Flat Earth Theory / Re: Has anyone ever flown a plane across Antarctica?
« on: August 11, 2019, 02:03:32 AM »2. Why can neither you or any other FES provide any proof at all that the world is flat?
Because there isn't a need. It's not a science based model There is no science behind it. It's a believe model, and as such can't be scientifically tested. Obviously it will fail every single test.
But so does religion, and I believe in religious freedom (as long as you don't in-convince or harm others). Christians do not need scientific proof that Adam & Eva existed, or why type of snakes where around at that time. What benefit or satisfaction you get when you tell a kid that Santa doesn't exist?
BTW, Lightsail 2 (does not belong to NASA) is in a 720Km high orbit (is that withing the dome?) and did sent some images back to earth. When you look very closely (you may use a ruler) you will notice a slight curve. Could be the optic of course, those tricky mustards.