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Messages - Excelsior John

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Atheism vs. religion
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:08:27 AM »
Thork is right about modern atheists.  You can claim that you aren't part of the movement all you want, but when you start quoting Dawkins and Hitchens and (a new favorite, it seems) Krauss in your support of the evils of religion, you are a new atheist like it or not.  And most modern atheists get a hard-on at the mere mention of any one of those names.

Here's something to chew on: statistically, your religious friends who go to church and pay blind allegiance to a God you don't think they should believe exists are going to live several years  longer than you.  So right about the existence of God or not they must be doing something right that you aren't.
Thank you roundey!!! :) Genusley put together and shows that religous people will always lead happy lives while atheist will lead dull loveles lifeles lives!!! Whoever beleives that the universe just came into existince from a random gient explosion and that we came from monkees is obvousley not to rite in the head!!! If we "evolved" from monkees then why are there still monkees today?!! Exacley you cant come up with anything!!! ;D Religion beats EVILution by a long flippin shot!!!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Drugs should be legal.
« on: December 21, 2013, 06:51:43 PM »
Next time you are ill and need medication. Don't take it.
Stop drinking caffeine. That includes cola and chocolate.
Stop eating non-organic meat and dairy.
No more honey for you.
Leave your tap water alone (sorry but that includes almost all food types).

You can't avoid taking drugs. They will kill all 7 billion of us in the end  ::)
Thats not wat I ment i ment like things that get you high like marahuana and weed and alcahol and stuff. And I dont use cafine ether. I drink cofe and soda but they are obvz decaf cuz I dont get high
Next time you are ill and need medication. Don't take it.
Stop drinking caffeine. That includes cola and chocolate.
Stop eating non-organic meat and dairy.
No more honey for you.
Leave your tap water alone (sorry but that includes almost all food types).

You can't avoid taking drugs. They will kill all 7 billion of us in the end  ::)
And at MILLIONS a day, we only have less than 20 years left!!!!!!

1 million per day * 365 days per year = 365 million per year
365 million per year * 20 years = 7.3 billion!!!!!
 We are all dead!!!!! :o
You know what I flippin mean!!!!!! ::)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 21, 2013, 06:46:11 PM »
55 orthographic errors. Given I'm a Jew, I'd not be welcome @ Stormfront. I'm beginning to think you're not a troll, you're just an idiot.   
Well gues what yakoov: IM NETHER!!!!!!!! I am an intelect only and do not confirm to rascist bigotrey like you do. You are puluting this thred with ignorence and using raciel slurs such as "NEGRO!!!" Im begining (oh wait — nevermind I alredey knew) to think your both a troll AND a idiot
As Saddam pointed out you are using the word black from Spanish.  As Alchemist pointed out, there is no logical reason to worry about offending EJ.
This is very racist comment.
It tis rascist hank you hoppy all they even do is eternelise rascism and say its fine to ofend people as long as there African American >:(
Aside from EJ, does 'black' really have a negative connotation in the US? In Britain it's a perfectly reasonable way to refer to someone's ethnicity and is the term used on, the census forms which give you variations on 'White' (White British, White Irish etc) 'Mixed / multiple ethnic groups' 'Asian / Asian British' 'Black / African / Caribbean / Black British' and 'Other ethnic group'
Yess it vary much does "black" is universaley considered a raciel slur here in America and the corec term is "African American." Its not my falt you guys are rascist in britan
Aside from EJ, does 'black' really have a negative connotation in the US? In Britain it's a perfectly reasonable way to refer to someone's ethnicity and is the term used on, the census forms which give you variations on 'White' (White British, White Irish etc) 'Mixed / multiple ethnic groups' 'Asian / Asian British' 'Black / African / Caribbean / Black British' and 'Other ethnic group'

