effects of chemo can be greatly reduced by managing one's diet. And people who go into the treatment healthy are much more likely to get a "full recovery" (which is basically as close as a doctor will ever get to saying they cured you.)
2) Adherence to the medical treatment--even when it gets unpleasant. Simply put, those who didn't stick with the program and endure its unpleasantness--especially those who chose homeopathy over chemotherapy--are not around anymore to tell me how smart they were for making those choices.

Re: Cancer is easily cured with common grocery store items
« Reply #179 on: February 03, 2018, 01:03:44 PM »
I mean what?
Please show your medical reports, your studies, your experiments, your rate of success.
That is what it needed before making a claim, not an anecdote from an unreliable source.
Things do have anti-cancerous properties, that's true. BUT their effect is minute and not able to cure cancer. Do you really think that scientists wouldn't have figured it out by now.
In fact, next time, do an experiment on someone you hate. We'll see how much pain and anguish that person goes through when deprived of modern medicine and subjected to a massive amount of garlic.