
Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #60 on: August 08, 2018, 03:10:28 PM »
I challenge you at this very time to show me even five minutes of uninterrupted footage of anyone sailing around in a weightless state aboard a space craft.

Try this one.

or this

Honestly, there's shedloads of them on YouTube. You could look for yourself if you REALLY WANT TO KNOW. Do you?
Yeah, I most certainly do.

KINDLY point out the time stamps in these videos depicting even FIVE CONTINUOUS MINUTES OF SUCH FOOTAGE.

Given your post was made SIX MINUTES after my original request it is HIGHLY LIKELY you simply made a typical quick post of ZERO actual substance in response.

Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #61 on: August 08, 2018, 03:30:41 PM »
I challenge you at this very time to show me even five minutes of uninterrupted footage of anyone sailing around in a weightless state aboard a space craft.

Try this one.

or this

Honestly, there's shedloads of them on YouTube. You could look for yourself if you REALLY WANT TO KNOW. Do you?
Yeah, I most certainly do.

KINDLY point out the time stamps in these videos depicting even FIVE CONTINUOUS MINUTES OF SUCH FOOTAGE.

Given your post was made SIX MINUTES after my original request it is HIGHLY LIKELY you simply made a typical quick post of ZERO actual substance in response.
So firstly, these videos have a few million views between them. Entirely possible he's watched them before.

Secondly, first video, time stamp about 1:14. I'm now 7 minutes in with no obviously visible cuts since that one.


Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #62 on: August 08, 2018, 03:36:04 PM »
So firstly, these videos have a few million views between them. Entirely possible he's watched them before.

Secondly, first video, time stamp about 1:14. I'm now 7 minutes in with no obviously visible cuts since that one.
Yeah...could be he has watched them before and has them memorized and all.../sarcasm...

Errrmmm...what part of SAILING AROUND THE CABIN has escaped your understanding?

Time stamp you offered provides nothing of the sort.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 03:55:40 PM by totallackey »

Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #63 on: August 08, 2018, 04:17:44 PM »
So firstly, these videos have a few million views between them. Entirely possible he's watched them before.

Secondly, first video, time stamp about 1:14. I'm now 7 minutes in with no obviously visible cuts since that one.
Yeah...could be he has watched them before and has them memorized and all.../sarcasm...

Errrmmm...what part of SAILING AROUND THE CABIN has escaped your understanding?

Time stamp you offered provides nothing of the sort.
You asked for five continuous minutes of them moving around weightless in the cabin. That's 5 minutes of it minimum. There are objects in view at all times showcasing the weightlessness. Them not 'sailing around' does not stop the rest from being true. Day to day movements are going to be smooth and controlled.

Also your sarcasm is unnecessary. You can't recall a video you've watched before and find it again rather quickly? It's not hard, especially with both titles containing ISS.


Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #64 on: August 08, 2018, 06:11:33 PM »
So firstly, these videos have a few million views between them. Entirely possible he's watched them before.

Secondly, first video, time stamp about 1:14. I'm now 7 minutes in with no obviously visible cuts since that one.
Yeah...could be he has watched them before and has them memorized and all.../sarcasm...

Errrmmm...what part of SAILING AROUND THE CABIN has escaped your understanding?

Time stamp you offered provides nothing of the sort.
You asked for five continuous minutes of them moving around weightless in the cabin. That's 5 minutes of it minimum. There are objects in view at all times showcasing the weightlessness. Them not 'sailing around' does not stop the rest from being true. Day to day movements are going to be smooth and controlled.

Also your sarcasm is unnecessary. You can't recall a video you've watched before and find it again rather quickly? It's not hard, especially with both titles containing ISS.
Look, I did not set the opening parameters of the statement offered by Tumeni.

He did.

"Sailing around..."

He used it, not me...
...sailing around spacecraft cabins...
There is not five minutes continuous footage of any astronaut sailing about the cabin of any supposed spacecraft.

As usual, called out on the BS hyperbole and then when called out, apologists and others of their ilk come out in force to change the goalposts...

Regarding the statement you make in regard to Tumeni possibly having watched the videos before and instantly providing them in support of the hyperbole, I think you know that is a crock crutch offered in support of a busted leg...

I am surprised you choose to have your position on this die on such an insignificant hill, but to each his own...

Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #65 on: August 08, 2018, 06:39:01 PM »
So firstly, these videos have a few million views between them. Entirely possible he's watched them before.

Secondly, first video, time stamp about 1:14. I'm now 7 minutes in with no obviously visible cuts since that one.
Yeah...could be he has watched them before and has them memorized and all.../sarcasm...

Errrmmm...what part of SAILING AROUND THE CABIN has escaped your understanding?

