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Messages - 6or1/2Dozen

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Tides?
« on: January 05, 2018, 06:10:47 PM »
As in the other tide thread...

We arrived at these facts:

Compress-ability of the fluids is irrelevant to bobbing (as demonstrated by observational experiment)
Newton's second law of motion is true for object floating in water.
Bernoulli's principles are true for fluids.
The effect of tidal surge are derived from the motion of the fluid (water) under the influence of terrain effects consistent Bernoulli's principles, regardless of the nature of the accelerator. (as demonstrated by observational experiment)


These are not facts:

Analysis of barometric pressures and tides reveal that there is no causal relationship between them. (No references are provided as none were given to support the statement in the first place)

The north polar star does not bob up and down, it circles.


The difference:

FE: A constant tectonic motion exists, detect as a 'tremble' in a sensitive spirit level and is responsible for the tides.

RE: The lunar gravity differential field at the Earth's surface is the primary mechanism that drives tidal action and explains two equipotential tidal bulges, accounting for two daily high waters.


The land masses of Earth, being essentially solid rocks with a sprinkling of dust on top, would not float in water.
Even if they did float, they would not maintain there positions relative to each while floating in that water, especially with all those waves pushing against them all the time .

Based on Fact 4 of the 'Good Book', tiny little micro-nations in the Pacific should should be Tsunami'd into devastation every 12 hours or so, but are not.

Even a model that fixes the land masses to something else, a boat like like thing that floats (think of something like the SS Earth), which bobs in water. You get either the tides being the nothing more that water sloshing around in the bilge, but that a tide that sweeps across the surface left to right which doesn't match observations)


SS Earth is taking on water, i.e. sinking, thus raising the water level on the deck, but that makes it high tide everywhere all at once, and adds a Tidal bilge pump facility to pump all the water back out so we can have low tide again. (I imagine its located in close proximity to the to the Moon hologram projector facility).


Honestly, Chapter XII (or whatever it is) is an untenable argument, maybe it was OK 150 years ago, but now it's bunk. FE needs to consider updating it's conjecture. Personally, the best FE explanation I've seen went like this:

The lunar gravity differential field at the Earth's surface is the primary mechanism that drives tidal action.
The gravity differential field at the Earth's under-surface, caused by an 'Under-Moon', circulating 180 degree out of phase but otherwise identically to the 'Over-Moon', is the primary mechanism that drives antipodal tidal bulge.
Together their action accounts for two daily high waters.

(Personally, I'd go with this, as it fits the observed tidal effects and is impossible to disprove if you reject space travel)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Tides.
« on: January 04, 2018, 03:47:34 AM »
a bowl in water, but it’s more like a colander so the great deep waters can get to rise the tides? (Ever try floating a colander?)

Let’s try to move on.

"Facts 8, 9, 11, 12, and 16, show results that must necessarily follow this fluctuation of the earth. The velocity of the flood is greatest as it approaches land. If the waters were put in motion by the moon, the velocity would be greatest where the altitude was greatest or nearest the moon, and least the farthest from it or nearest the shores. The reverse is the case in nature.
The line of sight being at a given time above the pole-star, as shown in fact 16 (fig. 67), and in twelve hours afterwards below it, as shown in fig. 68, is exactly the result which must follow a slowly rising and falling earth.
Number 16 is a false claim. It’s been shown to rotate in a tight circle around, not vibrate up and down at, the northern celestial pole.
How does a slight trembling in a spirit level (11 and 12) relate to the velocity of an incoming tide? 8 and 9 are about Bernoulli's principle. The quick nutshell version is the this incoming water is getting squeezed between the seafloor and the atmosphere, we have every reason to expect the velocity to increase close to shore, and even faster as it’s pressed into a narrow river mouth, and this was demonstrated earlier."

This is blah, blah, something, something, forget about Bernoulli's principle, and make a statement that isn’t supported by any of the facts we spent a FREAKING hour discussing.

No part of this supports any argument.

"Facts 11 and 12 are also consistent with and necessarily attach to a slowly fluctuating elastic mass like the earth."

We discussed a slight trembling in a spirit level (11 and 12), not a 12 hour period of motion. Sorry, slight trembling does not equal 12 hours.

