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Re: There is an error in your wiki made by Tom
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2018, 11:33:34 PM »
Edit: Ok, I think I found something: https://wiki.tfes.org/A_Close_Look_at_the_Lunar_Lander

While this isn't exactly wrong, it isn't right. For starters, no real evidence is given to suggest that the lander was faked, or couldn't work, etc. The entire argument is "look at it, it doesn't SEEM right, which means it can't be right. right?"

Well, I would like to argue this. That, isn't the actual part of the LM that held the people. YES, it is on the ascent module, but inside the LM is a rather solid, strong aluminum frame: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/misc/apmisc-LM-noID-06.jpg and: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/misc/apmisc-LM-noID-11.jpg and: http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6785.0;attach=18404;image and: https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1db85cf4b2cd44e5e0e4d4eaf864bd79-c and: https://history.msfc.nasa.gov/saturn_apollo/photos/images/apollo17_GRIN-000640.jpg

Quite like the command module, the LM that you see is just its outside covering. The CM inside its cover, when stripped down, looks like this: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/SP-4009/images/1-158b.gif and: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/pao/History/SP-4205/images/c095b.jpg and then this: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/pao/History/SP-4205/images/c095b.jpg and then this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/View_of_Spacecraft_012_Command_Module_during_installation_of_heat_shield_%28small_image%29.jpg and finally this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/Seattle_Apollo_command_module.jpg and this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/Apollo_CSM_lunar_orbit.jpg

Essentially, you're ignoring the framing of the LM. The outer covering was the layers of mylar foil used for heat and thermal control, as well as partial micrometeorite shielding. This isn't exactly the most scientific, or reliable argument, for flat earthers. I'm not saying this has to be taken down, but it isn't exactly necessary.

Even if you think that there is a real space ship beneath it, the outer heat shielding is still an essential part of the lander. The fact that it appears so shoddily put together, and is affixed with tape, is a valid point. The outer white exterior insulation walls of the craft are not even properly fitted together. There are gaps all over the place.

But Tom, there's reasons you're wrong. Sure, it looks poorly put together, but it really isn't. The outer layer was simply there to provide insulation. The LM itself, without the layers, already was able to regulate heat well. The outer layers were just there as added effect for the ascent stage, and some radiation protection. They weren't needed for structural integrity, or even to hold the air inside the LM. There's no reason gaps can't be there, since convection doesn't exist in a vacuum, so heat can't escape through the gaps.

The LM was built, like everything else, to be as light as possible. Because the LM operated in a vacuum, many parts didn't need to be sturdy. The sturdy part of the LM was taken care of by the aluminum frame. The LM didn't deal with drag from an atmosphere either. In fact, the descent stage was actually designed so that it would buckle during the landing, so it can absorb the impact. This caused the outer layer to bend slightly, but it did not come loose, causing it to appear folded in the picture. The descent stage was only going to be used once, so after its job was completed, the outer layer wasn't necessary. Additionally, the outer part of the LM wasn't just one layer. It was many very thin layers. The layers had few contact points between each other to ensure that heat would not be transferred between them by conduction. The black material on the descent stage were thin Inconel sheets. These were the outermost layer, and were painted black to improve heat emission. Beneath this layer were reflective layers, usually Mylar, that prevented the heat of the black layer to enter the LM.

The golden foil was kapton multi-layer blankets. High reflectivity was the most effective method of regulating heat inside the LM, so the foil was put only where the reflection was needed most. Because there's no air in space for convection, if you lower the absorption of heat by making surfaces reflective, and you reduce contact points to pass heat by conduction, insulation is effective. To reduce contact points, the inner layer of the foil blankets was hand-crinkled. This provided a path for venting as well. The crinkling of the inner layer is bound to make the outer layer seem uneven. But it didn't need to be even, or even attached, as it didn't serve any purpose to the structural integrity, or air-tightness of the actual LM. It simply acted as a thermal covering.

The rest is simply to protect from micro meteoroids, the effects of the radiation, etc. It only needed to serve its job.

As for your "tape," yes, it was held with tape. But not duct tape or scotch tape. It's called industrial tape. It's specifically designed to be used for projects like this, and is commonly used in many Earth construction sites, models, buildings, etc. It's a much stronger tape than anything you'd commonly find around your house.

If you'd like to read a bit more about the thermal protection, here's a quick article: http://home.earthlink.net/~pfjeld/lmdata/

And if you want more on the LM, here's a quite detailed report: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/LM04_Lunar_Module_ppLV1-17.pdf
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 10:05:57 PM by nickrulercreator »
This end should point toward the ground if you want to go to space. If it starts pointing toward space you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today.