
Offline Алёна

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(I posted this on the other site and decided to copy and paste it here for the same reasons but I edited it and added more detail)
According to Einstein's theory of General relativity. As something speeds up, time slows down.
This, in fact, can lead to time travel into the future if you travel at almost the speed of light but you can't travel exactly at the speed of light or time would stop completely, plus, it would take more energy than avalibile in the universe, as Einstein observed.
Time travel into the past, however, is more difficult as in order for time travel into the past, the time machine must exist.
You can only travel back in time to where the time machine existed as without the time machine you may simply disappear.
If you travel back into time the time machine would disappear and you would be stuck even if you did manage to travel to whatever time it is.
So therefore, time travel into the future is as simple as going near the speed of light.
A theory says that black holes might allow you to time travel into the past if you could use a machine to open the blackhole for long enough.
The end you would come out of would be what's known as a "whitehole" (it pushs things out unlike blackholes which suck things in)
It says that if you did make it out then you might be able to go back in time to a random time.
However, testing this theory would be impossible for many reasons, but not limited to:
The nearest black hole is light years away
There is no such machine that can do such things

Professional procrastinator.


Offline Tron

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I easiest way for me to understand "light" is to compare it to sound.  If a person travels faster then the sound of the bullet, he will never hear it.  If he travels towards the bullet, then he iw travelling faster then its sound wave. 

If you travel away from earth faster then light, then you will see the past or whatever image you are moving away from.  if you stop, the image of earth will catch up.  i dont' know about approaching earth and seeing earth at another time..   And what about the sound of earth... if you  can "see" a particular time on earth, you may not hear its sound  because sound travels at a different speed.  you'd see the 1900's, but hear the sounds of the 1700's.
From the surface Earth looks flat.  From space Earth looks round.  Now what?


Offline Roundy

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Really we're all traveling into the future all the time.
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline Dr Van Nostrand

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I'm a time traveler from the past.

Last weekend, I was drinking and blacked out. Then I woke up 5 hours in the future. I've been struggling to get back to my time ever since.
Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...



Offline Lord Dave

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Time travel in the past, if it were possible, would kill you.

1. The Earth is constantly moving in the universe, not only around the sun but through space.  So the position of something on Earth say... an hour ago, isn't the same spot in space.  You'd end up appearing in the vaccume of space.
2. If you could anchor yourself so #1 doesn't matter, you'll materialize in a space with matter.  And two atoms can't coexist in the same space so at best, you'd have air bubbles form inside your body and you'd die.  AT worse, you'd fuse your atoms with the surrounding matirial and undergo nuclear fusion.
3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Roundy

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3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

To bear witness to historic events?
Dr. Frank is a physicist. He says it's impossible. So it's impossible.
My friends, please remember Tom said this the next time you fall into the trap of engaging him, and thank you. :)


Offline markjo

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3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

To bear witness to historic events?
To play winning lottery numbers?  Pick up some soon to be extremely rare collectables really cheap?
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.


Offline Lord Dave

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3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

To bear witness to historic events?
To play winning lottery numbers?  Pick up some soon to be extremely rare collectables really cheap?

Both of which alter history by having you there.  Unless you were there originally.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Алёна

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Time travel in the past, if it were possible, would kill you.

1. The Earth is constantly moving in the universe, not only around the sun but through space.  So the position of something on Earth say... an hour ago, isn't the same spot in space.  You'd end up appearing in the vaccume of space.
2. If you could anchor yourself so #1 doesn't matter, you'll materialize in a space with matter.  And two atoms can't coexist in the same space so at best, you'd have air bubbles form inside your body and you'd die.  AT worse, you'd fuse your atoms with the surrounding matirial and undergo nuclear fusion.
3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

Let's alter history so Hitler is a gay jewish porn star.
After all, he hated everyone that wasn't straight, German, and pretty much anything not related to German's.
Professional procrastinator.


Offline Lord Dave

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Time travel in the past, if it were possible, would kill you.