No.  It does not.
::) Flippin lier
'Black' is not considered offensive, no. It is, I believe, used on census forms, as is the word 'White'. I've never met a single Black person who took exception to the term, any more than I've met a White person who objects to that term. People as individuals have their preferences, of course. I prefer the term 'Caucasian'. Better yet, I prefer to not mention my racial group, & identify w/ my ethno-religious group. When asked, I check 'White' & write in 'Jewish' in the 'other' box. Some Blacks prefer that term. Some prefer 'African-American'. Some prefer 'person of colour'. Very few use the word 'Negro'. It ultimately depends on who you are talking to. It is usually best to use whatever term that person uses to avoid causing offence.
Is this a joke?!! "Black" is most certantley a raciel slur and who are you to say what we are flippin called??! We want to be known as AFRICAN AMERICAN and we will be known as that!!!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: King Henry VIII.
« on: December 21, 2013, 04:00:58 PM »
Anyone can just go and change it wich just shows that it is genareley wrong

Simply not true.

There are procedures in place to prevent tampering.

I have yet to hear of a name for Henry's 7th or 8th wife from you.

Or indeed any sources despite me having produced many for you.
Prove it

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Drugs should be legal.
« on: December 21, 2013, 04:00:30 PM »
Indeed. EJ is wise beyond all years. Possession of drugs should be punishable by death. After all, how else might we protect our drug-affected cousins save by ruining them? How might those knaves learn to lead an honest life save by incarceration? It is not enough to simply teach that drugs do wrong. We must ourselves do as much wrong as the drug if we are to protect our society. For indeed narcotics truly are demons incarnate, and the souls of those possessed thereby must be smited in order to be saved. If thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell; by extension, we may learn that if thine cousin doest offend thee, he ought to be himself cast off, and by this protect our very civilization from being thus.
*round of aplase* Beatiful tsunami I couldent agree more. Drugs are nothing but pure evil and this is the truley anti drug antham. The devil is trying to kill us with drugs but we shall stay away from them!!! :D i am moved gretley :)
Indeed. EJ is wise beyond all years. Possession of drugs should be punishable by death. After all, how else might we protect our drug-affected cousins save by ruining them? How might those knaves learn to lead an honest life save by incarceration? It is not enough to simply teach that drugs do wrong. We must ourselves do as much wrong as the drug if we are to protect our society. For indeed narcotics truly are demons incarnate, and the souls of those possessed thereby must be smited in order to be saved. If thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell; by extension, we may learn that if thine cousin doest offend thee, he ought to be himself cast off, and by this protect our very civilization from being thus.
Most indeed spoon. Glad to see you are wise as well!!! :)
Bj alredey disproved and humilated you

Actually He didn't.

It's a terrible chart but whilst I was wrong about exactly what it shows I was 100% correct that it simply doesn't show anything close to millions of deaths per day.
Well you know what I mean ether way DRUGS KILL!!!!!!!!!!!
Similar stuff happens with alcohol.  Why is that legal and pot not?

I don't know why alcohol is legal to drink either. But regardless, I don't need artificial substances to be happy and content.
Ikr alcahol should also be ilegel it is the devils drink. And I dont beleive I have seen you before Hello and Welcome to FES!
Similar stuff happens with alcohol.  Why is that legal and pot not?

I don't know why alcohol is legal to drink either. But regardless, I don't need artificial substances to be happy and content.

I bet if we examined your life there is some element analagous to drug use in it... I betcha!!!
Drugs is artificiel hapines and KILLS YOU tho

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 21, 2013, 03:53:13 PM »
Once again you use wikiflippinpedia for your sorce wich is wrong

I've already explained why it isn't and that's all you're getting on this front.

You can google the name for yourself if you really care, and if you don't really care then neither do I.
That stupit studey doesnt prove anything. Anyone can just go and change stuff on crudapedia!
Im not acting contrarey to forum rules. And you are trolling by trying to get another FEr baned

calling people morons is contrary to the rules.
When did I ever call anyone in this forum a flippin moron?!!
What are you getting to get out of this, spank?
Ignorence. Pure ignorence
What are you getting to get out of this, spank?

Well TV's crap at half 1 in the morning and I have sleep issues.
Once again its all me me me to you. Do something productive rather than trolling ::)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 21, 2013, 03:48:11 PM »
Uh...of corse the ancient egyptiens were African Egypt is in AFRICA !!!