"In fact 10 we see the irregularity of time in flood and ebb, which arises from the irregular form of the bed of the waters. The submarine channels, banks, and depressions which exist in all directions, the action and reaction, mounting and "back-lashing" of the waters, produce the irregular times and altitudes of the tides observed and recorded in the hydrographic offices of different nations."

Yeah, that’s exactly what I said. The submarine channels, banks, and depressions, accelerate the inward (the action and reaction) via Bernoulli's principle, creating a tidal surge ("back-lashing" of the waters). Is there a particular reason Bernoulli's principle doesn’t work if the initial motion of the water if derived from gravitational energy as opposed the buoyancy energy (In case you missed it, I’m being sarcastic, as buoyancy requires an accelerator, this devolves into gravity or other gravity like force).

End result here, is both models predict this will happen and it does, so neither model can be proven invalid by it. (I.e. another hour of my life I’ll never get back).

"In fact 13 we see that out of the reach of the great bulk of the fluctuating earth the waters are but little disturbed; but if the waters were lifted up by the moon they would flow towards and flood the southern or antarctic lands as readily and to as great an extent as the land in the equatorial and northern regions."

Um, no. You’ve seemed to have confused your model for my model. See in you model, basically an earth bobbing up in down in the ocean, the tides would be fairly consistent everywhere, unless you’ve somehow figured out how to sink boat from the two places near the middle, while the actual middle and side don't sink in only two places at a time.

Don’t believe me, grab a paper plate. Make it into a colander. Now try to sink just two places, in the equatorial region, while keeping the center and edges dry. Good Luck.

Real Earth predict the greatest tides wherever the moon my roam. Given the Earths axial tilt plus the  Moons orbital inclination, that should be contained between 28.58 degrees North and South. That means they should be the least near the poles. Exactly as observed. Wiki it.

"In fact 14 we have a phenomenon which could not possibly exist if the tides arise from the action of the moon
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upon the water; for as the action would first be on the surface, that surface would be the first to show change of motion, and the bottom the last."

Oh, I get what he’s saying now. Undertow starts first. Because gravity isn’t inversely proportional to the square of the distance or anything. Why shouldn’t the water closer to the center of the Earth’s mass accelerate faster than water at the surface (just like gravity suggests)?

Remind me again how your colander boat Earth manages to both take on water and not sink at the same time?

"In fact 15 we see what could not be possible if the moon were the cause of tidal action by lifting the waters underneath her from their normal position. If the moon's attraction operates in one place, what can possibly prevent its action in all other places when and where the relative positions are the same? No direct explanatory answer has yet been given. If, however, the great inland lakes and seas are simply indentations in and upon the land, the water contained in them of course rises and falls with the earth on which they lie; there is no change in the relative level of land and water, and therefore no tide. Just as the fluctuations of a ship would show rising and falling, or ebb and flood tide outside the hull, any vessel on the deck, filled with water, would rise or fall with the ship, and would therefore exhibit no change of level--no tide."

Exactly, how much tide are you expecting in a lake? There’s not a whole lot of water to move around there. The Great Lakes only get a few inches of tide and they are huge!!!?!! Apparently someone has no idea how big an ocean is or realize that you can't actually make a mountain out of a mole hill.

On an interesting side note, the groundwater aquifer is subject to tidal forces. This is also unsurprising unless you think gravity stops at the surface, and accounts for tides in wells. The well is but a small window into that aquifer.

"Thus we have been carried forward by the sheer force of evidence to the conclusion that the tides of the sea do not arise from the attraction of the moon, but simply from the rising and falling of the floating earth in the waters of the "great deep." That calmness which is found to exist at the bottom of the great seas could not be possible if the waters were alternately raised by the moon and pulled down by the earth. The rising and falling motion would produce such an agitation or "churning" of the water that the "perfect repose," the growth of delicate organic structures, and the accumulation of flocculent matter called "ooze," which has been so generally found when
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taking soundings for deep-sea cables, could not exist. All would be in a state of confusion, turbidity, and mechanical admixture."

