Ends of an axis; 2. North/South; 2. Positive/negative; 2. On/off; 2. Matter/vacuum; 2. Contents of my shorts; 2 (legs).
Where do we find 3 in nature?
Land, sea and air
Past, present and future
3 bones in each finger and each toe
3 notes in a major chord
3 leaves on a clover and many other plants
There are 3 primary colours
3 sides on the simplest shape possible - triangle
3 states of matter ... solid, liquid, gas
3 bones in the human ear ... hammer, anvil and stirrup
3 physical dimensions
3 parts to an atom ... proton, neutron, electron, 3 quarks in a neutron, 3 quarks in a proton
3 atoms on a water molecule ... kinda important for life
Kinda trumps the contents of your shorts (legs).