So is Libya.

The point is the ancient Egyptians may have been racially different from other Africans, and may in fact have been one of the old Semitic races similar to the Assyrians or Hyksos, or perhaps another entirely.

I know the libiyens are African American. And how the heck are egyptiens Semitic?! Semitic means jewish once again your trying to claim the achevements of African Americans for your Jewish religion
Given that the ancient Egyptians were the direct ancestors of today's Copts, who are a Semitic people (as are Arabs & Jews, although the Jewish thing gets messy), it is pretty clear that the Ancient Egyptians weren't Negroes, any more than the Copts are. They may have been a mixed group, actually, but no one can be sure of that. The ultimate question, what was an Egyptian, may never be known. We know what they were not. They weren't Arabs. They weren't Negroes. They may have been partly Semite. They may have been something that no longer exists today. It will probably always be an open question.
NEGROS!!!!!!!!!!! You are a flippin rascist what a terible word to say!!!!!! Yakoov thats it you are a rascist only a rascist person would use the word negro that is vary ofencive to me as an AFRICAN AMERICAN!!!!!!!
Given that the ancient Egyptians were the direct ancestors of today's Copts, who are a Semitic people (as are Arabs & Jews, although the Jewish thing gets messy), it is pretty clear that the Ancient Egyptians weren't Negroes, any more than the Copts are. They may have been a mixed group, actually, but no one can be sure of that. The ultimate question, what was an Egyptian, may never be known. We know what they were not. They weren't Arabs. They weren't Negroes. They may have been partly Semite. They may have been something that no longer exists today. It will probably always be an open question.

No one calls them negroes anymore.  You are like a really tragic time traveller.

Ikr its pure rascism
I only used the term because EJ gets offended by the word 'Black', & the term isn't accurate anyway. Australian Aboriginals are black. Some Micronesians are black. There are plenty of black skinned persons in the world who are NOT African, & plenty of Africans who are NOT black. Hence the term 'Negro'. Although not PC, its the only one that works.
And you thought that "NEGRO" woukld be better?!! Black is alredey bad enough but NEGRO?!! RELEY?!!
Black means black.  It doesn't mean African.  And I don't know what you're talking about with Negro supposedly being "the only one that works."  It's like you think that it's some kind of scientific term.  It's not.  It's literally just the Spanish/Portuguese word for black.  The only real difference between them is that Negro has a racist connotation.
Black is a ofencive slur for African Americans
Yaakov, do you actually understand what a troll is...

lol, I think Yaakov understands what a troll is, sadaam.
Im not so sure he does ::)
I'm well aware that 'Negro' is not a scientifically accurate term. Neither is 'Caucasian'. I am also aware of the Spanish/Portuguese derivation of the word. The concept of 'race' is itself unscientific. Nevertheless, for the purposes of this discussion, I'm obligated to use terms the meaning of which is clear. Please realise I do NOT intend to use them to be racially offensive. That having been said, if someone chooses to be offended, that is their issue, not mine. In this conversation, I use the term 'Negro' to refer to any Black African or Black African American person, but not to other black persons, like Australian Aboriginals. The word 'African' can be used for a person of any colour or ethnicity from Africa. 'African American' will refer to a person of Negro race in America who is often called 'Black'.
Reley?!! Thatd be like going up to an African American person and caling them the n word and teling them it is there isue if there ofended!!! Such a rascist troll not even funny!
Why can't you say "Black African"?
AFRICAN AMERICAN!!! Black is raciel slur
EJ finds the term 'Black' offensive. Besides that, then you have to deal w/ non-Black Africans.
Because its a raciel slur why shouldent I be ofended?!! And what do you mean "have to deal" with them?!! Do you not like non AFRICAN AMERICAN Africans and its a burdan for you to talk to them?!!
EJ finds the term 'Black' offensive. Besides that, then you have to deal w/ non-Black Africans.