Time stamp you offered provides nothing of the sort.
You asked for five continuous minutes of them moving around weightless in the cabin. That's 5 minutes of it minimum. There are objects in view at all times showcasing the weightlessness. Them not 'sailing around' does not stop the rest from being true. Day to day movements are going to be smooth and controlled.

Also your sarcasm is unnecessary. You can't recall a video you've watched before and find it again rather quickly? It's not hard, especially with both titles containing ISS.
Look, I did not set the opening parameters of the statement offered by Tumeni.

He did.

"Sailing around..."

He used it, not me...
...sailing around spacecraft cabins...
There is not five minutes continuous footage of any astronaut sailing about the cabin of any supposed spacecraft.

As usual, called out on the BS hyperbole and then when called out, apologists and others of their ilk come out in force to change the goalposts...

Regarding the statement you make in regard to Tumeni possibly having watched the videos before and instantly providing them in support of the hyperbole, I think you know that is a crock crutch offered in support of a busted leg...

I am surprised you choose to have your position on this die on such an insignificant hill, but to each his own...
Move smoothly and rapidly or in a stately or confident manner.

I dunno, seems to have fulfilled the definition of sailing by my book. He was moving about in a pretty confident manner.

You can scoff all you want, but looking up a video that you've watched before isn't difficult. Doubly so if one has perhaps used it on this site before. But you aren't looking for logic, you just want to shout. That's fine. Have at it.


Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #66 on: August 08, 2018, 09:12:32 PM »
So firstly, these videos have a few million views between them. Entirely possible he's watched them before.

Secondly, first video, time stamp about 1:14. I'm now 7 minutes in with no obviously visible cuts since that one.
Yeah...could be he has watched them before and has them memorized and all.../sarcasm...

Errrmmm...what part of SAILING AROUND THE CABIN has escaped your understanding?

Time stamp you offered provides nothing of the sort.
You asked for five continuous minutes of them moving around weightless in the cabin. That's 5 minutes of it minimum. There are objects in view at all times showcasing the weightlessness. Them not 'sailing around' does not stop the rest from being true. Day to day movements are going to be smooth and controlled.

Also your sarcasm is unnecessary. You can't recall a video you've watched before and find it again rather quickly? It's not hard, especially with both titles containing ISS.
Look, I did not set the opening parameters of the statement offered by Tumeni.

He did.

"Sailing around..."

He used it, not me...
...sailing around spacecraft cabins...
There is not five minutes continuous footage of any astronaut sailing about the cabin of any supposed spacecraft.

As usual, called out on the BS hyperbole and then when called out, apologists and others of their ilk come out in force to change the goalposts...

Regarding the statement you make in regard to Tumeni possibly having watched the videos before and instantly providing them in support of the hyperbole, I think you know that is a crock crutch offered in support of a busted leg...

I am surprised you choose to have your position on this die on such an insignificant hill, but to each his own...
Move smoothly and rapidly or in a stately or confident manner.

I dunno, seems to have fulfilled the definition of sailing by my book. He was moving about in a pretty confident manner.

You can scoff all you want, but looking up a video that you've watched before isn't difficult. Doubly so if one has perhaps used it on this site before. But you aren't looking for logic, you just want to shout. That's fine. Have at it.
It does not surprise me in the least you choose to hold onto a purely subjective view concerning the footage in question.

Given the timestamp you offered, the man is not at free movement at all from the point. ::) ::)


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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #67 on: August 08, 2018, 09:33:58 PM »
Given the timestamp you offered, the man is not at free movement at all from the point. ::) ::)

Try 1:09 to 4:09. He's floating about, the ipad is floating about. It goes on beyond that, but that's 3 solid minutes of observable weightlessness. The vomcom is a max of around 30 seconds or so.

I don't think you have a point.


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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #68 on: August 09, 2018, 02:25:34 AM »
After watching these videos, and thinking about diamagnetic levitation, I suddenly realized a certain phenomenon that is experienced with electronic devices and magnets. In particular, what happens to magnetic storage devices like hard drives when a powerful magnet is introduced to it?


Hard drives like the ones in that Lenovo Thinkpad in the ISS video are susceptible to this. If you introduced a high-powered magnet, such as one in an MRI or perhaps one that could levitate a human, to the laptop, it would surely crash! That laptop looked fully functional in the video.

It seems like you can rule out diamagnetic levitation as an explanation for their apparent weightlessness.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 02:31:56 AM by tferguson2 »
"noche te ipsum"

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."  - Albert Einstein


Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #69 on: August 09, 2018, 10:36:15 AM »
Given the timestamp you offered, the man is not at free movement at all from the point. ::) ::)

Try 1:09 to 4:09. He's floating about, the ipad is floating about. It goes on beyond that, but that's 3 solid minutes of observable weightlessness. The vomcom is a max of around 30 seconds or so.

