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Topics - panicp

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Flat Earth Community / Death of Mike Hughes
« on: February 23, 2020, 12:12:13 PM »

I find it genuinely baffling that nobody from the FET community didn't strongly counsel and/or advise Mike Hughes to NOT fly a home made rocket to his death.

I get that ultimately, it was his decision, I get that had he gained sufficient altitude, he would have disproved his own beliefs but seriously, did nobody within the FET community advise against him risking his life in such a foolhardy and ultimately counter-productive (for FET) scheme.

Despite the disagreements between heliocentrists and deluded FET fantasists, the death of someone in the vain pursuit of exposing their own indoctrinated nonsense should remain forever on the conscience of those who urged him on. Many heliocentric astronauts and cosmonauts have died in the pursuit of REAL science - on the ground, during launch, descent from orbit etc. These deaths were not a joke. They were really people who were trying to better mankind's understanding of all manner of problems. Way beyond some nonsense FET. Likewise Mike Hughes' tragic death. The tragic difference here is that he was duped into a ridiculous and unnecessary proof of something that is already beyond requiring any further evidence.

Effectively, he was duped by FET (theory and theorists) into recklessly risking his life. A risk that was too high.

For shame on you all.

RIP Mike Hughes

Flat Earth Community / Global Positioning System
« on: July 27, 2018, 03:43:31 PM »
The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) can pinpoint the location of your car (with it's coordinates) within a couple of metres. Wherever you are in the world.

Are proponents of the flat earth theory able to reliably use or indeed believe this system is truthfully reporting their position on the earth?

If you are a flat earth proponent, I'd like to respectfully ask:

1) Do you think this system is simply a fabrication/elaborate ploy engineered by the US and various collaborative governments to dupe people into believing in a spherical earth model?
2) Do you believe the Chinese Beidou GPS satellite based navigation system is also a fabrication/elaborate ploy to dupe the chinese into believing in a spherical earth model?
3) Anyone, anywhere in the world can lie under the stars, and watch various satellites cross the sky at predicable times and in predictable ways. Are these visible objects placed there by governments as a distraction to further make people believe in a spherical earth model?

4) In consideration of the above questions, and if, indeed, the earth if flat, why would any person, body, government or other, try to hard to maintain the theory of a spherical earth and for what purpose would they do this?

Thank you for your replies.

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