A) No, I have not been carried away by the shear force of evidence, mostly because it's all antedate stories from 1800's weekly fiction literature, not applicable or a fact supported in both theories (i.e. a wash).
B) Most of my observations involving a colander tell me the conjecture that the Earth is colander bobbing in a ocean, is hog-wash. Mostly because colander sink, not bob.
C) And a model that has water rushing in and out of holes in the seabed (I think?) doesn't seem like it would be the one to creates a calm seabed?

Hey let’s try it… Grab your paper plate, and let’s put some dirt on it. Now move it up in down in you water, sinking it in just two places, only in the equatorial region, while keeping the center and edges dry and not disturbing the dirt...

Lastly, in closing…

"The question: What has the moon to do with the tides? need not entirely be set aside. It is possible that in some at present unknown way this luminary may influence the atmosphere, increasing or diminishing its barometric pressure, and indirectly the rise and fall of the earth in the water; but of this there is not yet sufficient evidence, and therefore the answer remains for the future."


No, the proper answer is NOT in the “Good Book”.

Mostly it seems to say, Newton’s second law of motion and Bernoulli's principle are responsible for the tides, because the Earth floats in water, which floods up from holes in the seafloor, in a way creates two antipodal two high tides and two antipodal low tides, only near the equator whilst not creating the least bit of current on the seafloor, because spirit levels tremble and boats bob while floating in the ocean. Then, (although I’m not quite sure how) the sinking Earth, somehow (despite being holey like a colander, and having taken on water) doesn’t sink, but floats up to rinse and repeat, but with high in low tides slightly clockwise of their position for some reason that wasn't addressed.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Tides.
« on: January 04, 2018, 03:44:37 AM »
The times of ebb and flood and the altitude of the tides all over the known world are very various and irregular. Sometimes running up at one end of a river and down at the other, as in the river Thames. Sometimes the flood
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tide returning shortly after the usual and expected tide, as in Southampton waters, the St. Lawrence, the Amazon,, and other rivers.
PROOF. The hydrographic records of various governments--notably the English and American.

I’ve already conceded Bernoulli's principles holds true for fluids. This applies here as the incoming tide is being funneled into a river, the current speeds up overwhelming the outward flow of the river, creating a tidal surge. This surge can pick up quite a lot of velocity as the tide drives in, in shouldn’t be surprising that via Newton first law, this momentum will be conserved during and after slack water, only reversing direction once the outward flow of the river has exerted sufficient force upon it.

Again, sucky proof. Here’s an experiment you can do to validate my conjecture though.

1)   Get or make some playdough
2)   In a baking sheet, make two banks of a ‘river’ opening into a ‘sea’.
3)   Add some water
4)   Tilt the sheet to cause High tide at the river mouth. Note the tidal surge.
5)   Un-tilt and note the tidal surge. Notice how it take longer to drain than the ‘tide’? If you really good, you might even be able to see the tidal surge continue for moment after untilting.

FACT 11. Every ship, raft, or other floating mass, in addition to its visible fluctuation, has a tremulous motion or tremor of the whole body.
PROOF. On the deck of any vessel or other floating body let the most delicate instruments be placed, such as spirit-levels, poised compasses, &c., and the tremulous motion will easily be recognised.

FACT 12. The earth has a tremulous motion more or less at all times.
PROOF. If a delicate spirit-level be firmly fixed on a rock or on the most solid foundation it is possible to construct, and far away from the influence of any railway, or blasting or mining operations, the curious phenomenon will be observed of continual but irregular change in the position of the air bubble. However carefully the level may be adjusted, and the instrument protected from the atmosphere, the "bubble" will not maintain its position long together. A similar effect is noticed in the most
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favourably situated astronomical observatories, where instruments of the very best construction, and placed in the most approved positions, cannot always be relied upon. without occasional and systematic readjustment.

11 and 12 – Lovely, you detected the tectonic movements of Earth.

FACT 13. Tides in the extreme south are very small, and in some parts are scarcely perceptible.
PROOF. "The rise and fall of tide in Christmas Harbour, latitude 48° 41´ S, longitude 69° 3´ 35″ E., is remarkably small; not on any occasion amounting to more than 30 inches and the usual spring tides are generally less than two feet. The neap tide varies from four to twelve inches, and the diurnal inequality is, comparatively, very considerable." 2

I'll concede that tides a generally smaller as one gets nearer to the poles.

