IFLScience is certainly not a "clickfarm of dubious quality". The majority of its writers are holders
of science degrees; Masters, Bachelors, PhDs etc.
Yes, that's exactly why they cite the Daily Mash as their source. The quality of the article speaks for itself, and I encourage you to approach your sources more critically.
One of my compatriots who writes for the site,
professor Stephen Luntz, graduated from the University of Melbourne with degrees in science
(physics major) and arts (English Literature and the History and Philosophy of Science), followed
by a Graduate Diploma in Science Communication from the Australian National University.
Ah, so just slightly lower in the ranks of academia than me, then. Excellent, I guess my posts here will now automatically meet your standards for excellence, regardless of their content. After all, I hold some titles!
Why did you call him a "professor", by the way? Were you just misusing the title due to your lack of awareness?
The quality of its reporting far outstrips the low tabloid quality of the UK Mirror, which also reported
that 64% of its readers did not believe dinosaurs existed!
Why are you attributing the study they're citing to them, directly?
What makes you think it has anything to do with the Mirror's readers? Have you read the article? Do you understand how mainstream reporting on studies works?
Which of course, by extension, means that their alleged 52% of Apollo non-believers is pure nonsense.
Your incredulity alone is no reason to dismiss the pollsters' findings. Then again, you seem to like to dismiss things you personally dislike as "utter nonsense". This only reveals you to be an anti-scientific hack, and does not make your point for you.
Maybe it'd be advisable to amend the FE Wiki accordingly in order to maintain its integrity?
No, we will not be editing the Wiki to indicate that you personally don't like a fairly representative poll. A poll that was also reported on by a source you do like (IFLScience). You haven't even bothered to read about this piece of research, or any discussion that surrounded it here. Stop spamming the forum.