That was the whole point of your post, that not all Africans are black.
Black is a raciel slur stop perpatrating rascism!!!
Precisely. & this is the only way I can differentiate between between persons from Africa who are black skinned & those who are not w/o offending trolls.
Im not a troll yakoov so how about you but out. And black us a raciel slur and you just come off as. Itching but a flippin rascist!
Precisely. & this is the only way I can differentiate between between persons from Africa who are black skinned & those who are not w/o offending trolls.


I think Yaakov is trolling.  There's no logical reason to worry about offending trolls rather than offending sensible people.
He is trolling. He is an ofencive rascist troll!!
Well, if you have a way I can clearly indicate the difference between a Negro & an African of any descent w/o using the word 'Black', do enlighten me.
Well black is raciel slur you cant flippin use it!!!
As Saddam pointed out you are using the word black from Spanish.  As Alchemist pointed out, there is no logical reason to worry about offending EJ.
Well it is ofencive and us African Americans take vary grete ofence to it!!!
The 1st point, while true, is irrelevant, as English is littered w/ foreign words, including many from Spanish, that retain only a suggestion of their original meaning in said language, as in 'negro' meaning 'black' in colour as applied to anything vs 'Negro' referring to an ethno-racial group in English usage. Your 2nd point, however, re: offending the troll is well taken! Touche, mon frere! You win that round!
Both are ofencive. African American is the only politicaley corec term
It would be nice if we could get back to the topic of religion, rather than if all Africans are black or whatever you two are arguing about.
Ikr! You can thank yakoov for turning this consarvation rascist
Socker, Greeting! Well, as I indicated, Rama Set won that round! So, where were we in the discussion?
Won what round? !!!!!!
Halfway down page 12.  That's where.
Ugh. Its been that long :P
Yaakov, I think you are a troll and you are portraying a Jewish superiority complex that is not real.  I want to argue with you, but I would just be feeding the troll.  I have no idea why people actually respond to your posts, as if they are real.  I suspect you are an alt, and you are just doing whatever you can to get under people's skin.  You started out demanding proof of the flat Earth that would support your Jewish model, and when you could not get that, you immediately started your racist trolling. 
He tis defiantley a troll. He beleives Jewish are superor even tho its a flippin RELIGION!!!
The 1st point, while true, is irrelevant, as English is littered w/ foreign words, including many from Spanish, that retain only a suggestion of their original meaning in said language, as in 'negro' meaning 'black' in colour as applied to anything vs 'Negro' referring to an ethno-racial group in English usage. Your 2nd point, however, re: offending the troll is well taken! Touche, mon frere! You win that round!

Strictly speaking negro would refer specifically to black sub Saharan Africans, which would rule out the Egyptians.

Negro is a raciel slur!!!
Jroa, you are certainly free to have your opinion. I'm not sure what an alt is, so I can't respond to that. As for being racist, I don't believe I have been, although I don't dispute that I've little love lost for Muslims. & given how the average Jew gets treated in Crown Heights, I'm a bit cautious w/ American Blacks as well, although that does NOT apply to African Blacks. If you choose to think I'm a troll, that is a personal issue for you to deal with, & no concern of mine.
More and more rascism yakoov. Why dont you go join the boys at stormfront?!! ;D

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Nelson Mandella is dead
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:19:32 AM »
Well first of all the last one was obvousley a white sapremist site and the picture was absolute lies. And the first three were just stating lies about Mandela that were populer in the rascist 80s. Prove that he did these things. Nay give me video proof

Which is what I said you'd say.

You'd like video evidence of things that took place in African jungles during the 50's and 60's?

Do you understand why that would be unlikely to exist?
Once again you use wikiflippinpedia for your sorce wich is wrong
I dont screm "lies!" and your trying to get me baned? Obz troll

No, you're trying to get yourself banned if you act contrary to the forum rules. I'm merely assisting.
Im not acting contrarey to forum rules. And you are trolling by trying to get another FEr baned

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Drugs should be legal.
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:15:50 AM »
EJ has convinced me. I retract my previous argument in this thread.
Well im glad you have come to your senses rather than embracing ignorence spoon. You obvousley relize that it is idiotic idea to legelise things that KILL you!

they wear a lot of hats.
Pff thats probeley where they hide there bombs
Time to break out the popcorn & watch the show.
Such a troll. Not even funny
I ment to spel hateful moron
Oh..... You meant to spell "hateful moron".  I understand now.  It sure would have helped if you hadn't forgotten the 'e' in addition to the entire second half (moron) of the implied nomenclature in your original sentence.  'Hateful moron' doesn't really fit with the structure of the original sentence though.