FACT 14. The tide generally turns a little earlier below than it does above.
PROOF. Colonel Pasley, when operating on the "Royal George," the war-ship which sunk at Spithead, was the first 'who observed and recorded this peculiarity, which has also
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been noticed during diving operations in Liverpool Bay and other places. 1
172:1 In "Household Words" for October 18th, 1856, the subject is referred to.

Yet another Victorian era weekly magazine, whose editor was Charles Dickens. I’m not really even sure what this is getting at…

FACT 15.--Many large inland seas or lakes are entirely without tide, while several wells of only a few feet in diameter have a considerable rise and fall in the water corresponding in times to the tide in a distant tidal sea.
PROOF---Many cases may be found in works on geography and geology.

Clearly, it was time to slip in half-truths. This is a very broad ‘fact’, like saying ‘Many large birds can’t fly, while several very small one can.’ Alternately, many large inland sea and lakes do exhibit tides, while many wells a few feet in diameter don’t. Circular argument…

FACT 16.--If, at any hour of the night, a telescope is firmly fixed, securely lashed to any solid object, and turned to the pole-star, it will be found on continuing the observation for some hours that the star "Polaris" does not maintain its position, but seems to slowly rise and fall in the field of view of the telescope. The line-of-sight will be sometimes above it; in about twelve hours it will be below it; and in another twelve hours it will again be above the star.

Interestingly, no proof given. There’s a nice diagram, however, this ‘fact’ is very misleading. Yes, Polaris is not exactly at the celestial pole. It will have an apparent motion of circling the pole and the period will be twenty-four hours. If you discuss only two points in time 12 hours apart, the motion would appear on up and down, but in reality it circular.

Thankfully, we get past that exhaustion of fantasy and start looking at how these ‘facts’ result in the tides. So let’s start dissecting this.

"The facts 1 to 7 fully enable us to establish syllogistically the groundwork of the reply. All bodies floating in an in-compressible medium, and exposed to atmospheric pressure, fluctuate, or rise and fall in that medium." [sic]

Well, we already determined number 7 was total crap and shown the “gentle and regular fluctuating motion” (Number 4 -1) is caused by the frequency and amplitude of surface waves.

Number 1, while true does not affect a floating body’s ability to ‘bob’ in an [nearly] in-compressible medium. The compress-ability of the less dense fluid also makes no bearing on this (Number 3) and actually the compress-ability of the fluid (number 2) of higher density is also irrelevant. Experiment time…

1)   Find a tealight candle that floats on water and sinks in Isopropyl alcohol (most do)
2)   Fill a drinking glass ¼ the way with water
3)   Add the candle
4)   Add a fair layer of with mineral or vegetable oil (this keeps the water and alcohol from mixing) you can repeat with different amounts of oil if you like.
5)   Fill ¼ the way with Isopropyl alcohol
6)   Gently swirl and note the bobbing of the candle as it floats in water (in an [nearly] in-compressible medium), with another in an [nearly] in-compressible medium (Alcohol)

Even cooler… … fill ¼ way with Sulfur Hexaflouride (a compressible gas) then float a small paper boat on it (that the cool part BTW). The rest is already filled with air and the gases won’t mix readily. Now you can make a boat, which is floating in mid-air bob.

This mostly proves that the compress-ability or lack thereof of either medium has anything to do with this. We didn’t do a compressible medium under an [nearly] in-compressible one, but liquids tend to be more dense than gases which makes it real hard to keep them on top.  Basically,  we just had our time wasted reading 5 out of 7 ‘facts’ that add no value to this. The end result being this assertation basically saying:

Newton’s second law of motion enables us to say, all bodies floating in a medium fluctuate, or rise and fall in that medium proportionally to the amplitude (measured in meters traveled per second per each second traveled) of the surface wave divided by their mass with a period defined by the frequency of the wave lengths.

Unless you’re suggesting there are two ocean waves perpetually circling around that cause the tides, this is not some sort of brilliance that helps us.

"The earth is a vast irregular structure, stretched out upon and standing or floating in the incompressible waters of the "great deep."
Ergo--The earth has, of necessity, a motion of fluctuation."

