Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Coronavirus Vaccine and You
« on: January 29, 2021, 06:44:44 PM »And we have been dealing with the issues of lingering side effects for all kinds of diseases in perpetuity."Maybe."But why am I putting them in danger if they've had the vaccine?
Is it because it's not 100% effective or are you talking about people who can't have it?
I haven't seen the evidence about long term damage for people who are asymptomatic by the way - I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I've just not seen it. But I'd suggest that that can't be known by definition for a new virus because no-one has had it long term.
Well they could know if it was long-term by the type of damage, but I have only seen that asymptomatic patients show signs of cardiovascular damage, not that it is long-term.
For example: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200811/asymptomatic-covid-silent-but-maybe-not-harmless
Seems like a very pertinent word, given the entirety of the article.
Maybe = not a 100% chance. Numerous professional athletes have struggled with lingering - non flu - symptoms of covid.
While the likelihood might be low, It doesnt matter how healthy you are, you still are at risk of lingering serious effects.
This one for only a little over a year.
And it does matter how healthy you are.
According to the article.