
Wiki - A hundred proofs, some corrections
« on: September 28, 2018, 09:38:20 PM »
I would like to help fix the hundred proofs on the wiki, from a language perspective.
I have a problem with the facts but may look at those elsewhere.
Here are some I have picked at random with my suggested correction. If this goes well, I may look at others.

(original) 80. It is supposed,"in the regular course of the Newtonian theory, that the Earth is, in June, about 190 millions of miles (190,000,000) away from its position in December. Now, since we can, (in middle north latitudes), see the North Star, on looking out of a window that faces it - and out of the very same corner of the very same pane of glass in the very same window - all the year round, it is proof enough for any man in his senses that we have made no motion at all. It is a proof that the Earth is not a globe.

(correction) 80. It is supposed, in the regular course of the Newtonian theory, that the Earth is at a distance of 190 million miles from it's position in June, compared to December. Now, since we can (in middle north latitudes) see the North Star in the same position, all the year round, it is proof enough for any man that we have made no motion at all. It is proof that the Earth is not a globe.

(original) 92. "There is no inconsistency in supposing that the earth does move round the sun," says the Astronomer Royal of England. Certainly not, when theoretical astronomy is all supposition together! The inconsistency is in teaching the world that the thing supposed is a fact. Since, then, the "motion" of the Earth is supposition only - since, indeed, it is necessary to suppose it at all - it is plain that it is a fiction and not a fact; and, since "mobility" and "sphericity" stand or fall together, we have before us a proof that Earth is not a globe.

(correction) 92. "There is no inconsistency in supposing that the earth does move round the sun," says the Astronomer Royal of England. Certainly not, when theoretical astronomy is all supposition together! The inconsistency is in teaching the world that the thing supposed, is fact.
Since the motion of the Earth is supposition only, since it is necessary to suppose it at all, it is plain that it is a fiction and not a fact. Since Earth's mobility and sphericity stand or fall together, we have before us a proof that Earth is not a globe.

(original) 11. As the mariners' compass points north and south at one time, and as the North, to which it is attracted is that part of the Earth situated where the North Star is in the zenith, it follows that there is no south "point" or "pole" but that, while the centre is North, a vast circumference must be South in its whole extent. This is a proof that the Earth is not a globe.

(correction) 11. As the mariners' compass is attracted to the North, where the North Star is in the zenith, it follows that there is no South point. No South Pole.
While the centre is North, a vast circumference must be South. This is a proof that the Earth is not a globe.

Please let me know what you think.


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Re: Wiki - A hundred proofs, some corrections
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2018, 10:51:32 AM »
We will not be removing, or otherwise altering, anything within this historical reference. It's a dated source that used not to be widely available, and which we helped preserve.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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If we are not speculating then we must assume


Re: Wiki - A hundred proofs, some corrections
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2018, 07:22:50 PM »
Oh, Tom said something about needing help updating the wiki...
I found it:

I had read through the list a few times, and it has problems.
Just to confirm, the problems are fine?

Re: Wiki - A hundred proofs, some corrections
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2018, 07:27:02 PM »
Oh, Tom said something about needing help updating the wiki...
I found it:

I had read through the list a few times, and it has problems.
Just to confirm, the problems are fine?
As it is a direct transition of an historical document, such imperfections are generally preserved to preserve the accuracy to the document, not to modern language or similar.


Re: Wiki - A hundred proofs, some corrections
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2018, 07:32:01 PM »
Understandable. I will look at other pages.
The imperfections are part of the picture *nod*


Re: Wiki - A hundred proofs, some corrections
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2018, 05:48:40 PM »
I found it.

I like how the front pages of such old science-y books are written. "A challenge to the Johns Hopkins University"
*zooms in to front page*
"Referee for John Hampden, Esq. in the Celebrated Scientific Wager, in 1870"
The first link that comes up is the one for the flat earth wiki for John.
The wiki says "the referee, John Henry Walsh". I'll make a new topic.