This is really open ended, and I’m not sure exactly what it’s trying to say.
"The earth is a vast irregular structure, [Yes, we all agree on that]
stretched out upon [not sure what stretching has to do with this, the only elasticity mentioned to this point was that of air]
and standing or floating in the incompressible waters of the "great deep."



Is it standing or floating?

Because if it’s standing, why the hell did we spend a FREAKING hour discussing how boats floats on the ocean!??!! More on that thought in a second though…

"Hence, when by the pressure of the atmosphere, the earth is depressed or forced slowly down into the "great deep," the waters immediately close in upon the receding bays and headlands, and produce the flood tide; and
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when, by reaction, the earth slowly ascends, the waters recede, and the result is the ebb tide."

We need stop right here for a little reality check.

Do churches float in water? No, they don’t … …because they are made of rocks. The surface of the Earth is essentially made of rocks. (Sprinkle a little logic on that) Ergo – the Earth does not float in water.

Why the hell did we spend a FREAKING hour discussing how boat floats on the ocean, when your end game was ‘The Earth floats in water’? I wish we could have just skipped to this part because I could have immediately told you "Um, no, rocks generally don’t float", especially ones that take on water.

Oh, BTW, if the continent are affixed to the seafloor, and thus together, why aren’t they floating around like bath bubbles, or are you suggesting the seafloor floats in the great deep, like floating

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Tides.
« on: January 04, 2018, 03:44:15 AM »
FACT 1.--There is a constant but variable pressure of the atmosphere upon the surface of the earth and all the waters of the seas and lakes which lie upon and within it, and upon all the oceans which surround it.
PROOF.--The workings of an air-pump, and the readings of the barometer wherever experiments have been made. During storms at sea it has been found that the commotion is almost confined to the surface, and seldom extends to a hundred feet below: at which depth the water is always calm, except in the path of currents and local submarine peculiarities.

Concede as true – Noting that the reading of a barometer is an observation, not an experiment. Not sure what how water being calmer below the surface ‘proves’ anything about a constant but variable air pressure. But let’s explore the quotations:

But first, let’s see what the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science has to say about this:
“Damaging currents can extend down to at least 300 feet below the surface, capable of dismantling coral reefs, relocating ship wrecks, breaking oil pipelines, and displacing huge volumes of sand on the seabed.”


"It is amazing how superficial is the most terrible tempest; divers assure us that in the greatest storms calm water is found at the depth of 90 feet.” 1
Reference: 161:1 "Chambers’ [sic] Journals," No. 100, p. 379.”
A)   The Chambers’s Journal was a 16-page weekly work of Victorian era fiction, this is like pulling quotes out the ‘Chronicles of Narnia’
B)   There like six No 100, only 2 before 1881 and none seem to have this quoted on page 379 (probably because it was a 16 page weekly journal). The archived arranges them into volume and series, but still I can’t seem to find this on any page 379 of any volume containing No. 100.
C)   “Divers assure us” = Anecdotal narrative that is not consistent with observable evidence.

"This motion of the surface of the sea is not perceptible to a great depth. In the strongest gale it is supposed not to extend beyond 72 feet below the surface; and at the depth of 90 feet, the sea is perfectly still." 1
Reference: 162:1 "Penny Cyclopœdia," Art. "Sea."
A)   The Penny Cyclopœdia wasn’t even important enough to garner a Wikipedia page and Google barely even mentions it in passing. Probably another work of Victorian era fiction, but I was unable to verify the reference.
B)   “it is supposed not to extend” = I’m supposed to get a raise every year, doesn’t mean that’s what actually happens.

"The people are under a great mistake who believe that the substance of the water moves to any considerable depth in a storm at sea. It is only the form or shadow which hurries along like a spirit, or like a thought over the countenance of the 'great deep,' at the rate of some forty miles an hour. Even when the 'Flying Dutchman' is abroad, the great mass of water continues undisturbed and nearly motionless a few feet below the surface." 2
162:2 "London Saturday Journal," p. 71, for August 8th, 1840:
A)   Another work of Victorian era general interest magazine of short fiction and non-fiction pieces.
B)   This quote cannot be found within (admittedly I didn’t kill myself trying though).
C)   Because we should expect a tiny little boat to move a whole ocean?

