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Topics - Deaurofi

Pages: [1]
Hi. Non-flat earther here.

You know, I've been observing the arguments that the internet has about whether the earth is flat or not. However, to my disappointment, the majority of discussions seemed to include a bunch of personal attacks (Come on, the forums has 2k members. Not many people are gonna read the discussions here). Well, to sum it up, the RE's think the Fe's are idiots, and the Fe's think Re's are fools ???. Both the parties are not understanding each other's perspectives, and the arguments seem to lead nowhere.

So, since most FE's believe that the earth is flat from social media, I believe that it is best to host a discussion there (preferably YouTube? I think videos convey information rather well), where I act as a third party, and weight out the different arguments and evidences, in which I believe that people watching would be less defensive, since their POV is covered as well, and can (probably) help to convince people of the truth (Note that the "truth" I'm talking about here does not necessarily mean the earth is flat, it can go either way depending on the evidences).

I don't think the FE's should have a problem with this kind of thing, since (I think) they should believe that their explanation is foolproof.

Do you think this is a good idea?

Btw, if I do start this kind of thing, I will definitely need support from FE's, since I can't wrap my head around some of your theories/explanations. Also, I'm strictly non-religious, so arguments such as "The earth is flat, since the bible says it's flat" will not be entertained.

Hey, thanks for reading.

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