Spending time on this forum has made me question some things I've taken for granted as "truth", which can only be a good thing. So I'm going back and watching some old space station footage which I had previously just taken as fact.
For example:
The way the astronaut moves about the cabin in zero-g is a pretty convincing effect, if it's not real. So I'm trying to explore how that could be achieved were it not in space:
1. Parabolic flight - vom-com's generally only get about 25-65 seconds almost-weightless, according to the Wiki article
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduced-gravity_aircraft. Given that there's continuous footage in the video which lasts way, way longer than that perhaps it's safe to rule out reduced-gravity aircraft. The only other slim possibility is that the wiki time estimates are misleading and VomComs perform better than we're led to believe. Perhaps some physics pro's could wade in.
2. Special effects - NASA is often aligned to Hollywood on this forum, but I've never
ever seen special effects in a Hollywood space move that could rival this video. The clothes, the hair, miscellaneous objects all behave exactly as one might expect in zero-g. If I compelled an industry-leading VFX expert to make an assessment, would that be "evidence" enough?
I'll rule out wires as when her legs are horizontal her muscles clearly aren't tensing (if you've ever tried to hang from a bar and hold your legs at 90 degrees you'll know what I mean).
3. Is there another possibility?What are your thoughts on this?