1. The Earth is constantly moving in the universe, not only around the sun but through space.  So the position of something on Earth say... an hour ago, isn't the same spot in space.  You'd end up appearing in the vaccume of space.
2. If you could anchor yourself so #1 doesn't matter, you'll materialize in a space with matter.  And two atoms can't coexist in the same space so at best, you'd have air bubbles form inside your body and you'd die.  AT worse, you'd fuse your atoms with the surrounding matirial and undergo nuclear fusion.
3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

Let's alter history so Hitler is a gay jewish porn star.
After all, he hated everyone that wasn't straight, German, and pretty much anything not related to German's.
And... how would you do that?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Алёна

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Time travel in the past, if it were possible, would kill you.

1. The Earth is constantly moving in the universe, not only around the sun but through space.  So the position of something on Earth say... an hour ago, isn't the same spot in space.  You'd end up appearing in the vaccume of space.
2. If you could anchor yourself so #1 doesn't matter, you'll materialize in a space with matter.  And two atoms can't coexist in the same space so at best, you'd have air bubbles form inside your body and you'd die.  AT worse, you'd fuse your atoms with the surrounding matirial and undergo nuclear fusion.
3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

Let's alter history so Hitler is a gay jewish porn star.
After all, he hated everyone that wasn't straight, German, and pretty much anything not related to German's.
And... how would you do that?

Make his mother have sex with a Jewish man. Make homosexuality loom a lot in his life. And force him into movies.
Professional procrastinator.


Offline WTF_Seriously

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3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

To bear witness to historic events?
To play winning lottery numbers?  Pick up some soon to be extremely rare collectables really cheap?

Both of which alter history by having you there.  Unless you were there originally.

An interesting conundrum.  If I go back to late '09 and drop $10K on bitcoin and hold onto it taking 10 million bitcoin out of circulation so to speak, does bitcoin reach $60K or have I altered its value.
I hope you understand we're maintaining a valuable resource here....


Offline Lord Dave

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3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

To bear witness to historic events?
To play winning lottery numbers?  Pick up some soon to be extremely rare collectables really cheap?

Both of which alter history by having you there.  Unless you were there originally.

An interesting conundrum.  If I go back to late '09 and drop $10K on bitcoin and hold onto it taking 10 million bitcoin out of circulation so to speak, does bitcoin reach $60K or have I altered its value.
Odds are... They'd be locked in a wallet with no way to get access to it.  Or stolen.  Lost to you forever because you didn't maintian it.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Алёна

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3. You can't change anything in the past so why the hell would you bother?

To bear witness to historic events?
To play winning lottery numbers?  Pick up some soon to be extremely rare collectables really cheap?

Both of which alter history by having you there.  Unless you were there originally.

An interesting conundrum.  If I go back to late '09 and drop $10K on bitcoin and hold onto it taking 10 million bitcoin out of circulation so to speak, does bitcoin reach $60K or have I altered its value.
Odds are... They'd be locked in a wallet with no way to get access to it.  Or stolen.  Lost to you forever because you didn't maintian it.

I agree with Dave. Chances are, you lost your shit.
Professional procrastinator.


Offline WTF_Seriously

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My being able to recover them isn't the issue.  Would my interference in the trading of bitcoin have a significant effect on how the value has changed over the past 13 years?
I hope you understand we're maintaining a valuable resource here....


Offline Lord Dave

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My being able to recover them isn't the issue.  Would my interference in the trading of bitcoin have a significant effect on how the value has changed over the past 13 years?

It might be higher.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Dr Van Nostrand

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Time travel is not possible.

The future is unresolved potential and the past is deresolved potential.
You can't travel to the future because it doesn't exist and if you travel to the past, you'll de-rez.

Besides, if time travel were possible, people from the future would be here trolling us, making fun of how primitive we are. You know people in the future are going to be serious assholes.
Round Earther patiently looking for a better deal...


Time travel is not possible.

Besides, if time travel were possible, people from the future would be here trolling us, making fun of how primitive we are. You know people in the future are going to be serious assholes.

Your posit, then, is that Time Travel is proven to be false due to the absence of trolls and assholes on the internet. 

I see. 


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Besides, if time travel were possible, people from the future would be here trolling us
Who's to say they aren't? Have you seen Twitter?
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


Offline Rushy

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Time itself isn't real, therefore it isn't possible to  "travel through time". There's absolutely zero evidence that the past or future exists in any way.