I don't have any thoughts on the FE map. It isn't proof of anything.
Nobody is suggesting that map is proof. The FET maps are proposed layouts of the earth. My point is that they are falsifiable, and have been falsified by numerous means, of which the flight times is a very good example.
And nor are flight times - they don't prove the earth is a globe.
Absolute proof…perhaps not, but extremely strong evidence - yes. If you tried the exercise I suggested you would see that there is no way to make the flight time-derived distances coherent without wrapping the map around a sphere.
Especially when it’s quicker to fly one way than the other. As it should technically be the same as one presumes the plane travels the same route on its return?
No, it shouldn’t be the same. Aircraft groundspeeds are a function of their airspeed and the wind - the movement of the air mass they are flying through. You would not expect the times to be the same in both directions.
They fly roughly the same route in both directions, yes, although they do vary their flight path slightly in order to maximise / minimise the wind effect. There are also regulatory reasons for not necessarily flying the most absolutely direct route, however for the purposes of this argument the effect can be ignored.
My question to you was to ask whether you agreed that the flight times were inconsistent with the FET map - do you agree? Are my estimated distances from the FET map about right? Do you agree that the flights exist, and take roughly that amount of time? If so, do you agree that the FET map cannot possibly be correct?
Or if you disagree, where specifically do you think my train of logic is wrong?