ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« on: August 25, 2017, 10:58:04 PM »
When I look at this video released from the International Space Station looking down at Hurricane Harvey, it looks absolutely real to me.

  • It is higher than any plane can fly.
  • It is moving faster than any plane can fly.
  • It is current.  Harvey is happening today and there it is.

What about this video is not believable?
Come on guys.  Believe with me that the ISS is just what NASA and Russia and Japan and Europe say it is.

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Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2017, 04:42:04 AM »
It's amazing what they can do with special effects, isn't it?

That's how far the horizon is, not how far you can see.

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Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2017, 12:22:35 PM »
Obviously NASA is not a hoax. This is really nasty suggestion: that millions of peeps have spent their life-work on the most massive coverup in history. Poppycock.
However, if you INSIST we not use satellite imagery of Hurricane Harvey then you must consider this (as has been suggested many times in these forums before me) - the CORIOLUS EFFECT. This 'force' causes cyclones (hurricanes and tornados + all 'low pressure' weather systems) to rotate COUNTER CLOCKWISE in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. This is well observed, as it is now being observed in Texas. No 'natural' force on a flat and stationary earth can explain this. On globe spinning earth the effect is predicted, and observed exactly as predicted.
NOTE: this can be seen in microcosm in your own bathtub - if you put water in...allow to come to complete calm conditions, pull plug and watch: water will drain in counter-clockwise motion north of equator (further north = stronger effect). Google 'Coriolus effect' and do some reading.
You may suck your thumb and wander by the banks of your own lagoon all you wish, but keep your madness OUT of public policy!

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Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2017, 12:28:13 PM »
It's amazing what they can do with special effects, isn't it?

It is certainly amazing what can be done with modern computer graphics.  I work in the industry - so I'm fully aware of what we can and can't do.

There would be no problem producing a faked video of a hurricane over the Texas coast...EXCEPT that it would likely take 6 months to a year to do.   The sheer amount of computer cycles and design hour would make it impossible to turn out a video of that quality that quickly.

The week or so between prediction and landfall would not be anywhere near enough for this hypothetical video-fakery studio to turning out such a beautiful finished video.

So I wouldn't go so far as to say it's impossible that this could have been faked - but it does seem like one hell of a stretch when they could just have claimed that the ISS overflew the storm at night or didn't have cameras pointed that way or something.
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?


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Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2017, 03:11:03 PM »
Obviously NASA is not a hoax. This is really nasty suggestion: that millions of peeps have spent their life-work on the most massive coverup in history. Poppycock.
However, if you INSIST we not use satellite imagery of Hurricane Harvey then you must consider this (as has been suggested many times in these forums before me) - the CORIOLUS EFFECT. This 'force' causes cyclones (hurricanes and tornados + all 'low pressure' weather systems) to rotate COUNTER CLOCKWISE in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. This is well observed, as it is now being observed in Texas. No 'natural' force on a flat and stationary earth can explain this. On globe spinning earth the effect is predicted, and observed exactly as predicted.
NOTE: this can be seen in microcosm in your own bathtub - if you put water in...allow to come to complete calm conditions, pull plug and watch: water will drain in counter-clockwise motion north of equator (further north = stronger effect). Google 'Coriolus effect' and do some reading.

You should probably read the FAQ and the Wiki. The Earth is not stationary; instead, in most models (John Davis has different ideas, but he's still running the other society like a doomed sailor) the Earth accelerates upward at 9.81 m/s/s. This creates an effect analogous to gravity, and in AWT is also responsible for coriolis effect.
That's how far the horizon is, not how far you can see.

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Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2017, 03:55:23 PM »
It's amazing what they can do with special effects, isn't it?


It really is impressive what can be done to a professional level with several months worth of continuous man hours and tens of millions of dollars in a budget.  Most movie post production happens for several months after the movie has been filmed.  You are proposing that the video is fabricated from scratch to match something that is happening today.  The movie in question that you are using to support your hypothesis took 4 years to make and cost $237 million to make.  Actors and actresses are allowed to discuss what being on the movie set was like.  You expect me to believe that the ISS is capable of having making professional grade special effects in days that match what took almost 4 years for Industrial Light and Magic & WETA Digital using a petabyte of storage and some of the largest server farms in the US?  Even then, how do you silence the hundreds of digital animation professionals, actors, actresses, directors and editors required to produce these fictitious highly believable works of art and never tell anyone about it for the rest of their lives?  Top notch digital special effects artists would be like any other employee and would look for interesting and lucrative projects to work on after completing one.  Once they are out of the workforce, they would be easily able to sell the rights to their story for billions of dollars to Hollywood alone.  Yet there's not one chink in the perfect armor of obscurity behind what must be the largest Hollywoodesque digital production facility all for the bargain basement price of $18 Million.  That wouldn't have paid for even 30 minutes of Avatar worthy footage and they are producing many more hours of high quality fictitious video?

