*** Turning the tables ***When I was a small boy, I used to play my father at chess. He was far better than me because I was 8 and he was an Oxford educated business professional. The reality was he was actually very good even for an adult. He could play 8 club players at once and consistently win the majority of games. He could also play a single game against a club player completely blindfolded and would beat an average club player. My mother once remarked she knew he wasn't a normal man having watched him do an exhibition like this (It was a slight, she hated him after he became an alcoholic and left the family home). I'm not a bad chess player to this day, but if I could go back in time ... I still wouldn't come close to beating my dad. When I was a younger man and played more often, I had an elo rating of between 1605 and 1630. So me at my best as an adult
United States Chess Federation ratings
The United States Chess Federation (USCF) uses its own classification of players:[9]
2400 and above: Senior Master
2200–2399: National Master
2200–2399 plus 300 games above 2200: Original Life Master[10]
2000–2199: Expert
1800–1999: Class A
1600–1799: Class B
1400–1599: Class C
1200–1399: Class D
1000–1199: Class E
800–999: Class F
600–799: Class G
400–599: Class H
200–399: Class I
0–199: Class J
My father's rating when he played a lot was well over 2000. As an 8 year old, I'd have had to be the next Gary Kasparov to stand a chance.
But we'd play, and at some point the writing would be on the wall. I'd see things weren't going well and the tears would well up. As soon as he saw checkmate was unavoidable ... say check mate in 5 and nothing I could do about it, he'd make me an offer. "Would you like to swap the board around?". I'd agree and now with the odds pushed back we'd have a tight game where depending on how dominant his position when he made the offer, I might win the game ... but I could still lose and in those games in my head, at least I gave my dad a good game and wasn't annihilated.
I've told you round earthers many times ... arguing the earth is round is no challenge. You are already starting with the board set up 5 moves from checkmate. Its not hard to argue the earth is round. Any idiot can do that. What is hard, is making a fight of it the other way around. Within about 3 posts from me, you guys resigned. The tears were in your eyes, it was over.
I made this thread in response to Tom's plans for a debate club. To encourage you to improve your skills. To look at problems and make your best fist of trying to argue the hard side. To get you used to arguing the earth is flat, without feeling embarrassed about it. Honestly, I'd be embarrassed to come here and argue the earth was round. We wanted those of you who are better at debating, to become flat earthers, to engage those with weaker skills visiting for the first time and to take the load off me and Tom and Pete and all the other same old faces, using your experience. We wanted you to play each other, not always rely on us for a game.
*** So, lets swap the board around ... ***Being a flat earther is an exercise in mastery. You have to absolutely understand the topic, learn other people's misconceptions about it, and also spot things that others might struggle to explain or better yet, find a way to explain something 'incorrectly' in a way that makes sense at first glance.
So that is what I'm going to do. I'm going to pick something from my OP that could muddy the water or if the science is bad (Spoiler: there are some pretty shitty scientists about), I'm going to utterly discredit the evidence removing your queen and making the game more even. This technique will make you a better scientist, because looking at your own work through 'flat earth eyes' encourages you to spot misconceptions others might have about your own work, or spot errors in your methodology and the data you present. How would a flat earther rip your thesis apart?
The premise of the OP, is that these waves travel through a molten core and can't be on a flat earth because they'd have to break the speed of sound to do it. And I kept using the same graph to beat you into submission.
So that graph is my problem. But it has a lot of data ... if you are using it against me, do you actually understand it, or are you just copy pasting something without understanding? If that's the case, I'm not going to let you win this debate.
So, *clears throat ... *The OP mentions the use of shadow zones for s and p waves. And the OP showed the yellow line reading in the graph proves the s waves can only travel 103 degrees and come to a dead stop .... using this graphic to explain why.
But you also gave me this diagram.
In it, the p waves also have a shadow zone from 103 degrees to 150 degrees.
The yellow line perfectly demonstrates the shadow zone for s waves, with no readings after 103 degrees, but I'm expecting a gap in the p-waves - the red line on the graph. Why is it no less than 8 stations are reporting p-wave values between 103 degrees and 150 degrees on the graph? Where is the shadow zone for p-waves that the theory predicts and why are scientists making up data they can't possibly have?
(now I'm going to bait you into a response ... a challenge) Your own data doesn't fit your model. You've only succeeded in proving the earth is not round. This is a fine example of round earthers ignoring evidence against their own theories and blindly championing rotundity. The very fact a p-wave travels unencumbered across the earth shows it must be of a uniform density like the surface of a flat earth.
(my father only ever swapped the board around once in a game. I'm not going to argue against my self for 40 pages).
I'm going to add two further points. There is a reason flat earthers get bored of gravity and sunset threads. Its like you are using the same opening on us every game. You come at me with the Ruy Lopez and I'm going to respond with a standard defense myself. I already know your objections, I know my responses, I've played that gravity game 14 moves deep a hundred times. Its why we moan at your to find innovative proofs ... like this OP. A new challenge.
I'm also sick of established members like Junker constantly telling me I'm stupid. That I'm Thorkish and have retarded ideas. No, I'm making a retarded OP full of holes so you might actually engage me on it because if I make my OPs harder, none of you respond. If I just make a post about my new computer, you'll ignore it. If I tell you my heatpipes have magical properties, you'll engage and talk about my computer which I wanted to do because I was excited about it, and you'll respond because someone was wrong about something on the internet. If everyone agrees, there is no debate. What kind of forum would this be if we all decided to just agree earth was round? A busy one? That is not how TES works.
protip: you're not trying to put the fire out. you can't. you're just trying to contain it until it burns out on its own.
You’re a better man than me, gg. I started to make a post earlier agreeing with your previous post and then explaining to thork what containment is. I closed my browser and went and had a drink instead.
Thork, I don’t know if you’re memeing or not, but just read gary’s post. This thread is heavily bordering on CN material. I’ll give it a few posts before I punt it down there for its sheer stupidity.
Was just meant to be a fun thread in the lounge where people could make silly suggestions. Not my fault everyone has a broom up their arse. Move it where you like.
That is the thing, Thork. You aren't fun. No one goes into a Thork thread thinking "oh hey, this is a light-hearted and fun thread." They think "wow what did he post this time?" <- that is a nice way of putting it
Maybe just preface it to let everyone know, because you are the definition of Poe's law.
Thanks for that. Appreciated. ... oh have a in case I fall foul of Poe's law.