JUNKER, come on! That is a cop-out argument and you know it. The fundamental fact of the matter is that even the founder of modern FET makes MASSIVE errors in ENaG. Furthermore he claims a PhD that he could NOT have had, since Britain's Empire did not offer it until 1917. The USA did not until 1861, and he was parading up and down the length and breadth of Britain teaching his bilge at the time. The only place that DID was what was then pre-Imperial Germany. There is NO evidence that he spoke German or ever went there.
His MD is also suspect. We know he had some education in Scotland, but there is no indication of his graduation with any degree. He did have medical background, that much is clear. So does my mother. An MD that does not make.
My whole point is that pretty much EVERY single argument FEer's make, including Rowbotham, will not stand up to scientific or historical evidence. Whining is NOT the solution. Using the scientific method, and historically valid points, is. FEer's seem to be singularly unable to accomplish that.