The truth doesn't mind being questioned. A lie does.
It's funny that you said that because that video got censored by YouTube in 6 mins according to one of the commenters even though the video is 27 mins long. I wonder why it got censored? Why not leave it there if it's all made-up lies that can easily be debunked? Anyway, I look forward to seeing your amazing debunking comment on Odysee.
I'm not gonna sign up for Odysee to comment. Like I want them to scalp my info. :/
Anyway, it sounds like she's saying viruses don't exist.
Also, how did she know there were ground up flies and poop in the injections? She obviously wasn't there and such information wouldn't be documented. Is she just... assuming? (No, she's reading someone else's work. She's a puppet.)
Anyway, this is a very biased video. The host throws out history, ignores the rest of the world, and makes the claim that viruses, which have been imaged, don't exist.
No mention of how viruses were even discovered either, which you'd think would be important. Nor that Virilology began decades before Rockefeller. Or how the discovery of a virus was found when a diseased plant was filtered and strained yet still could infect another plant. Concluding, therefore, that it was neither disease nor toxin.
Amazing that the work of Dmitri Iosifovich Ivanovsky wasn't even mentioned. Again, she focused on America as though only Americans discovered viruses existed. Its quite interesting. Especially since she lives in New Zealand.
She also must be making alot of money as she hasn't practiced medicine in several years.
Also the writer of this series sounds like you. in all, the doctor simply repeated what Engdahl wrote and what he wrote is very American centric and lacks supporting evidence. Especially given how we have viewed viruses under a microscope since 1935.