Why hasn't the government said anything?
« on: November 09, 2015, 06:52:35 PM »
I'm a new member of this wonderful website, and I was just wondering something after reading through the 8th forum feed. Why has the government not said anything about this theory. If they truly had not gone to the moon and made this fabricated lie of a spherical planet why havent they shut this down yet.

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 07:03:23 PM »
The answer you'll get from a flat-earther is this:

The very act of shutting down flat earth discussion would in and of itself be an admission that there was 'something' going on.

And it makes sense. If you're at the heart of a cover-up and try to sweep everything under the rug, eventually the lump under the carpet is going to speak volumes. By not saying anything, and not taking action, on the surface it looks like the people behind the conspiracy (Not necessarily the government) aren't acknowledging such a conspiracy.

You may also get this:

The government themselves aren't behind it. They've been tricked by the REAL people behind it all.

Which is where it all goes to pot. The idea that there's a society out there powerful enough to pull the wool over the eyes of every government throughout history- especially the recent ones who fund research which might contradict the truths known only to these shadowy men at the heart at all....is preposterous. The network of people involved would have to be so large, that the nature of humans would take over at some point and there would be a massive, high-profile leak somewhere.

The reality of the situation is- nobody's stepping in to shut down flat-earth discussion for the sole reason that there's nothing to be concerned about. There's no secret. There's no conspiracy.

....that's the only reasonable answer which doesn't suspend disbelief.

Now- watch and see how long it takes before I'm called a sucker, a shill, a fool, and a purple teletubby.  :)

- That all being said, stick around the boards. Regardless of what you happen to think about the shape of the earth, there's a lot to learn about many facets of the scientific world here.

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2015, 05:06:58 AM »
Why has the government not said anything about this theory.
--- because they do not need to say anything. 
Anybody who is anybody important already knows. 

The power of misinformation is that it allows double-speak in public forums. 

You can say 1 thing with the intention of conveying different meanings to different audience at the same time.  Usually, 1 of the audiences knows the truth while the sheeple get suckered.  Both walk away happy. 

Everybody talks that way at times. 
« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 05:09:29 AM by Charming Anarchist »

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2015, 01:24:55 PM »
Why has the government not said anything about this theory.
--- because they do not need to say anything. 
Anybody who is anybody important already knows. 

The power of misinformation is that it allows double-speak in public forums. 

You can say 1 thing with the intention of conveying different meanings to different audience at the same time.  Usually, 1 of the audiences knows the truth while the sheeple get suckered.  Both walk away happy. 

Everybody talks that way at times.

Even I can't argue with this. Twenty seconds of study on any politically-geared news site will confirm this to be true.

However, while I agree with the premise of double-talk and trickery, it is the application to this particular theory that I don't line up with. While I admit that someone, somewhere out there is usually pulling a fast one for one cause or another, for reasons mentioned above I don't think 'they' are in this case, simply because the magnitude of said 'fast one' would blossom into something too big to handle awfully quickly.


Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2015, 02:12:06 PM »
I'm a new member of this wonderful website, and I was just wondering something after reading through the 8th forum feed. Why has the government not said anything about this theory. If they truly had not gone to the moon and made this fabricated lie of a spherical planet why havent they shut this down yet.
First of all you have to try and understand what a transparent government is. Basically it's those supposed ordinary people who are elected to stand party to party.
Those parties are made up or ordinary (supposedly) townsfolk/city folk.
Considering that most of these parties stay in supposed power for 5 to 10 years, how many of them are privy to the actually reality of a lot of stuff sold to the public.

Let's take space travel. Where are the rocket launch pads  in England?
How many of the so called government people get to really see what's going on, as opposed to merely hearing about it  by the very same means that we do. TV,  PAPERS, WORD OF MOUTH, etc.

When you can elect film stars and body builders/wrestlers, etc to power - do you think that these people are genuinely calling the shots with countries?...seriously?

The reason why governments don't say anything is because the real governments are in the shadows. They are the chess masters who play the board and dictate which  pieces move where - as and when required.

The so called people who are in the know, are easy to spot. They own whole countrysides. The thing is, they stay in the shadows and meet up with their like-minded allies when the next venture of public duping is in order.