I don't think you have a point.
Yeah, I have a point.

This type of footage is made available without the need for any spacecraft. Period.
After watching these videos, and thinking about diamagnetic levitation, I suddenly realized a certain phenomenon that is experienced with electronic devices and magnets. In particular, what happens to magnetic storage devices like hard drives when a powerful magnet is introduced to it?


Hard drives like the ones in that Lenovo Thinkpad in the ISS video are susceptible to this. If you introduced a high-powered magnet, such as one in an MRI or perhaps one that could levitate a human, to the laptop, it would surely crash! That laptop looked fully functional in the video.

It seems like you can rule out diamagnetic levitation as an explanation for their apparent weightlessness.
Oh, so you can not use a laptop on a maglev train, uh?


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #70 on: August 09, 2018, 11:02:38 AM »
They can just film the water globule effects in the diamagentic levitation chamber and super-impose the effects over the larger scenes. That would be the easier way to do it.

The floating astronaut can be achieved by harnesses or CGI.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 11:12:08 AM by Tom Bishop »


Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #71 on: August 09, 2018, 11:07:35 AM »

They can just film the water globule effects in the diamagentic levitation chamber and super-impose the effects over the larger scenes. That would be the easier way to do it.

The floating astronaut can be achieved by harnesses or CGI.

Absolute nonsense.  Either stick with your magnets theory or accept that the astronauts are experiencing zero-G (check my earlier comment about lateral legs).  There's no way these effects can be achieved with a harness - ust look at the way they travel about the cabin.

And CGI? Really? The best movies in the world don't look that convincing.  If you want to find a computer graphics expert to comment, you're welcome to do so.  But you can't simply refuse to accept evidence because you don't think it's real.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #72 on: August 09, 2018, 11:13:31 AM »
totallackey may be correct. It is questionable whether a static magnetic field will even destroy a hard drive.

While I do not know how a magnet or hard drive will move inside the bore of an electromagnet; it seems that a static magnetic field alone may not be able to wipe a drive.

Look at this link:


The Results

Two DX0X8 magnets spaced on either side of a hard drive's platters

With the hard drive running, we were not able to disrupt the contents of the drive at all.  100% of the files were completely intact and accurate.  This result completely surprised us!

We were definitely getting some magnetic influence inside the drive.  When strong magnets like our RY04Y0DIA were held close, we could hear mechanical rubbing sounds from the drive, likely the result of deflection of the platters.  We didn't go much larger with the drive running, for fear of rendering the drive inoperable by mechanically bending parts inside.

The simulation picture at right shows our pair of DX0X8 magnets on either side of the disc platters.  This pair was chosen based on some studies of what arrangements would produce the strongest field within the drive.  We hoped that we might be able to at least affect the outermost platters, even if the inner ones might be shielded by them.

Most of the instructions we've seen say to rub the magnet several times across the face of the drive.  With our arrangement, the drive is actually spinning at 7,200 RPM.  We're pretty sure it's passing over the drive multiple times!

We also rubbed some very large magnets, like our 3" diameter DZ0X8-N52, across the hard drive with the drive turned off.  We figured we could use these large magnets without causing mechanical damage when it wasn't running.  When re-checked, the drive still showed no errors!  None of the data was changed at all.
Why didn't this work?  Surely these incredible magnets are strong enough!

Some older types of magnetic storage media can be erased with neodymium magnets.  The magnetic stripe on your credit card is one example.  Audio cassettes and VHS video tapes are another.  The material's coercivity, or resistance to being demagnetized, is lower than the field made by the magnet.  You can look up the coercivity numbers for these materials, all of which are usually in the 500-1000 Oersted range.

The more we researched the topic, the more we found conflicting data on the coercivity of hard drive materials.  One source said 1,250 Oe, another said 2,500 Oe.  It seems that, in the race to make hard drives of greater storage capacities, hard drive manufacturers keep finding higher coercivity materials for the hard drive platters.  The later the manufacturing date of your hard drive, probably the higher the drive's coercivity will be.

We searched for hard drive erasing services, figuring we could learn something by finding out what such companies provide.  Most companies either use strong degaussing machines that produce a strong an alternating magnetic field with an electromagnet, or shredders to physically destroy the drive.  As hard drive coercivity improves, physical destruction is becoming the more popular method.
But what if...

We didn't try every possible combination of magnet and erasure method.  Since our methods failed to alter a single character of a single file, though, we wouldn't trust it to delete ALL the data.  Our results make us doubt that neodymium magnets are sure to erase all the data.  When folks rub a magnet across a hard drive, the goal is 100% data erasure.  If you have a proven method that works for you, we'd love to hear about it.