*edit- I just want to apologize to everyone else while I'm thinking about it.  Hanging out at that bridge with a feedbag in my hand is just too inviting.
How does it nog fit into the sentence?
Oh, those Muslims & their hats, now! Who knows, maybe they're hateful hats? Or moronic hats? Or maybe, to be fair to them, just hats.
There hate. Thats what islams are

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: King Henry VIII.
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:07:24 AM »
Well maybe you shouldntve picked it in the first place

why not?

I cant find any references to the contrary and there have been numerous studies on Wikipedia which have found it to be equally reliable as any other encyclopedia such as Britannica and Encarta, in some cases MORE accurate if you don't include current affairs.

so all in all it could be considered an excellent reference point for facts on Henry VIII
Prove it

sorry, I accidently put the proof in img tags, not url.

edited my last post to fix.
Anyone can just go and change it wich just shows that it is genareley wrong

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Drugs should be legal.
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:04:22 AM »
Millions die every day?
You bet ya !

bang a bang?

That doesn't show anything. That merely shows the % of people of different ages who die of drug overdoses. That could be from a sample of 100, 1000 or 10,000
Bj alredey disproved and humilated you


bang a bang?

That doesn't show anything. That merely shows the % of people of different ages who die of drug overdoses. That could be from a sample of 100, 1000 or 10,000

Actually, that chart shows # of deaths per 100,000.  So for every 100,000 people aged 45-54, a whopping 25 people die.  However what is missing is the time frame.  Is this an annual death rate, a daily death rate, hourly death rate?  We cannot tell from this graph.

If this is an daily death rate, then 91.8 people die from drugs per 600,000. (I know i am messing up by combining the age groups, I am assuming that all age groups have equal numbers of people in them, however the census data I found doesn't split the age groups up the same way as this graph) according to the 2010 census data, there were 308,745,538 people in the US.  Now if we take the death rate of 91.8 deaths per 600,000 people and multiply it by the number of people, we will then get the daily deaths.


So if this rate were a daily rate, worst case scenario (unless you want to make it an hourly death rate), you have just over 47,000 deaths per day from drugs.  A far cry from the millions that EJ claimed.
It doesn't mater. Ether way it shows the evils of drugs and how the only thing they do is KILL!!!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 20, 2013, 11:44:15 PM »
The egyptiens are African American

the ancient Egyptians may or may not have been racially African. that was the debate. there's a lack of evidence either way, pre old kingdom inhabitants were racially African but post dynastic Egypt they were not the bit in the middle was what we were debating.
Uh...of corse the ancient egyptiens were African Egypt is in AFRICA !!!
Okay watever African African ::) big dealio

It is quite a big deal to them, if you'd spoken to many Africans, from actual Africa, you'd know. It's fairly offensive, as offensive as referring to me as anglo-american when I'm not. Almost racist.
Im not trying to be ofencive im not rascist in ANY way 101% NOT rascist!!!
12 orthographic errors.
Low content. Youll lern someday yakoov ::)
12 orthographic errors.

