The Flat Earth Society

Flat Earth Discussion Boards => Flat Earth Theory => Topic started by: İntikam on May 16, 2017, 01:31:09 PM

Title: Proving flat earth by using online maps
Post by: İntikam on May 16, 2017, 01:31:09 PM
We'll use 4 corners method to proving.

I chosed the poins in the maps by coordinates as (56,26), (56,36), (66,26) and (66,36)

I chosed these coordinates as 10 degrees differense because of simplify the calculations.

We'll try to create the shape of area contain these 4 corners, after that we'll calculate the diagonals, we'll read the diagonal on the map and will try to understand the shape of the earth. If the diagonal seem like a diagonal in the plain area or has it a curvature and longer than estimated. This will our proof.

The lenght of: (66;26) to (66,36) = 451,33 kms.


The lenght of: (56;26) to (66,26) = 1112,55 kms.


The lenght of: (56;36) to (56,26) = 621,33 kms


The lenght of: (66;36) to (56;36) = 1111,87 kms.


You can check these numbers by using an online map coordinates.

Now we have a shape like that:


In this shape, We have wonder is that shape has a depth or is it a plain shape? For understand it, we'll calculate the diagonals. (cross)

I pre-accept it as "flat plain shape" and calculating the diagonals as:

Diagonal= 1231,84 kms.


We'll calculate the curvature for this number, in any of curvature calculating web site:

It is calculated as 1233,33 kms.

And it will be about 1232 kms on the map as flat plain.

Now we are looking to the measurements of diagonal coordinates.

Lenght of: (56,26) to (66;36) = 1232 kms.


Lenght of: (56,36) to (66;26) = 1232 kms.


As we see that there is no curvature and the shape of selected area is completely flat.

Simply, understandable and repeatable by everybody.
Title: Re: Proving flat earth by using online maps
Post by: Rounder on May 17, 2017, 04:40:16 AM
Your two North-to-South legs: why are they not the same distance?  You appear to have a measurement error of more than a half kilometer there.
Your measured diagonals: why did you write it as '1232 km' instead of reporting that value to the 10 meter (1/100 kilometer) accuracy you used for ALL the other numbers in your post?  Is it maybe because doing so would reveal that your measurement falls almost exactly between the "flat" and "curved" expected value (missing the exact middle by less margin than the measurement discrepancy seen in your North-to-South values) and is therefore inconclusive?  It's certainly too close to call it in your favor.
Title: Re: Proving flat earth by using online maps
Post by: Rounder on May 17, 2017, 12:50:03 PM
Simply, understandable and repeatable by everybody.

I've got some more math that is "simple, understandable, and repeatable" using the data YOU provided us, and working from your flat earth assumption.  Your North-South legs are measured from 66° north to 56° north latitude, right?  So those legs are 10° long.  Averaging them gives a figure of 111.221 km/degree.  The lengths of the northern East-West leg and the southern East-West leg can easily be calculated then, since on a flat earth each should be 1/36th of the flat circle of 2*pi*radius (or maybe a little bit less, if the measurement cuts across the circle and takes the shorter 'polygon side' route).  Radius at the northern line is (90°-66°) * 111.221 km/degree, or 2669.304 km, and the leg should be 465.88 km.  Not 451.33 km.  The calculated value is 3.2% larger than your measured value.  Let's check the southern leg.  (90°-55°) * 111.221 = a radius of 3892.735.  Multiply that by 2 pi and divide by 36: 679.41 km, not 621.33, for an error of 58.08 km, an even larger 9.3% error. 

Notice how the flat earth error grows the further south we get?  This is because the radius of the latitudinal circle grows by the cosine of the angle times the earth's radius, not linearly with the angle.  Let's do the math again, using my round earth assumption.  Radius at the northern line is cos(66°) * 6371 km, or 2591.32 km, and the leg should be 452.27 km.  Much closer to your measured value of 451.33 km, only 0.2% error!  Let's check the southern leg.  Cos(55°) * 6371 km = a radius of 3654.25.  Multiply that by 2 pi and divide by 36: 637.79 km, again much closer to your measured value of 621.33 km, only a 2.6% error.  The errors in the round earth method are there because the math was done for a perfectly circular cross section, but in fact the cross section is larger the further south you get (to a point), so the surface distances will measure longer than the calculations.  Which is what you found for us.
Title: Re: Proving flat earth by using online maps
Post by: 3DGeek on May 18, 2017, 01:51:14 PM
The trouble with this "proof" is that it assumes that the software that Google provides is assuming either a curved or a flat earth model when it converts your mouse clicks to lat/long coordinates and when it converts lat/long coordinates into kilometer distances.

If it's written one way you'll get one answer and if it's written the other way you'll get the other.

So all you can prove is that the Google software engineers are working in RE or FE coordinates.

This discussion proves nothing about the real world - all it proves is that Google take one set of shortcuts or another in their software.
Title: Re: Proving flat earth by using online maps
Post by: BrightNextStep on May 22, 2017, 07:38:26 PM
while this is an interesting and potentially fruitful exercise, i would not use google maps. 
they clearly incorporate the ball-nuts stuff:

The trouble with this "proof" is that it assumes that the software that Google provides is assuming either a curved or a flat earth model when it converts your mouse clicks to lat/long coordinates and when it converts lat/long coordinates into kilometer distances.

If it's written one way you'll get one answer and if it's written the other way you'll get the other.

So all you can prove is that the Google software engineers are working in RE or FE coordinates.

This discussion proves nothing about the real world - all it proves is that Google take one set of shortcuts or another in their software.
Title: Re: Proving flat earth by using online maps
Post by: Oami on May 22, 2017, 07:53:46 PM
Google maps is not even supposed to be used for this. It uses the Mercator projection, which is clearly wrong in both models.