Rama Set

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2015, 03:26:56 PM »
First of all you have to try and understand what a transparent government is. Basically it's those supposed ordinary people who are elected to stand party to party.
Those parties are made up or ordinary (supposedly) townsfolk/city folk.

Why supposedly?  Do you speak with your MPs or just assume they are fake?

Considering that most of these parties stay in supposed power for 5 to 10 years, how many of them are privy to the actually reality of a lot of stuff sold to the public.

Is this a rhetorical question?

Let's take space travel. Where are the rocket launch pads  in England?

There aren't any.

How many of the so called government people get to really see what's going on, as opposed to merely hearing about it  by the very same means that we do. TV,  PAPERS, WORD OF MOUTH, etc.

What do you mean by "really going on"?  There is a lot that is happening all the time.  This sounds like generic NWO talk.

When you can elect film stars and body builders/wrestlers, etc to power - do you think that these people are genuinely calling the shots with countries?...seriously?

Part of a democracy is that anyone, to an extent can be elected, this includes people who have pursued all sorts of careers in the past.  What about being a movie star or an athlete makes someone incapable of holding a public office?

The reason why governments don't say anything is because the real governments are in the shadows. They are the chess masters who play the board and dictate which  pieces move where - as and when required.

Oooo, sounds spooky.

The so called people who are in the know, are easy to spot. They own whole countrysides. The thing is, they stay in the shadows and meet up with their like-minded allies when the next venture of public duping is in order.

If it were that easy, then they would be the shittiest NWO ever.

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2015, 06:27:39 PM »
While I admit that someone, somewhere out there is usually pulling a fast one for one cause or another, for reasons mentioned above I don't think 'they' are in this case, simply because the magnitude of said 'fast one' would blossom into something too big to handle awfully quickly.
That is a revealing analysis. 

You fear that belief in something-false-according-to-you-supposedly** would blossom into something too big to handle awfully quickly.  That is a weird type of paranoia. 

I do not believe in Santa Clause but the fact that lots and lots of gullible kids believe in him is nothing I fear.  What is it about popular knowledge of the True Earth that will lead to something blossoming into something too big to handle awfully quickly???????????????   

Handle?   Handle by whom, for goodness' sake??!???? 

** I say "supposedly" because it is MORE than obvious that you are putting on an act here.  You know the truth.  You are just doing a shitty job at shilling here. 

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2015, 11:13:17 PM »
While I admit that someone, somewhere out there is usually pulling a fast one for one cause or another, for reasons mentioned above I don't think 'they' are in this case, simply because the magnitude of said 'fast one' would blossom into something too big to handle awfully quickly.
That is a revealing analysis. 

You fear that belief in something-false-according-to-you-supposedly** would blossom into something too big to handle awfully quickly.  That is a weird type of paranoia. 

I do not believe in Santa Clause but the fact that lots and lots of gullible kids believe in him is nothing I fear.  What is it about popular knowledge of the True Earth that will lead to something blossoming into something too big to handle awfully quickly???????????????   

Handle?   Handle by whom, for goodness' sake??!???? 

** I say "supposedly" because it is MORE than obvious that you are putting on an act here.  You know the truth.  You are just doing a shitty job at shilling here.

1. Shill. Again with shill? You've got nothing else? It's getting old, and a little sad. You're on one hand saying I'm stupid and paranoid, but then in the next 'breath' saying I'm a shill. Fella, if the 'governments' are dumb enough to hire me as a shill, then there's no WAY they'd be able to keep a secret the size of lying about the shape of the earth. Grow up a smidge.

2. Learn to read. My post had nothing to do with ME being able to handle anything, but hearkens back to the original idea that a conspiracy going on behind the curtain of organized government would have an insurmountable task of pulling strings every time there's a political overthrow, election, or upheaval. You're putting so much stock into a ridiculous sentiment that you fail to realize silly the entire premise is.

3. Paranoid? Me? I'm not the one seeing a ghost society behind the political heads of every nation on earth. Again, your insults and barbs fall short of doing anything but making you look foolish.

