kind of came to the conclusion that Lindell is probably as much a patsy in this whole thing a while ago. That he's an idiot is fairly clear; being hopelessly naive isn't far off from that.
This article really seems to make the case. It really looks like he's a con artist's mark because he's rich and stupid, and nothing more.
If that's the case he will probably get out of the defamation lawsuits against him, since knowledge of and reckless disregard for the truth are part of the threshold, and he's too dumb to understand the truth.
But wow has he made for some entertainment in the last several months. Watching him stumble along with these accusations has been hilarious, and now I think we know why. He really believes he has all the evidence he needs, despite the fact that the guy who gave it to him can't explain it, and nobody can make heads or tails of it.
His misplaced smugness is real!
Never assume malice when stupidity is also possible, to paraphrase someone or other. I think Lindell may actually think what he's been doing is legitimately to the benefit of the country. He's not evil, he's just sad, like so many millions of other pathetic Trump supporters that still can't accept that he lost.
I almost feel sorry for him. It's not his fault he's mentally challenged.