"The unabraded appearance of the shells brought up from great depths, and the almost total absence of the mixture of any detritus from the sea, or foreign matter, suggest most forcibly the idea of perfect repose at the bottom of the deep sea." 3
162:3 "Physical Geography of the Sea," p. 265. By Lieut. Maury, U.S.
A)   At least we finally reached a work of scientific value. Physical Geography of the Sea is rightfully regarded as the first textbook of modern oceanography and its author often called the "father of naval oceanography."
B)   A good archive was available online at:
C)   Unfortunately, this quote appears nowhere in the book.
There’s a nice poem. Not attributed and no reference provided, this commonly indicates an author’s own work. It’s nice that he wrote a poem.

So, after filtering out the garbage, we’re left with this [yes, air-pumps work].

FACT 1.--There is a constant but variable pressure of the atmosphere upon the surface of the earth and all the waters of the seas and lakes which lie upon and within it, and upon all the oceans which surround it.
PROOF.--The workings of an air-pump, and the readings of the barometer wherever experiments observations have been made.

FACT 2. Water is (except to a very small degree), incompressible.
PROOF. Globes of metal--of gold and silver, of lead and of iron, the last a large bomb-shell, have been filled with water, and subjected to the force of powerful hydraulic machinery, and in every instance it was found impossible to make them receive any appreciable addition. In some
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instances, when the hydraulic pressure became very great, the water, instead of exhibiting any signs of compression, was observed to ooze through the pores of the metal, and to appear on the outer surface like a fine dew or perspiration.

The fact is true. Non-gaseous fluids are not very compressible.

“The low compressibility of non-gases, and of water in particular, leads to their often being assumed as incompressible. The low compressibility of water means that even in the deep oceans at 4 km depth, where pressures are 40 MPa, there is only a 1.8% decrease in volume.

FACT 3. The atmospheric air is very elastic and greatly compressible.
PROOF. The condensation of air in the chamber of an air-gun; and numerous experiments with an air-pump, condensing syringe, and similar apparatus.

The fact is true. Gaseous fluids are generally compressible.

FACT 4. If a raft, a buoy, a ship, or any other structure which floats on the open sea, is carefully observed, it will be seen to have a gentle and regular fluctuating motion.
PROOF. However calm the water and the atmosphere, this gradual and alternate rising and falling of the floating mass will generally be visible to the naked eye. But a telescope (which magnifies motion as well as bulk) will show its existence invariably.

So, this is not true. Tell three truths then lie is a classic.
On perfectly calm water there will be no rise and fall of the floating mass. This can’t actually be proven either way though, because perfect calm at sea really doesn’t exist. In a controlled environment (called a laboratory) this would easy to validate at a smaller scale.

I wouldn’t call this a “gentle and regular fluctuating motion” :

Also what fluctuating motion are you talking about? Are you talking front to back, left to right or up and down? And what do ocean swells have to do with tides anyhow? And what is the period of this fluctuation?

FACT 4. Floating masses of different sizes and densities, being in the same waters, and acted upon by the .same influences, fluctuate with different velocities.
PROOF. Observation with the naked eye and with the telescope.

Aside from being Fact 4 - Volume 2, that’s ad hominem, but as a matter of humor, accidentally repeating a number is no big deal.

I concede Newton’s second law of motion holds true for floating masses.

FACT 6. The largest and heaviest floating masses fluctuate less rapidly than the smallest and lightest.
PROOF. Observation as above. A very striking illustration of the facts 4, 5, and 6, was observed by the author and many friends in Plymouth Bay, in the autumn of 1864. He had previously .delivered a course of lectures

Apparently we don’t get an Fact 5.

I concede Newton’s second law of motion holds true for floating masses.

I’d like to note that the ‘proofs’ on these suck. Telling me what I see is not proof, you need to tell me why this is what I see. An observation is not a proof. (If you doubt that, youtube some optical illusion videos).

FACT 7. Wherever the general pressure of the atmosphere is greatest or least, so are tides in the ocean less or greater than usual.
PROOF. The records of self-registering barometers in use in various parts of the world.

Blatantly false. Analysis of barometric pressure reveals no correlation to tidal heights. No references provide = none given.

FACT 8. The velocity of a flood-tide increases as it approaches land.
PROOF. Actual experiment. It is also a fact well known to sailors engaged in coasting service.

