Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« on: October 29, 2018, 10:19:25 PM »
Agian (now for the third time) you delete my post without providing any specific explanation of how my Google Earth analysis of Nick Sangetta's Pike's Peak video proving 14,000 foot high mountains disappear behind the curve as summarized in my power point violates your rules or can in any way shape or form be considered spam. Here again is it powerpoint.

Here is the video...

Please provide a specific reponse to my query regarding your actions and enumerate any rule violation(s) you rely on in support thereof.

"Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal or moral duty to speak, or when an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading... We cannot condone
this shocking conduct... If that is the case we hope our message is clear. This sort of deception will not be tolerated and if this is routine it should be corrected immediately"
U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F2d 997, 299-300

Re: Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2018, 10:33:40 PM »
I think it has more to do with the PowerPoint than the content. There are multiple arguments that could be more easily explained - and replied to - in separate posts.

Also I'm not sure who you're talking to, is this Degrassi person on this forum?

Where does Earth Not a Globe say that all beliefs contrary to the Scriptures are necessarily wrong?  ???


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Re: Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2018, 11:49:23 PM »
None of your posts have been deleted. They have been moved, and it was explained why each time. Go look at your own posts, and maybe learn how to use the forum (or ask if you need help).

Re: Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2018, 08:15:54 PM »
So someone who "thinks" they have proof can post in this forum but someone who has Irrefutable undebunkable  and totally reproducible proof gets "moved" (to where IDK yet) twice?  AND blocked for four days?

And that would be Neil Degrassi Tyson the subject of the Washington Post Gem post above.  For all his brilliance he seemingly cannot provide Irrefutable, undebunkable and totally reproducible proof.

Then all the objections so far are of form; none have spoken to substance. I can only presume at this point concedes to the globe and concedes that I provided irrefutable, undebunkable and totally reproducible evidence thereof.

Re: Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2018, 04:55:52 PM »
Honestly, the point is moot anyway.  The video of Pike's peak wasn't released by a true Flat Earth member.  We know this since Flat Earth members would never use pictures or video as evidence since they can be manipulated.  This is the one point that provide most reprieve for those that believe in Flat Earth.


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Re: Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2018, 02:38:00 AM »
I don't need any pictures to prove curvature.  All my claims are repeatable and have been done countless times.  I'm talking about navigation on the high seas.  Every deck officer aboard american flat ships have to learn celestial navigation.  Using the sun, moon, planets, and stars for navigational purposes only works on the globe earth model.  The nautical almanacs have the positions of the heavenly bodies charted and you use spherical trigonometry to arrive at your fix.  Many governments and government agencies produce charts based upon the globe earth model that are used for the celestial navigation process.  In my countless trips in all the major oceans on the earth I didn't get lost even once.  Since the globe earth navigation model works each and every time it's tried I can't think of any argument that can refute it's effectiveness.  Please let me know if all the global celestial navigation procedures that seamen have been using for 100's of years are BS.  I don't want anyone to get lost because all the theory is fake and won't properly work.
You can lead flat earthers to the curve but you can't make them think!

Curiosity File

Re: Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2018, 06:17:11 AM »
None of your posts have been deleted. They have been moved, and it was explained why each time. Go look at your own posts, and maybe learn how to use the forum (or ask if you need help).

Post are being deleted, Not moved, I just had one removed from this thread. Only explanation is it was spam. I had one on another thread deleted but after searching the URL I found that I somehow linked an add instead of a link to the article I wanted to post. My accident or maybe computer URL error? IDK.
I pointed that out on this thread in the post that got deleted, that I thought it must a BOT doing the deleting and sending Email warring without explanation. Because there was no moderator name to respond to or a way to read the post that was deleted.  This time or the other time
Personally I don't think I said anything that warranted being deleted and certainly didn't post a link to anything much less spam.
usually you see a warning and explanation on the post in the public thread. What's going on? In this case I cant even see the post to see what I might have said wrong.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 06:27:27 AM by Curiosity File »


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Re: Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2018, 01:53:33 PM »
Post are being deleted, Not moved, I just had one removed from this thread. Only explanation is it was spam. I had one on another thread deleted but after searching the URL I found that I somehow linked an add instead of a link to the article I wanted to post. My accident or maybe computer URL error? IDK.
I pointed that out on this thread in the post that got deleted, that I thought it must a BOT doing the deleting and sending Email warring without explanation. Because there was no moderator name to respond to or a way to read the post that was deleted.  This time or the other time
Personally I don't think I said anything that warranted being deleted and certainly didn't post a link to anything much less spam.
usually you see a warning and explanation on the post in the public thread. What's going on? In this case I cant even see the post to see what I might have said wrong.

None of your posts are being deleted, and no bots are handling moderation. I split and moved posts to a thread in the Angry Ranting forum, since that is where they belong, and I issued a warning to you and another user. I replied in the thread I split saying I was doing exactly that. The thread that was split and moved is here:

You should already know that, since you PM'd about the the warning notification you received, which includes the same link. If you click on it, it will take you to the thread where your posts were moved. Again, nothing is being deleted. I will leave these posts in the current thread, but the FE fora are not the place for this discussion. If you want to continue to discuss how you think your posts are being deleted (even though they aren't) then please use the Suggestions & Concerns forum.

Curiosity File

Re: Irrefutable Proof of Curvature
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2018, 07:48:41 PM »
Quote from: junker
Thanks for taking the time to explain and repost my comments. I apologize for my ignorance. I wasn't getting notices of PM messages and therefor didn't check them. The links there worked. However the URL the came to my emails did not and said it was deleted for spam. The URL took me to a link to pregnancy test adds and F.E.T. went to Feminine Enhancement Therapy. So you  can see my dilemma. I have corrected my misuse and misunderstanding of how to navigate this web site. Thanks for your help.