Please explain how this miracle of ultra cheap super computing power exists hidden that renders NASA capable of doing months worth of work in seconds.

Thank you,

Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur

Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2017, 04:04:25 PM »
Here is a live stream of the ISS.

Not Months of processing, not weeks, not days.  This is live.

And here is a realtime ISS tracking website.

I can only assume that these two peaces of alleged Real-Time data fit together, but I'll try an experiment and see if the weather condition I view in the sky outside my house match the images shown on the ustream when the isstracker says it should.

If anyone would like to join me, I welcome your participation.
The hallmark of true science is repeatability to the point of accurate prediction.

Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2017, 05:16:52 PM »
Turns out the ustream video isn't very "live".
Every time I refresh it starts over at the same time slot.
I'm searching for a video feed that is actually real-time now.
Perhaps this one from youtube will work
I watch it for a while and see if it matches up with the tracker.
The hallmark of true science is repeatability to the point of accurate prediction.

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Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2017, 05:42:10 PM »
Obviously NASA is not a hoax. This is really nasty suggestion: that millions of peeps have spent their life-work on the most massive coverup in history. Poppycock.
However, if you INSIST we not use satellite imagery of Hurricane Harvey then you must consider this (as has been suggested many times in these forums before me) - the CORIOLUS EFFECT. This 'force' causes cyclones (hurricanes and tornados + all 'low pressure' weather systems) to rotate COUNTER CLOCKWISE in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. This is well observed, as it is now being observed in Texas. No 'natural' force on a flat and stationary earth can explain this. On globe spinning earth the effect is predicted, and observed exactly as predicted.
NOTE: this can be seen in microcosm in your own bathtub - if you put water in...allow to come to complete calm conditions, pull plug and watch: water will drain in counter-clockwise motion north of equator (further north = stronger effect). Google 'Coriolus effect' and do some reading.

You should probably read the FAQ and the Wiki. The Earth is not stationary; instead, in most models (John Davis has different ideas, but he's still running the other society like a doomed sailor) the Earth accelerates upward at 9.81 m/s/s. This creates an effect analogous to gravity, and in AWT is also responsible for coriolis effect.
How does an constant upward acceleration cause a rotation in storm systems? (ignoring the fact that there is no mechanism for this constant acceleration)
I saw a video where a pilot was flying above the sun.


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Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2017, 06:08:04 PM »
How does an constant upward acceleration cause a rotation in storm systems? (ignoring the fact that there is no mechanism for this constant acceleration)
And why would the effect be clockwise on one side of the equator and counterclockwise on the other side?
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Re: ISS Video of Hurricane Harvey
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2017, 11:36:20 AM »
How does an constant upward acceleration cause a rotation in storm systems? (ignoring the fact that there is no mechanism for this constant acceleration)
And why would the effect be clockwise on one side of the equator and counterclockwise on the other side?

If I were a believer in FET, the weirdest thing would be how amazingly well the "laws of physics" match the idea of a round earth.

Sun, moon, planets and stars move in ways which are a PERFECT match for how large bodies orbiting a star would move.  Forces like Coriolis (which have no apparent cause in FET) precisely mimic the pseudo-force that would be present on a spherical planet (and which have been observed on Jupiter and Saturn through earthly telescopes by the way).

The way that airline flights reach their destinations on time - despite the airlines having the distances they fly and the speeds they move be so crazily off-kilter for a flat earth - yet they are a perfect match for a Round Earth.

Sure - you can come up with increasingly bizarre (and ultimately untenable) ad-hoc principles that allow you to say that the world is flat - but those piles of completely unknown causes get harder and harder to defend, the more you look carefully into them.

In RET, everything works beautifully and simply using one very simple equation for gravity.

The motion of the heavens, of objects on Earth - the coriolis force, the variation of gravity over the surface, airline flight times - EVERYTHING works out without complications or contradictions from that one very simple equation.

   F = m1 x m2 x G / ( r1 x r2 )

...this equation is the only one you need to deduce all of those other things in RET.

FET is a rat's nest of botches and fixes and kludges - and the laws of physics aren't like that.  They are simple, beautiful, elegant.

Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?