I concede Bernoulli's principles holds true for fluids.

FACT 9. If we go out in a boat with an ebb tide, we find the velocity decreasing as we leave the shores and channels, until we reach a certain point where the water is found to merely rise and fall but not to progress.
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PROOF. Actual experiment, often tried by, and well known to, pilots and masters of tug steamers.

I concede Bernoulli's principles holds true for fluids.

FACT 10. The times of ebb and flood tide at any given part are not regularly exact, often being from half-an-hour to one hour or more before and after the "Port Establishment time."

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Why is earth special?
« on: December 28, 2017, 09:46:41 PM »
1: Gravity does not exist; it is a product of a biased scientific community. Everything in observable physics can be explained through the laws of buoyancy, no gravity needed. The Universe, encased in the Celestial Ocean, accelerates upwards.

False. An attractive force between two masses is easily shown to exist. The simplest is the The Cavendish Experiment, of which literally hundreds of demonstrations can be found online, if you don't feel like taking the time to do it yourself.

There are other more complex demonstrations available that address the criticisms of The Cavendish Experiment, but generally require prohibitively expensive equipment to perform, my suggestion is based on cost effectiveness to give you something you can do in your living room to demonstrate that gravitational attraction between masses does exist.

2: The planets do exist. Or, well, they do not exist in the same way NASA tells you. In my Celestial Ocean Theory, which I find the most reliable, the planets - as well as meteorites - are simply debris generated by cracks in the Firmament. This debris floats above the Sun and the Moon as the laws of buoyancy dictate.

Which implies that the Sun, the Moon are less dense than air (it can't be a vacuum up there as buoyancy requires a fluid medium) while meteoroids are even less dense, right up until that point where they become more dense and fallen to Earth as a meteorite.

Also, how does cracks in the firmament, which you claim that Libyan Desert Glass are pieces of, 'generate' a solid iron object (which is less dense than air up to the point where it isn't anymore)?

3: The exact nature of the ice walls are unknown, but according to COT, they are not actually holding the oceans in; they are simply supporting the Firmament. We will probably never get to know the exact nature of the Ice Walls because Antarctica is heavily guarded and it is almost impossible for civilians to be allowed to reach the South Pole (Because it doesn't exist).

The South Pole is a tourist destination:

Not touching #4, because saying something like "because, you know, the success of total population control is totally dependent on the shape of the surface" would probably get me banned.

Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon that occurs when a small gas bubble is acoustically suspended and periodically driven in a liquid solution at ultrasonic frequencies, resulting in bubble collapse, cavitation, and light emission, with a relatively 'bright' flash generating 1.50×10-12 W/nm2 of radiance. Typically in MBSL, the light emission from each individual bubble is weaker than in SBSL because the neighboring bubbles can interact and affect each other.

Even from your image, it can be seen that Sonoluminescence is very dim and very small. The camera is obviously very close and there maybe a significant amount of magnification. That just not enough photons to excite the retina from 3000+ miles (or light-years away), not to mention it would be well below the (about) 1 arc-minute limit of visual acuity at that distance.

P and S waves are generally limited to sub-sonic frequencies (less than 10Hz). So tectonic resonance is unlikely to be the required source of sound. Additionally, since the stars are relatively fixed in position, you would need a stable oscillator, which tectonic movement is not. An earthquake would wreak havoc, not just on the ground, but in the 'stars' as well.

The 'explanation' of Libyan desert glass being pieces of the firmament is also very non-sequester. Why is only found in the deserts of eastern Libya and western Egypt? I understand you're proposing the angular velocity of the swirling celestial ocean is the fastest between the tropics, thus being more likely for pieces to break off in those areas. This would suggest desert glass should be found everywhere between the Tropics. Why there isn't deserts glass found in Western Sahara, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Algeria, Tunisia, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Madagascar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Southern China, Australia, Mexico, Texas, Chile and Argentina (and most places in-between).

If Serein is caused by holes in this firmament, why does it stop? Is this firmament also self-sealing, despite being brittle and glass-like? How does not fully shatter if one section does? (Try breaking just a little section of a window) Even if it's, like, laminated firmament, it seems almost any crack is going to spread (like in a car windshield).

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