The researchers describe that they also tried rubbing the magnet across the hard drive, and express doubt that the concept of erasing hard drives by passing a magnet over it is even real at all or whether it is just a myth. Commercial degaussing machines work by producing a strong alternating magnetic field, and this is what may be necessary.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 12:01:48 PM by Tom Bishop »

Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #73 on: August 09, 2018, 11:45:01 AM »
I have a theory, its real. Easy as that


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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #74 on: August 09, 2018, 11:55:13 AM »
Absolute nonsense.  Either stick with your magnets theory or accept that the astronauts are experiencing zero-G (check my earlier comment about lateral legs).  There's no way these effects can be achieved with a harness - ust look at the way they travel about the cabin.

And CGI? Really? The best movies in the world don't look that convincing.  If you want to find a computer graphics expert to comment, you're welcome to do so.  But you can't simply refuse to accept evidence because you don't think it's real.

The weightless scenes in The Martian was achieved with a combination of wire support and CGI. CGI, as in cutting the actor out from the green-screen and making him or her float in the scene.

Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain and Kate Mara say they did just that while shooting some of the zero-gravity scenes for the upcoming space epic The Martian.

While the Ridley Scott-directed film involved its fair share of CGI and “invisible” wires to make the actors appear as though they were floating about in space, sometimes they used simpler means to achieve the weightless look.

“In some of the tighter shots, sometimes it makes sense not to do elaborate wire work,” Damon, 44, told reporters at a Toronto International Film Festival press conference on Friday, where he mimicked floating in space for a chuckling crowd. “You’re ‘in space,’ and you act while you’re standing on one foot and moving slowly. It’s totally, totally ridiculous, but within the confines of the frame, it totally works, and you can’t tell.”

Costar Mara, 32, added that there’s a certain art to making it look plausible.

“It feels very much like a dance, and there’s choreography to it, but then once you’re doing it, you really do feel like a little kid,” she said.

Chastain, 38, said the floating scenes were her favorite – and one of the reasons she signed on to the film.

“The zero-gravity stuff I was really looking forward to. When I got on set, I realized how many people are involved in that because there’s all these people in the pulley system that are controlling your movements that you then have to make look like you’re doing it, and it’s choreographed,” she said of working with the wires, which are eventually edited out of the final cut. “We’re just kind of along for the ride learning it, and I had so much fun.”

NASA was a consultant on the effects for that movie too.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 12:00:10 PM by Tom Bishop »


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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #75 on: August 09, 2018, 12:14:01 PM »
It does not surprise me in the least you choose to hold onto a purely subjective view concerning the footage in question.

Given the timestamp you offered, the man is not at free movement at all from the point. ::) ::)

Here's another. 19mins.

Tell us all where you see any lack of "free movement" ....
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.



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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #76 on: August 09, 2018, 12:22:45 PM »
The weightless scenes in The Martian was achieved with a combination of wire support and CGI. CGI, as in cutting the actor out from the green-screen and making him or her float in the scene.

So what? Have you any proof of this being done for the ISS footage?

NASA was a consultant on the effects for that movie too.

Again, so what?
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.



Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #77 on: August 09, 2018, 01:06:30 PM »
It does not surprise me in the least you choose to hold onto a purely subjective view concerning the footage in question.

Given the timestamp you offered, the man is not at free movement at all from the point. ::) ::)

Here's another. 19mins.

Tell us all where you see any lack of "free movement" ....
Much more in line with your earlier claim of "sailing around...",yet still not meeting the statement of "hours..."

These effects are present in nearly all sci-fi movies depicting space and have been mimicked as early as 2001: A Space Odyssey


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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #78 on: August 09, 2018, 01:23:30 PM »
totallackey may be correct. It is questionable whether a static magnetic field will even destroy a hard drive.

While I do not know how a magnet or hard drive will move inside the bore of an electromagnet; it seems that a static magnetic field alone may not be able to wipe a drive.
My guess would be that introducing just about any form of electronic device into such a powerful magnetic field would not be good for said electronic device.  Electromagnetic pulse, anyone?
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.


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Re: Incredible CGI / Parabolic Flight / Space Travel
« Reply #79 on: August 09, 2018, 01:28:18 PM »
Textbook FE. Ask for evidence, start by claiming that presented evidence doesn’t match the criteria, when more is presented which clearly does, call it fake.
Tom: "Claiming incredulity is a pretty bad argument. Calling it "insane" or "ridiculous" is not a good argument at all."

TFES Wiki Occam's Razor page, by Tom: "What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter to an escape velocity of 7 miles per second"