This insolence needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this institution with your behavior. You are a complete disgrace.  >:( >:( >:(

Seriously, though, please don't do this. It's as annoying as EJ himself
Ikr thank you tsunami because he is being extremeley rude and anoying. But btw im not flippin anoying dont let my scholereleley inamite you
Tausami's right.  It's low-content posting at its worst and I think you should cut it out, Yaakov.
Exacley thank you roundey. This tis how a mod is suposed to work :)
*HEAVES A SIGH* Oh, very well. I was, after all, just perpetuating ignorance, as EJ called it, in this case, his ignorance of how to write in English that can be understood by anyone other than himself. Well, I guess I'll have to stop feeding the troll, since if I say anything else beyond a steady count of his orthographic errors, it only feeds into his childlike behaviour. Well, I guess that is what I get for engaging a teenager in conversation in the 1st place.
Yakoov how about you stop being such an ignorent tool. My views may be out there to you but you need to except my views rather than acusing me of trolldom. Maybe you should stop being such a troll yakoov. All you ever do is low post!!!
Yaakov, do you actually understand what a troll is, or what the rest of us mean when we say that EJ is a troll?  You acknowledge that he's a troll, but at the same time seem to think that he really is as dumb and illiterate as he presents himself to be.  I'm seriously wondering if you've never heard of an Internet troll before, and are simply assuming that it's just a generic term for any stupid person.  It's not.
Ikr he knows deep down that I am genuine tho he still calls me a troll. lol ;D
I am aware that a troll is a person of average or better-than-average intelligence who pretends to be otherwise. I'm still not certain whether EJ is a genuine troll or just plain annoying. But it is fun to annoy him in either case. try to anoy me? Well sure looks obvous that YOUR the troll here!!!
He is a troll and you aren't annoying him, rather doing exactly as he wants you to do. 
Im not a troll so how about you lern to stop talking smack bro!!!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: King Henry VIII.
« on: December 20, 2013, 01:40:46 AM »
Well maybe you shouldntve picked it in the first place

why not?

I cant find any references to the contrary and there have been numerous studies on Wikipedia which have found it to be equally reliable as any other encyclopedia such as Britannica and Encarta, in some cases MORE accurate if you don't include current affairs.

so all in all it could be considered an excellent reference point for facts on Henry VIII
Prove it

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 20, 2013, 01:33:47 AM »
15 orthographic errors.
Once again yakoov perpetates ignorence ::)
EJ isn't a troll, he's just black.
I know im not a troll :) but second of all I would prefer to not be called by a raceiel slur im AFRICAN AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all the first one is simpeley a white man who lives in Africa (a desendint of the invaers) and mumar gadafy was a moslem who ruled an African countrey and the last one is an ethnic African American.
All three were born in Africa, all three are African. The question is which of these three races, or possibly another one, were the egyptians part of.
The egyptiens are African American
And I never said egyptiens were Americans what kinda moron would say that. I was simpeley saying egyptiens were African American

what is it about the "american" part of "african american" you don't understand?

You can't be african american unless you are an american of african descent, that would be like me claiming to be anglo-american when I'm english.

Okay watever African African ::) big dealio
what is it about the "american" part of "african american" you don't understand?

Well gues whos on my shitlist
what is it about the "american" part of "african american" you don't understand?

Proves that your a troll

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: King Henry VIII.
« on: December 20, 2013, 01:23:59 AM »
Prove her maried 8

list of spouses on the right.

Wikipedia is not a trustworthey sorce

wikipedia is not so much a source as a collection of sources, you merely have to lick the little numbers and find where it's information comes from to determine it's validity.
The fact that you picked Wikipedia as a sorce takes away any credibilitey you have. Thus all sorces tis null and void

I picked Wikipedia because it is quick, easy and agrees with the encyclopedia I have on my shelf. I was unaware that the Encyclopedia Britannica now made articles available free online.

You can argue that the encyclopedia Britannica is wrong if you like but I'd still like the names of the 8 wives from you.
Well maybe you shouldntve picked it in the first place
Stop. responding. to. EJ.
Stay. out. of. the. conversation!
Stop. responding. to. EJ.
I'm not trying to make you respond to him so why are you bothered about what I do?
Exacley. Now heres something me and spank can agree on
He's a troll and he'll go away quicker if people ignore him.
Ugh just be quiet ghost all because I have difrent views from you doesnt mean im a troll ::)
He's a troll and he'll go away quicker if people ignore him.

I like trolls.

