
Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: machine-generated art (DALL-E, Imagen, Midjourney, etc.)
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2022, 09:41:05 AM »
Yeah, with all due respect, BillO, you're the one who's misinterpreting others' intentions here.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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Re: machine-generated art (DALL-E, Imagen, Midjourney, etc.)
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2022, 04:19:44 PM »
"Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen with AI generated images set to the lyrics

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TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"


Re: machine-generated art (DALL-E, Imagen, Midjourney, etc.)
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2022, 07:09:20 PM »
Literally no one is saying this change is not going to happen.
Literally no one said that anyone said that either.


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Re: machine-generated art (DALL-E, Imagen, Midjourney, etc.)
« Reply #43 on: September 02, 2022, 07:51:30 PM »
Literally no one is saying this change is not going to happen.
Literally no one said that anyone said that either.
Apparently though it seems I'm the only one looking down the road.  Change is nigh.  It's gong to happen.  Saying that is not diminishing the issue, it's facing it.

holy shit, why does it feel like you're gaslighting me? WHERE IS THE READING COMPREHENSION

1. we know the change is going to happen. that was never the point anyone was making.
2. it sucks for people who will lose work over this; whether that's today, tomorrow, or five years from now

You keep disagreeing with me and saying I'm an idealist or that we're running and screaming for the hills. But it doesn't really seem like we're disagreeing about anything other than you having a sunny disposition about it likely because you don't understand the scope of what digital artists do. Literally all it takes is a little bit of empathy and seeing that artists are already upset about it.

Will people find new jobs? Yes, fucking obviously because like you mentioned this is happening to all of us. Hopefully one day we will be in a position to not have to rely on employment to survive like xasop said earlier. But can we still acknowledge it might suck for artists until that time? YES


Offline Rushy

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Re: machine-generated art (DALL-E, Imagen, Midjourney, etc.)
« Reply #44 on: September 02, 2022, 08:09:44 PM »
The important takeaway from all of this is that the artists will be sent to the mines and actually become productive members of society. Our overlord AI will produce neat 1st-place-winning artwork for all of our creative needs.


Re: machine-generated art (DALL-E, Imagen, Midjourney, etc.)
« Reply #45 on: September 02, 2022, 08:38:30 PM »
Literally no one is saying this change is not going to happen.
Literally no one said that anyone said that either.
Apparently though it seems I'm the only one looking down the road.  Change is nigh.  It's gong to happen.  Saying that is not diminishing the issue, it's facing it.

holy shit, why does it feel like you're gaslighting me? WHERE IS THE READING COMPREHENSION

1. we know the change is going to happen. that was never the point anyone was making.
2. it sucks for people who will lose work over this; whether that's today, tomorrow, or five years from now

You keep disagreeing with me and saying I'm an idealist or that we're running and screaming for the hills. But it doesn't really seem like we're disagreeing about anything other than you having a sunny disposition about it likely because you don't understand the scope of what digital artists do. Literally all it takes is a little bit of empathy and seeing that artists are already upset about it.

Will people find new jobs? Yes, fucking obviously because like you mentioned this is happening to all of us. Hopefully one day we will be in a position to not have to rely on employment to survive like xasop said earlier. But can we still acknowledge it might suck for artists until that time? YES
You just have to be in disagreement with me, don't you.

I'm not gaslighting anyone.  When I said I'm the only one looking down the road I meant I don't see this as the immediate problem everyone else seems to see.  The only difference between what I'm saying and what you are saying is the the time scale.  I don't think this means graphic artists (digital or otherwise) are going to be marched out onto the street en masse.  As I already said, I think some will loose their jobs and of course it will suck for them (I never said otherwise), but it's not going to be everyone and certainly not the droves some seem to think it will be.  Others will continue in their jobs because they are valued by good employers, others will move on to something else (like I did) before being put out of work.  I also think there will be plenty of time for those that were considering going into graphic arts as a career to make the change to something else.

You are all so fond of reminding me of how old I am.  Well, again, like I already said I've real life experience with this.  Plus I have seen it happen many times in the past.   Yes, it sucks.  It will suck every time it happens and it will happen again, and again..


Re: machine-generated art (DALL-E, Imagen, Midjourney, etc.)
« Reply #46 on: September 02, 2022, 08:42:53 PM »
Yeah, with all due respect, BillO, you're the one who's misinterpreting others' intentions here.
That's clearly not the case Pete.  I would say it is actually opposite to that.

Like I said.  This happened to me.  I lost my career due to a change in technology.  I know what this feels like personally.