4. You're right. I know the truth. I've determined it because the science you use to prove your point is fractured and most of it doesn't work beyond lab proof of concept, and virtually none of it can be cited in real world application. I've determined it because your own factions can't agree on answers to some of the most rudimentary questions surrounding the flat-earth theory. Most of all, I've determined it because YOU get so defensive whenever your ideals become challenged. You continue to fall back on musty old arguments, and childish insults, never once bothering to engage a single person who disagrees with you in legitimate debate. You're doing more to prove to me that flat-earth theory is a concoction of paranoid minds than anything else around here is.

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2015, 03:45:42 AM »
1. Shill. Again with shill? You've got nothing else? It's getting old, and a little sad. You're on one hand saying
You are the 1 debating flat earthers.  That is sad. 

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2015, 01:27:31 PM »
You are the 1 debating flat earthers.  That is sad.

You keep saying that. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 01:30:03 PM by Disgraced_Shield »

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2015, 03:49:53 PM »
Why would they say anything?  By drawing attention to it on a regular basis, it causes interest in the subject and that would be bad for them.  Every so often, they let out something about it, but it is always about mocking the flat earth.  The truth is the billions of dollars the government has spent on NASA each year, along with other government "scientific" groups indicates quite a reason for ignoring the flat earth theory. 

Sometimes Hollywood gives us an example of this very thing.  Subliminally, they insert flat earth theory in their movies but it is always science fiction based.  Whether it is "Under the Dome" TV show, or Dark City or the Signal.  Hollywood is releasing a new movie called "moonwalkers" which is a comedic interpretation to the conspiracy theory that the moon landing was not possible, so they tried to hire Stanley Kubrick to direct the Apollo 11 landing.  This is Hollywood taking a more recent conspiracy theory and applying it soon after to a feature film.  The fact that it is a comedy seems to be an attempt to discredit the idea.  A more serious film was Capricorn One, but was about a Mars mission that was impossible, so it was faked.

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2015, 02:05:04 PM »
Why would they say anything?  By drawing attention to it on a regular basis, it causes interest in the subject and that would be bad for them.  Every so often, they let out something about it, but it is always about mocking the flat earth.  The truth is the billions of dollars the government has spent on NASA each year, along with other government "scientific" groups indicates quite a reason for ignoring the flat earth theory. 

Sometimes Hollywood gives us an example of this very thing.  Subliminally, they insert flat earth theory in their movies but it is always science fiction based.  Whether it is "Under the Dome" TV show, or Dark City or the Signal.  Hollywood is releasing a new movie called "moonwalkers" which is a comedic interpretation to the conspiracy theory that the moon landing was not possible, so they tried to hire Stanley Kubrick to direct the Apollo 11 landing.  This is Hollywood taking a more recent conspiracy theory and applying it soon after to a feature film.  The fact that it is a comedy seems to be an attempt to discredit the idea.  A more serious film was Capricorn One, but was about a Mars mission that was impossible, so it was faked.

"faked" and "impossible" are thrown around a lot in this forum, very usually without concrete support.
You realize that the conspiracy you people are supporting is supposed to predate the organizations you're saying is responsible for its being kept a secret right?

The entertainment industry in Hollywood is in on it too? If the evidence is your cited film list, I've got news for you brother, they've also made movies depicting talking cats, a vagina with teeth, and a tire that bounces around killing people. What other sorts of things do you believe based on some of the things the entertainment industry is responsible for producing?

The idea that a secret of this magnitude exists on an international political level is virtually insane. The major global powers of the world can't agree on the time of day much less to keep a secret this size. What would it take for Russia or China to come out and say "Hey Americans, your leaders have been lying to you, the earth is flat- here's the evidence!" in an effort to destabilize things- as a revelation of this size would.

The assertion that the governments of the world can conspire across elections, political upheavals, revolutions, and time puts a faith in them that they simply don't deserve.

No, the government doesn't say anything for the simple fact that the conspiracy isn't something that actually exists.

Re: Why hasn't the government said anything?
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2015, 03:32:12 PM »
Or, the discovery of the apparent global nature of our livingspace was a genuine discovery and everyone more or less went along in time and considered it to be a proven theory. Only during the first attempts at space exploration they figured out the truth and came to the conclusion that it would be better not to try to let this out, because the consequences were difficult to oversee.

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