My parents never let me have a dog.
Good for you. To bad im not a troll tho :)
Stop. responding. to. EJ.
I'm not trying to make you respond to him so why are you bothered about what I do?

Because we're in the serious forums, and EJ's flailing about for attention invariably ruins any genuine discussion that could have been had.  If you want to play with the trolls, do it in the basement.
Im not flaling about for atention im just puting out my views and debating with people. If you dont like — TO FLIPPIN BAD !
Saddam has a good point.
No he doesnt
Saddam has a good point.

He has a point.

I'm not sure it's a good one.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 20, 2013, 12:38:34 AM »
Let me put it simpley:

Egyptiens are people from Egypt...

...Egypt is in Africa... there AFRICAN...

Dont think I could put it more simpeley there ::)

Thats an entirely different thing to african american.

Allow me to post pictures of a couple of "africans"

and one last one

none of these people are "american", all of them are "african".

Neither of those things are what Yaak and myself were discussing.
First of all the first one is simpeley a white man who lives in Africa (a desendint of the invaers) and mumar gadafy was a moslem who ruled an African countrey and the last one is an ethnic African American. And I never said egyptiens were Americans what kinda moron would say that. I was simpeley saying egyptiens were African American
I dont beleive I have seen you before. Hello and Welcome to FES! :D

Thanks.  I was a regular on the other site but just arrived here recently.
Thats cool :)
12 orthographic errors.
Yeah yakoov how about you actueley respond to my statment ::)
All black people are African Americans, why is this hard to understand?
Black is a raceial slur and it is vary ofencive. We are called AFRICAN AMERICANS ::)
12 orthographic errors.

Good grief.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Drugs should be legal.
« on: December 20, 2013, 12:23:58 AM »
I'm not the most informed person about this, but from what I can tell, pot is a whole lot less dangerous than nicotine or alcohol. If the growing movement to legalize drugs gains more support, I still wouldn't support anything except pot, which is the only thing most people are campaigning for anyway. As far as it ruining people's life, there are plenty of legal things that already do that (alcohol, cigarettes, gambling), so I don't really see that as a valid reason against it.
Is this a joke? Pot like cocane KILLS YOU and overdose and im pretey sure that you smoke pot (or it was weed or marajuana im not reley sure wich 1) which would give you CANSER!!!!!!!!!!! And im vary consistint in this mater as I think alcahol and smoking should be ilegel to maybe even gambeling
Please ignore EJ in this thread unless he backs up a claim even a little. :'(
I can back up my claims (I prefer to call them truths and facts) fuley thank you vary much !
Please ignore EJ in all threads unless he backs up a claim a little.
MILIONS of people die evereyday cuz of drugs!!!

prove it


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: What Religion are you?
« on: December 19, 2013, 09:15:30 PM »
Ancient Egyptians lived in America? What a thought!
Of corse not who the heck said that?
This is an interesting topic to discuss, but it's no fun when EJ and Yaakov keep swinging it back to race. That's not what this thread is about.
Well you can thank yakoov for making it that way ::)
Except that the ancient Egyptians, or their descendents the Copts of today, were not and are not black.
First of all African American not "black." And only excep they were. The egyptiens were AFRICAN ... so ... you do the math

well whatever else they were I can guarantee you they weren't African American.
I just told you they were African American

And I just told you, you're wrong.
Prove that im wrong

Prove that you're right.
Let me put it simpley:

Egyptiens are people from Egypt...

...Egypt is in Africa... there AFRICAN...

Dont think I could put it more simpeley there ::)
And this is why we can't have nice things...
What do you mean?
Atheist.  I come from a fairly fundamentalist christian household, though.
I dont beleive I have seen you before. Hello and Welcome to FES! :D

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: King Henry VIII.
« on: December 19, 2013, 12:23:17 AM »
Prove her maried 8

list of spouses on the right.

Wikipedia is not a trustworthey sorce

wikipedia is not so much a source as a collection of sources, you merely have to lick the little numbers and find where it's information comes from to determine it's validity.
The fact that you picked Wikipedia as a sorce takes away any credibilitey you have. Thus all sorces tis null and void

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